The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Vol 2 Chapter 553: Anton's future plans for Dudley

bang bang bang~~

Early in the morning, there was a knock on Harry's door.

"Harry, get up, hurry up, Harry, Harry Potter!" the uncle shouted throughout the building.

Merlin's beard!

Don't wake me up to do my homework again!

Harry was frightened by the roar and sat up from the bed, dazedly listened to the screams outside the door, lay down on the bed softly, and finally got up in a panic.

Oh~ Harry never imagined that for the first time he would get bored with magic.

Homework, homework, homework!

Wouldn't it be nice if he copied it when he got back to school?



The door was rudely opened, and my uncle's burly and plump body filled the entire door frame, "Boy, you should get up. Yesterday, Anton called me and agreed to come and visit today."


Harry blinked, "Anton... phone?"

The sleepy head is even more confused, he even has a confused feeling, isn't Anthony Weasley a wizard, he should write an owl to contact him, make a phone call...

After washing, eating breakfast, when Aunt Petunia had just finished making a pot of morning tea, the family was standing in the lobby on the first floor, and there was a knock on the door.

The uncle looked at the teapot brought out by his aunt in surprise, and stood up, "Oh~, for the first time, I thought that wizards are also gentlemen.

Dudley hurried to open the door. It was Anton, and there was a girl who looked very delicate.

Anton smiled and took a box from Anna's hand and handed it to Dudley, looking at Vernon and Penny as they approached, "Gentlemen won't visit early in the morning, but I brought breakfast, maybe we can chat while Taste, it's made by my house-elf."

"House-elf?" Vernon murmured in some amazement, pulling Dudley aside quickly. "Come on, come in."

"This is Anna Rozier. We met before. She recently transferred schools, and she is going to Diagon Alley with us today to buy things for admission."

Anton introduced each other to everyone and walked into the house with this enthusiastic family.

It was Mr Rozier's decision that Anna transferred to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

To this end, a meeting was held at home to discuss this matter. Mr. Rozier was keenly aware of the changes in this society. He even examined the degree of response of each school after the change.

As a trustee, Mr Rozier wrote to Headmaster Karkaroff about the way the Hogwarts professors are teaching collectively around the perspective of Muggles, Werewolves and Purebloods, hoping that their Headmaster, Mr. Can make some changes.

Unfortunately, Durmstrang, who was born to feel noble, could not make these changes at all. This school, which only recruits descendants of pure-blood families, is full of aristocratic decay and staleness.

Mr. Rozier felt that his daughter was a top wizard who was countless times better than Anton's talent, so he resolutely chose to fire the school and went through the transfer procedures for Anna.

"Hey Harry."

"Ann... Anthony, hello."

As everyone took their seats on the sofa, Anton smiled and took Ms. Penny's teacup and began to introduce.

"In the early days of the wizarding world, the wizarding councils scattered around the world were autonomous. The top wizards formed an international wizarding council. They formed a Wizengamot organization to make laws to try wrong wizards."

"But the International Wizarding Council is not the only authority. The Sir Merlin Order formed by the powerful Merlin Mage has a wider influence in the wizarding society."

"Merlin! I know this guy!" Dudley exclaimed.

"Yes." Anton nodded with a smile, "It's the person you think."

"My God!" Vernon pointed in surprise at the TV across the sofa. "You mean, the Merlin from the show?"

Harry listened to Anton's words with a dazed expression. He hadn't even heard it before. He even thought that Anton was talking about another wizarding world.

"Sir Merlin's position is always wavering. They not only want to follow Merlin's will to assist the Muggle kings of various countries, limit the harm caused by wizards to Muggles, but also want to protect the interests of the wizarding community. Deep contacts make them extremely vulnerable to changes in the Muggle world."

"In 1688, the Glorious Revolution, and in 1689, the Bill of Rights was introduced, and these top wizards suddenly discovered that the king they wanted to be loyal to was gone!" "Their beliefs keep them loyal to the king, and their beliefs keep them from influencing Muggle society without a command from the king."

"The wizarding world is not independent, it is closely linked to the Muggle world."

The influence brought by the Muggle world is that in the same year in 1689, the International Wizarding Council was reorganized into the International Federation of Wizards and Wizards, and the "International Wizarding Secrecy Act", referred to as the "Secrecy Act", was enacted.

