The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 220: I actually care

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Will Dumbledore be missed?

It's only been less than two weeks since I went to the school infirmary.

Of course there will be.


Everyone seems to have no time to miss the time of the old headmaster. After all, the great changes that the young new headmaster Lockhart brought to Hogwarts is absolutely crazy.

The first is Professor McGonagall. She seems to have a second spring, and she walks with wind.

"I will strictly select the team members, and I will never allow anyone to sully the reputation of Hogwarts with that bad broomstick skill! We are going to leave the school to play!" Professor McGonagall looked particularly serious, "but I hope that Anyone in Ryffindor can choose."

She gave a shocking speech in the Gryffindor common room, at the end, looking at a few people standing nearby.

"George and Fred, I want you to put away your playful temper. It's a fight."

The twins hurriedly bowed their heads high, "Yes, sir."

"Harry, as long as you stay in good shape, I'm sure you'll be a Seeker for the Gold Cup."

Ron and Hermione gave Harry an encouraging look, and Harry nodded vigorously.

"Wood, you'd better go to the library to read more materials during this time, and put your energy into tactical deductions. I believe you will be a good captain."


Other professors are also busy.

New magic interest groups appear every day, and interesting topics are put on the professors' desks, waiting for a professor to sign their name, so that their group research can be allowed to start research.

The results of the research are eligible for inclusion in the Hogwarts Daily Journal.

You know, if the paper is published, your name will be printed in tens of thousands of newspapers, flying to every family in Europe!

Even the parents are crazy, okay? The owls flying in the sky at Hogwarts almost never stopped for a moment.

"Oh, my God, look." Professor Flitwick waved at Sprout with a piece of parchment, "this group called 'Black Lake Pearl', their topic is "The Curse of Water and Water" Comparison of the influence of ordinary spring water on the cultivation of herbal medicine.”

Professor Sprout was also delighted, "No no, Flitwick, you should read this, "Growing Fire Ash Snakes with Burning Barber Flowers", guess what they will research?"

Flitwick's eyes lit up, "They'll find a flame like a raging fire, oh Pomona, I'm starting to look forward to it."

"Yes, maybe they need some help from Hagrid."


There was a rush of footsteps all over the school, and everyone was busy.

Even Filch was crowded with little wizards, and an interest group composed of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor students was rubbing against Filch, "Can you tell us about Hogwarts Castle? Well, our topic is "What function does a magic school in the new era need to fulfill?"

God, Filch has never had this kind of 'need' experience, and he's so happy.


Of course, our new Principal is indispensable, and he is also very busy.

Lockhart is choosing a site by the Black Lake, and plans to erect a ten-meter-high statue for himself here, so that everyone can see his handsome and charming smile.

The wither image needs to be here for a long time, but there is no way to make one with a shapeshifting spell (in fact, neither does he, and McGonagall refused his request.).

To this end, Lockhart approached Lupin and asked to see if there was any way.

Unexpectedly, Lupin actually had it. He recommended a fairy factory to him, and told him that although the factory owner Pedro asked for a higher price, the level of their factory was absolutely trustworthy.

Anyway, that's it, everyone became so busy, and the school became so lively overnight.


Only Anton, only Anton, carried a jar of honey from the back kitchen of the school to console the poor, dying old principal who was dying of illness.

have a look!

have a look!

Who is Dumbledore's loyal student?

Just ask, who else!

"Put away your schadenfreude, don't expect to see any reaction from me!" Old Deng grabbed a pile of cockroaches and threw it into his mouth with a displeased expression.

Anton shrugged, trying not to make himself happy, "Actually, I want to ask you."

"We all know that Grindelwald has surpassed the knowledge of ordinary wizards in terms of human body transformation. Do you think it is possible that this Lockhart..."

"No!" Dumbledore snorted coldly, "Have you only thought of it now? I've seen it long ago."

"Oh, that's it."

After getting the information he wanted to know, Anton was ready to leave. Basically, Lao Deng could already consider taking the opportunity to withdraw from the stage of history.

"Anton..." Dumbledore's tone sounded faintly from behind.

"Do you think I'm a good principal?"


