The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1000: , Sister Ying is pregnant with her second child

Chapter 1000, Sister Ying is pregnant with her second child

 When she was pregnant with Xiaomiguo, she suffered from morning sickness and the bile she vomited came out.

This fetus is not bad. It may be due to good postpartum conditioning. This fetus is obviously much better.

Jing Shirong kissed her forehead affectionately, "I think my second brother is a good-natured person. He's so good if he doesn't bother you."

Sister Ying looked at Xiao Miguo, who was already fast asleep, and smiled, "Boss is okay, but he is too creative. He thinks of a hundred thousand whys every day, and he can also think for himself. He is very weird."

Jing Shirong also smiled, "I guess everyone at this age is like this, just a brat."

 At almost three years old, he can speak and dance. His little mind is filled with strange and weird ideas, and he will come up with a golden sentence every day that even adults can't refute.

Sister Ying sometimes suspects that the little girl is wearing clothes, but she is just a smart little girl, and other behaviors are very childlike. She will be jealous, quarrel with others, and has to be hugged by her mother to sleep.

 Sometimes I have to touch her earlobes to fall asleep.

 When I was taking the medicine, I cried so loudly that my nose ran down, which showed that I was still a little kid inside.

Although she is rebellious during the day, she is still a good baby to her mother when she sleeps at night, so Sister Ying is quite satisfied.

Sister Ying looked back at Xiaomiguo, and saw that she was sleeping and moved over. She lay on Sister Ying's body like a clingy spirit, hugged her mother, and put her little head on Sister Ying's chest. After rubbing it, I fell asleep contentedly.

Jing Shirong pinched her little cheek and chatted with Sister Ying, "I didn't expect that our little Miguo would also be a sister. Time flies so fast."

Sister Ying touched her daughter's head and said, "Yeah, I don't know how she will react when she hears the news? How about telling her tomorrow?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "Let's test her attitude first and see her reaction."

Sister Ying looked at him, "What do you want to try?"

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "Take her out to play first, and then ask her what she thinks."

However, Xiao Miguo has grown up with Xiao Liujin since she was a child. She has already adapted to having older brothers and sisters, so she probably won’t be too repelled by them.

If she is the only child in the family, she may not like it yet. If she has grown up with children since she was a child, she thinks it will be faster to adapt to the new identity.

Sister Ying pinched Xiao Miguo’s fleshy face and said, “That’s not necessarily the case.”

Xiao Miguo is very possessive of her. She won’t give it to anyone, so she might not be happy with it.

Jing Shirong clicked his tongue, "I forgot about this."

 Most children want to go out and play even when they are three years old, and they don’t want to be at home.

Although Xiaomiguo also goes out to play with the neighbor's children every day, at night she has to sleep with Sister Ying in her arms, and she is very clingy.

If the second child is born in the future and Sister Ying is busy taking care of the second child, Xiaomiguo will probably be angry.

Sister Ying was also worried, "Forget it, I'll ask tomorrow and let them cultivate their relationship before the second child is born. As long as we don't play favorites and take her emotions into consideration, everything will be fine."

  She doesn’t have the idea that an older sister must let her younger brothers and sisters take care of her, including Wu’s.

After Mrs. Wu gave birth to Kang Geer, she did not force her to let her brother live. Therefore, after she became a mother, she naturally would not force her daughter to give up everything.

 Letting go may be a virtue, but it must also be established without hurting the boss's psychology.

If a sister only has one candy in her hand and you ask her to give it to her brother, she may think it's a coercion.

 Because she only had one candy, which was her favorite, but was forced to give it to her brother, which naturally hurt her mentally.

If you can give her a hundred pills, and she has extra, she will naturally not be stingy about giving one.

If you can’t give two of them yourself, don’t force others to give them.

Jing Shirong nodded, "That's right."

 When he was a child, he was also told by adults to have younger siblings.

But at that time, he did things based on his mood. If he is willing to give in, he will give in; if he is not willing, no one will say anything.

 In addition, the family is rich, and the eldest, second, and third children are all present, so there is less fighting over them.

Sister Ying said, "The things are secondary, the main thing is that the love we give them must be even."

As long as the children can feel the love of their parents, things are secondary. Perhaps it goes without saying that they all give them to them on their own initiative. Like Xiaomi Guo and Xiao Liujin, although they quarrel every day, they occasionally give way to each other.

 Children’s friendships are sometimes built by playing around.

“Tell me, is this a boy or a girl?”

 Every time you get pregnant, guessing whether it’s a boy or a girl is the joy of being a parent.

Jing Shirong smiled, "I couldn't even guess. Last time I thought it was a son, but it was a daughter. This time I thought it was a daughter, but I don't know if it is a son."

Sister Ying also laughed, "That's right, last time everyone said that I was pregnant with a son, but it turned out that I was pregnant with a honey fruit. It shows that the accuracy of guessing based on the shape of the belly is not high."

Jing Shirong doesn't care about men and women, "My second brother in Jingcheng also gave birth to a second child last year, a son, so it doesn't matter whether our child is a boy or a girl. Anyway, our second brother Xianghuo has already given birth to the Jing family, so you don't have to feel pressure." ”

Sister Ying is really not stressed.

“I don’t expect to have children to protect myself from old age. Of course, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a boy or a girl. The money we earn is enough to support us in old age, so we don’t have to worry about it.”

 She began to save everything including her daughter’s dowry.

No matter whether Xiaomi Guo gets married or not, she will save the money for her. When the time comes, it will be up to her whether she wants to get married or start a business.

Jing Shirong pinched the little girl's pigtails and said, "The military camp has been relatively free recently, and I want to start training them."

 Previously, I simply asked them to run and practice their moves, but now I plan to teach them the basics.

 It is still necessary for girls to have martial arts skills at their side.

Sister Ying agreed, "Okay, then I'll call in the six kilograms."

 She also felt that she could better protect herself with martial arts, so it was always a good idea to learn some.

 “Then let’s start tomorrow.”


The couple chatted a lot and fell asleep in the middle of the night.

 The next day, Jing Shirong was the first to wake up.

 Xiao Miguo woke up soon after.

She hugged her mother as soon as she got up, put her arms around Sister Ying's neck and rubbed her, and then she got up contentedly.

Jing Shirong picked her up and gave her clothes to wear by herself.

 After getting dressed, go brush your teeth and wash your face together.

Father and daughter stood outside the sink, gargling their mouths, and then went to eat together.

 Xiao Liujin also woke up at this moment. He came out in his pajamas and wanted to hug Jing Shirong when he saw her.

Jing Shirong picked her up and asked her to rinse her mouth and face.

 Xiao Liujin acted coquettishly and said, "No, uncle, I'll hold you."

Xiao Mi really convinced her, "You have drool all over your face while sleeping. It stinks like hell. Go wash your face quickly."

 Xiao Liujin said angrily, "I'm your sister. You can't boss me around. You have to respect the old and care for the young."

Xiao Miguo snorted and said in a milky voice, "You are not 70 or 80 years old, and you still respect the elderly. It seems that you didn't pay attention to the class in class."

Xiao Liujin felt guilty, but still retorted loudly, "I listened carefully to the lecture, and the master even praised me."

Xiao Miguo didn't want to expose her. When the master praised her, he was clearly reminding her not to get distracted, but he was more polite because of the generous reward from his master.

The stupid cousin doesn’t understand anything.

 (End of this chapter)

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