The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 221: I don't know why I want to laugh

, !

"Yes, Headmaster of Hogwarts, it's almost the meaning of my life."

"It's really different for me."

"International Confederation of Wizards? Wizengamot? Order of the Phoenix? Actually, I don't care that much, it's just a responsibility that I have to take on."

"Only Hogwarts, that is a love that I would never be willing to lose."

Dumbledore's old voice was full of fascination.

"That's enough." An Dong clapped his hands and spread them out, "Since you have discovered the meaning of life, then go for it and grab it back. What kind of person are you? It is necessary to care about others. evaluation?"

Dumbledore nodded, then froze for a moment, "You are a very cunning child, obviously you were asking your evaluation of my past as a principal, and you were almost bypassed by you."

Anton sneered.

"If I hadn't been able to beat you, I'd have a lot of bad things to say, Dumbledore."

He rolled his eyes, "Can't you take a good look at yourself? How is your headmaster? Haha~"

you just...

Don't have a figure of your own?

Dumbledore's eyes widened, "Merlin's beard, you are such a disgusting child!"

"You too, Dumbledore."


"I'm really crazy to choose to chat with you!"

"Me too, Dumbledore."


Anton only felt his eyes dazzled, and suddenly found himself outside the school infirmary, staggered and almost lost his footing.

What the hell!

You bad old man is very bad.

But I still expelled me?

Anton made a graceful gesture fiercely.

"?!!!" Anton suddenly froze, "Apparation?"

This is the authority of the headmaster of Hogwarts!

How could Lao Deng still exist?

Anton blinked, stared at the school infirmary, and then turned to look at Lockhart, who was yelling far away by the Black Lake outside the corridor, the corners of his mouth hooked up slightly, "Interesting."




Anton found that Lockhart was actually quite powerful.

It seems to be reforming the four colleges of the school, but in fact, it has contributed to a healthy competitive atmosphere where everyone is earning points for their own colleges.

Of course, if you look at it from a more conspiracy theoretic perspective, Lockhart's methods are not unskilled.

He almost directly set up Professor McGonagall, a prestigious vice-principal, with the school's honor, keeping her away from the school's main decision-making circle, and even led the team to leave the school for a long time.

Slowly, Rita, who has mastered the right to publish student papers in newspapers, will replace Professor McGonagall's prestige in front of students, become Lockhart's right arm, and even be promoted to vice president.


If you take into account the changes at Hogwarts some time ago.

Lockhart may also be protecting himself, stirring up the situation, and attracting the attention of the United Kingdom and even Europe, then he may not die so easily.

At least he expelled the school managers in the open, and if he died, these school managers would be put on fire instead.

It's very interesting, obviously wanting to kill Lockhart, these school directors may be most afraid of when Lockhart will be killed and splashed with dirty water on themselves.

Anton thinks this angle will be more reasonable.

Lockhart is good at doing this kind of thing, first attracting everyone's attention with the negative news of expelling the school manager, then holding everyone firmly with sensitive and extremely controversial topics, and finally using the school Quidditch team and Knowledge newspapers hook everyone's expectations.

This way of manipulating the topic is exactly the same as the way he used to operate himself to become a best-selling author.

Simply a miracle.

Hogwarts, where the storm was about to come, the sizzling explosive barrel lead suddenly went out quietly and silently.

All the ghosts and monsters hid.

Dark tide surging.

Everything is changing silently, for better and for worse.


Dumbledore's Army disintegrated silently.

All the emotional students were attracted by the two major changes in the school. They either went to the Quidditch pitch or watched others work hard, or called friends to form a magic interest group, looking forward to writing a book at a young age. A shocking thesis, famous all over the world.

Anton walked alone by the black lake and walked slowly to the hut.

The cabin was very quiet, so quiet that it felt inexplicably empty.

The vines of the elephant-eating vine swayed and greeted Anton.

"Hello, little guy." An Dong smiled and picked the flower buds of the picky elephant vine.

The vine grows a small mouth full of fangs, and makes a comfortable cry of 'woo woo woo'.

He took out the sealed bag from the snuff box and poured out a lot of flesh and blood. Elephant vine hurriedly took out the vine and rushed towards it, like a child who saw candy.