Anton turned his head and looked at Dumbledore up and down. The old man looked a little gloomy and looked at himself eagerly, as if hoping for some recognition.

He chuckled lightly.

"You should ask Professor McGonagall or Harry Potter about that. You can't expect to hear anything good from me since you called Lupin to this school."

Dumbledore sighed, "Can you tell me about it, for the sake of giving you lessons before, tell me about it well."

"in particular……"

Old Deng's eyes flickered, "Especially you know everything, right? After all, you have traveled into the world of novels and have known everything for a long time. I hope you can evaluate it from the perspective of a bystander."


Anton stared at Dumbledore, his eyes twitched in disbelief, "Fiction world?"

Dumbledore's eyes seemed to penetrate everything, staring closely at Anton.

"Don't put on that shocked look, it's so fake, Anton. You're going to be innocent, even Tom knows it."

Countless mists filled Dumbledore's eyes, and gradually, all the wards of the school infirmary were covered in white mist, as if Dumbledore and Anton were the only ones left in the world.

have to.

The old man looked serious.

Although Anton is unhappy watching Dumbledore now, he is especially unhappy!

But one point is still very clear. Old Deng is the ceiling of the Harry Potter world, and he is almost catching up with the gods who can do whatever he wants.

Even Lockhart knew how to treat this old principal with care. The first thing he did when he woke up every day was to come over and ask for help. How could Anton not have such a clear understanding.

"The world of novels..." An Dong raised his head and squinted, sighing inexplicably.

"If you didn't mention it, I would have forgotten about it myself."

He thought about it for a while, then he simply came to the hospital bed opposite Dumbledore and sat down, looking at Dumbledore with interest, "No wonder you started to flip the table and rotten it, haha, I think this world is fake, I think Your life is fake, right?"

"It's really fun."

"Dumbledore, have you heard of 'brain in a vat'?"

Dumbledore took off his glasses and wiped it with the hem of his clothes, "A hypothesis put forward in the book "Reason, Truth and History", which is already a book ten years ago."

"Really?" Anton froze for a moment.

Old Deng shrugged proudly, "It's not just Lockhart who has an open vision."


Deng, do you mind so much?

Anton snickered, "In this case, let's have a conversation between smart people, and we don't need to talk about the topic of existence is truth."

"In general, you can think of me as a prophet similar to Grindelwald, except that he can predict the future at any time, and I can only see the side that was not changed at the beginning. In fact, it has almost changed now. already."

"No!" Dumbledore stared at Anton, chewing the chocolate frog in his mouth vigorously, "You're not the same as Grindelwald, you're much more hateful than him!"

"Merlin's hollow panties!" Anton grabbed a box of Chocolate Frogs from Dumbledore's plate with a displeased expression, "I can't have a good ah?"


Forget it, everyone is an annoying character, and there is no need to say who is with whom.

Anton thought for a while and stared at Dumbledore seriously, "You have been involved in many fields, and all of them have achieved great success. President of the International Federation of Wizards, Chief Wizard of Wizengamore, President of the Order of the Phoenix, Huo Huo Principal of Gwarts School..."

"I don't know much about you."

"Even what kind of person you are... Since I no longer trust those memories in my mind, I can't really be sure what you are."

Anton tugged at the packaging of the Chocolate Frog, "Everyone is so complicated, we don't even know ourselves, let alone other people?"

"Maybe you can start by saying, which identity do you care about the most?"

"This question..." Dumbledore was silent for a moment, "I didn't know it before, but my heart is as bad as yours, and I don't even care about death..."

"But ah..."

Dumbledore chuckled lightly, and his glasses flashed a stream of light, "After that kid stole my headmaster position, I found out that I care a lot!"

"Studied at Hogwarts, went back to school as a teacher, Transfiguration teacher, Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Headmaster, and then Headmaster. I've given Hogwarts almost my whole life, and this is my home ."

He looked more serious than ever before, "I found out that I actually care a lot."

"Oh~ that's awesome." Anton laughed, he finally tore open the box, and neatly grabbed the chocolate frog that jumped up and tried to escape, "You don't know if you care until you lose, my teacher Fiennes is after death. I just long for a real life, you have a fight with him, and you don't know what you want until you don't have it."

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