Vernon listened to Anton's story in amazement, feeling that the wizard was so close, and could not help but wonder, "Secret law?"

Anton nodded, took a sip from the teacup, "In simple terms, it means that the wizarding society has completely turned into concealment and is cut off from the Muggle world."

"Don't let anyone know?" Vernon opened his mouth in surprise.

Several other people listened quietly, as if following the changes of the times, feeling a wave of the times in which wizards and Muggles are inexplicably connected.

Anton shrugged, "Not so."

"The International Confederation of Wizards finally made a compromise with the Merlin Order. When countries reorganized the Wizarding Council, they named their organization the Ministry of Magic."

"Of course, some places don't have kings, so they can freely name the Magic Congress. "

"Muggle elites know about the existence of the Ministry of Magic. For example, the British Ministry of Magic will send Aurors to protect the Muggle Prime Minister. "

"Those who have been to the Ministry of Magic should know that the address of the Ministry of Magic is on the street next to Whitehall. "

Vernon was keenly aware of the key, "That is to say, those who serve in the Ministry of Magic are the upper echelons?"

Anton shook his head, "That's not the case. Although wizards have been adjusted to the modern magic system and completely established the rule that everyone must enter a magic school, in fact, magic school is still a master-apprentice inheritance system."

"The students of the magic school are filled with the staff of the Ministry of Magic, and the teaching staff with professors as the system virtually acted as the mission of the Sir Merlin Corps, to check and balance the Ministry of Magic in the invisible."

Vernon murmured a few words in admiration, then raised his head and looked at Anton with burning eyes, "Professor?"


"You should know that I am not bored to tell you about the background of these magical worlds, I am talking about non-pure-blood families, even Muggle-born wizards, the best way to enter - the Ministry of Magic and the School of Magic ”

Penny hurriedly picked up the teapot and filled Anton with tea, "But Dudley's talent is not good, you said, I don't know what he will..."

"His magic talent is not good, but that doesn't mean there is no way out."

Anton smiled and looked at the family, "Strictly speaking, Dudley has inherited the wizard blood of your Evans family, as well as the blood of the magical Animagus "Dwarf Pig Monster". "

Vernon swallowed, "Dwarf Pig..."

"Yes, it was the magical animal he transformed into after drinking the potion." Anton squinted his eyes, "3X danger level, it has super motor nerves, when it was attacked by the dwarf pig monster in the countryside, the wizard They are often powerless and can only use another magical animal, the "albino hound, to catch them."

"That is to say..."

Anton raised an eyebrow at Harry, "Dudley's talent will make him an excellent Quidditch player."

"!!!" Harry breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Dudley, who was bewildered, and Anton in disbelief, "Dal... Dudley? Quidditch?"

Anton smiled unscrupulously, "Yes."


Harry is going crazy!

Anton then looked at Vernon again, "Quidditch players have a good social status in the wizarding world. Of course, if he plans the future consciously, he can be the school's Quidditch course professor, or he can take this opportunity to enter magic. department."

"Access to the Ministry of Magic!" exclaimed Vernon, his eyes shining.

"Yes, starting from the Department of Magic and Sports, among the ministers of the Ministry of Magic, there is a case of a Quidditch athlete from UU reading who climbed all the way through the Department of Sports."

Vernon's breathing quickened.

"Dudley has enough advantages, first of all, he is the cousin of Harry, the legendary 'savior,' second, he is the first 'Muggle Squib turned wizard, there is enough representation, third In the future, after the rise of the 'Muggle Squib, Dudley' will become a banner, the social attitude that he will be accepted, will represent whether the whole new group is accepted or not, he has a good chance."

Anton took a biscuit into his mouth with ease, "Dudley is special."

"Oh~" Vernon clutched his chest hard, he felt his heart beating faster, and his whole body was so excited that his blood vessels were about to burst.

"Of course~"

Anton waved his hand.

"The blood of the Evans family is born with a great talent for potions. I hope you will not let him give up his school curriculum in the future. Maybe he will show an extremely good side in this regard?"

"No one knows the future."

Harry swallowed, unable to imagine school life in the future.

On the Quidditch pitch, Dudley drove a broomstick, took a high-altitude dive, quickly caught the Snitch, and greeted everyone's applause, his fat pig-like face smiling like a flower.

At the Potions Teacher, Snape yelled Dudley's name, frantically giving him points.



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553 Anton's free reading of Dudley's future plans.

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