"Giggle." Anton was amused, "eat slowly, and there's more."

He squatted on the ground and watched the fangs on the vine gnawing at the meat, and patted the little head made of ivy, "It's so good."

After clapping his hands and standing up, Anton took a deep breath and squinted to look at Hogwarts Castle on the other side of the Black Lake.

The sky was still thick with clouds, but it was no longer so gloomy. The thick clumps looked like oversized marshmallows, slowly drifting and rolling forward with the wind.

There was a gentle breeze, and the forbidden forest next to the hut made the sound of rustling leaves rustling.

From time to time, bubbles would pop up from the tranquil water surface of the Black Lake. If you were standing on the balcony on the second floor of the hut, you could sometimes see a horse-shaped water monster breaking through the lake and swimming freely.

Quietly entering the October school, inexplicably makes people feel a little cool.

Anton tightened his wizard robe, put his hands in his pockets, and watched all this with a smile.

Life is a journey of constantly looking for one's own position, and it is also an exploration of constantly looking for the meaning of one's life. This kind of unknown but clear-cut pursuit is the easiest to move people's hearts.

A lot has happened in the first month of the school year, and Anton has experienced Tom Riddle's memories, his own past life memories, and began to realize his desires.

A ray of sunlight illuminates the front, warm and firm enough.

Yes, he was a man of life, not someone like Snape who was gifted for fighting, nor someone who dedicated himself like Lupin, nor someone who wanted to change the world like Voldemort, or someone who wanted to live a good life. day people.

That's all.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Except because of this mentality, he always doesn't have much talent for spells on the combat side, and he is always good at some magic that is not very useful.

He would have wondered why.

Now he re-examines it with the eyes of a past life, and only then does he discover the reason.

Because he thinks floating spells, bread spells, moving figures, and transformation spells are magical, mysterious, and interesting.

In fact, he doesn't really like the Cruciatus or the Death-suppressing Charm that much. He doesn't have the enthusiasm in his heart, and naturally he can't talk about any talent.

He raised his hand slightly and made a gesture that he thought was mysterious and cool, as if he was about to touch the clouds in the sky.

Clouds roll.

A gap appeared, and in an instant, a beam of sunlight pierced through the heavens and the earth, yellow and orange, and warm, shining on the black lake.

Then, beam after beam of light appeared over Hogwarts Castle.

It looks beautiful.

"This looks much better." Anton looked at all this with a smile.

The wall of the elephant-eating vine cracked a gap with his mind, and he slowly turned around and walked in.

"There are still a lot of things to do. The Patronus Charm needs to be studied, the weather spell needs to be studied, and the Sunshine Delicious Mantra needs to be studied. There are too many, too many to count."

stretched out...


Anton blinked and found a staircase made of ivy-eating vines extending underground, which was the hall he originally planned to open for Dumbledore's army training.

"Hey, who else is here?"

Going down the stairs and turning a corner, Anton froze for a moment, "George, Fred, why are you here?"

The selection match on the Quidditch pitch is very lively now, and the shouting over there is almost coming to this side.

But George and Fred weren't even there?

These two brothers love Quidditch very much.

George shrugged, "We've given up on Quidditch. It's a pity that we have to go to an off-campus match, which we can't accept."

"Yes." Fred put his arm on George's shoulder. "We don't have much time."

" we want to make war chess."

"And exploring the Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets."

"And research all kinds of interesting magic props."

The two of them looked at each other, "We're too busy."

At this moment, Lupin's voice came from the round door of the wall on one side of the hall, "Neville, pay attention to cooperate with Hannah, yes, yes, the reaction to release the floating spell at this time is too right, Hannah, yours The dance mantra was also a lot of fun, effectively disrupting the rune's attack, great!"

Anton was stunned for a moment, then pointed over there and looked at the twins.

George packed up the manuscript on the table, "Professor Lupin said that he would take us to the secret room full of lightning and will wait for you to come back, but we can't find you."

"You haven't come back, they went inside to train first." Fred shrugged.


An Dong looked at them blankly, listening to the voices of the three people in the snake cave, and wanted to laugh for some reason.

Smile extraordinarily bright.

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