The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Vol 2 Chapter 554: Prophecy about Sirius

During Anton's talk, the Dursleys seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

They all felt an inexplicable despair when they heard that the pure-blood family was the manager of the magic school and an important member of the Ministry of Magic. Their eyes lit up again when they heard the expectations and intentions of the pureblood family to take advantage of the 'Muggle Squib' group to establish a typical possibility.

It was also the first time Harry had heard of the pure-blood family's influence on the wizarding world.

This is the first time I know that among the pure-blood families, there are even more top "Sacred Twenty-Eight Families".

"Are they the nobles of wizards?" Vernon asked, frowning.

"No, wizards don't have nobles, wizards' strength is respected." Anton's expression was very strange, "strength, sometimes not only the power of casting spells, some families control the power of the fire dragon breeding ground, and some families control Floo powder skills, some families, master the most important weapon-making skills of wizards."

Anton gently pulled out his wand from his pocket, "Like this, a wand!"

"Everyone knows that this is a combination of magical animals and magical plants, but the skills in this can't be found anywhere."

"In the wizarding world, this skill is firmly in the hands of the Ollivander family, one of the "Holy Twenty-Eight Families."

"Of course, the master Gregorovitch of Eastern Europe also mastered this skill. This is the case where top wizards can break through this invisible barrier. He was once the holder of the three major Deathly Hallows Elder Wands."

"As long as you're strong enough, you don't have to worry about it too much."

"This is the wizarding world."

Anton took them to the door, gently raised the wand in his hand, and soon, with a bang, a bus appeared in front of them.

"Hey, Mr. Weasley!" Stan Thorpak, the conductor of the Knight Bus, greeted with a smile on his face.

"I prefer people to call me Anton."

"Okay, Anton, where are you going?"

"The Leaky Cauldron."

The knight bus dashed to the left and right, speeding quickly on the road, the kind of driving style that doesn't care about the traffic rules or even the pedestrians on the road, the magical picture of everything in the field of vision automatically jumping aside to make way for the road, let the next The Dursleys of the car were amazed.

"I didn't know there were such amazing cars in the wizarding world!" Dursley couldn't believe it. "I always thought they would just fly on brooms."

He couldn't help staring at Harry, who had always driven Harry to school and picked him up on vacation.

If only I had known there was such a magical means of transportation...

Harry was also surprised, he had never seen such a miraculous thing!

After the same two years of reading, why does Anton understand so much?

"This thing is very expensive." Anton shook his head with a smile. "It's okay to take a ride once in a while. Usually, it's not a very urgent situation. People will not be willing to take this ride."

"Really?" Vernon looked at Anton thoughtfully. "I just saw that you paid 3 gold coins and 15 silver coins. How do you convert this to pounds?"

"1 Galleon is about £5 (about 200 bucks today or purchasing power), and the black market price was recently £11."


A group of people followed Anton around Diagon Alley, and Vernon began to think, "It's so cheap here, God, if 1 Galleon is £5, then I... "

"No no no." Anton smiled and shook his finger, "Remember, it's the exchange price, not the exchange rate. Gold Galleon and British pounds are not interoperable, and this exchange is just customized by the goblins, they Don't like Muggle currency, you can never exchange much with them."

"The wizarding world is a relatively closed society, and there is no such thing as an exchange rate. This is just a little care for Muggle-born wizards, a specially opened exchange rate."

"Not only that, but the wizarding world strictly restricts the inflow of Muggle items, especially electronics."

"Wizards also have radios, but the so-called radio is also a kind of magic, not only that, all the things that you seem to be rich in technology are essentially just a shell, such as telephone booths, such as elevators."

Anton shrugged, "Actually, it's all magic inside."

"Magic can't easily make food, but it can make growing fruits and vegetables bigger."

"Magic is hard to make clothes, but with the flick of a wand, it can clean up and mend holes."

"In terms of travel, there is the magic of space movement, the movement of rides and brooms, and the cheapest Floo network, which connects every fireplace, and only needs 2 scoops per use, a hundred years The inside has never changed.”

"I'm not telling you how superior the wizarding world is. In fact, it's as old as Europe in the last century. There are no TVs, no game consoles, no electrical appliances."

"I just want to tell you that, under the influence of the Confidentiality Act, the establishment of a bank to issue currency and delineate the trading circle has itself become a whole and self-sufficient. Occasionally some people who need the Muggle world, the upper-level insiders of various countries It will also help to solve it, and it does not need to go through commerce between the two worlds.”

"In other words, business activities between the two worlds are not allowed."

"So that's it." Vernon waved his fist regretfully, his face full of pity.

Exchange currency, buy books, cauldrons and other items, customize robes, buy wands, these things, after entering Diagon Alley, Anton asked Harry to take the Dursleys to do it.

He had more important things to do. After buying textbooks with Anna, they came to Knockturn Alley together.

"Last night I had a dream that Sirius was tied to a laboratory bench by Muggles, and looked desperately at a large group of women in bathrobes queuing at the door waiting to conceive in the distance."

Anton's expression was strange.

"Maybe it was just a dream?" Anna looked at him suspiciously.

"It's possible." Anton nodded towards a dark wizard who greeted him, and continued to lead Anna to the depths of the alley, "but I think it's a kind of "prophet" ability, right A prophecy of the future. "

"The Prophet..." Anna thought for a while, "In the goblin family," collectors and travelers of time and memory and "future snoopers" are two completely opposite routes. "

"We always fail to understand the idea of ​​'future snoopers' who do almost the exact opposite of 'traveling in the past'."

"I don't really understand either." Anton pinched the bridge of his nose with some headache, "I think this should only be a possibility, but if this happens, it shouldn't be a direct method of conception, the laboratory. , I have to choose a simpler and more direct artificial insemination.”

"Is it a test tube baby?" Ana thoughtfully, nodded her chin with her finger, recalling something, "I seem to have seen it on the Internet, the world's first success in 1978 was in the UK, and they should have a lot of technical reserves now. It is."

Anton was stunned for a moment, then looked at Anna in surprise, "You know this? Did you read it online?"


It's hard to imagine something so old-fashioned as a little medieval lady using a computer to surf the Internet.

Anna put her hands behind her, looked at Anton shyly, and smiled slightly, "I've seen it a little bit."

Anton didn't care, and took her into an old witch's material store. There were many strange things here. He planned to see if there were any suitable materials for ritual magic.

He intends to use ritual magic, plus a little blood of Sirius' godson Harry, to communicate with Sirius' spirit.

It may not be effective. Ritual magic is not something that can be tried and tested.

There is no signboard in this shop, UU reading www. uukanshu. com hung a crushed crucible with only a rope.

Once you get started, the rows of various animals and organs that are soaked in glass jars look particularly eerie.

Anton leaned in to take a look, one of the cans was soaked in green medicinal liquid, and the eyes with the sockets suddenly blinked.


"Haha, this is fun!"

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