Chapter 999, Mom and Dad’s baby

 In short, "You don't have to worry about other people's homes. Just take care of ours."

“Whether you get married or not, you will always be your parents’ darling.”

"Besides, this is your home. You can come back whenever you want. If I don't let you come back, don't let me think about it with your little mind."

Xiao Miguo was still full of questions, "Then will I get married in the future? I think it's not easy to get married. Can I not get married?"

Sister Ying gave her a piece of meat and said, "You can marry or not, and marriage is not the only option in life."

“But if you meet someone you like each other and the other person is willing to form a family with you, then you can get married. Don’t you think your parents are doing well now?”

"If we don't get married, we won't have you, right? So if you meet people who like each other and are in tune with each other, getting married is still very happy."

Xiao Miguo tilted her head and thought about it, but she didn’t quite understand.

“It’s too difficult. The world of adults is so complicated. I don’t want to grow up.”

Sister Ying was amused to death when she saw her chubby little face frowning and looking very bitter and affectionate.

Sister Ying pinched her little fleshy face and said, "Yes, yes, then you grow up slowly. Now you just need to be a happy child."

Xiao Miguo looked at the green vegetables in the bowl with a bitter look on her face, "But I'm not happy eating vegetables, so can I not eat them?"

Sister Ying raised her chin and looked at her, "I don't like eating vegetables either, but I have to eat them if my body needs them. Otherwise, how can I become beautiful?"

“Although I’m not happy eating vegetables, I’m happy eating meat. Isn’t that complementary?”

 There is one kind of happiness and one kind of unhappiness. Taken together, is it happier?

Xiao Miguo tilted her head and calculated, "One is happy and the other is unhappy. Why is it happier when combined? The two **** are obviously the same."

Sister Ying, "Because no matter what you eat, it will make you beautiful, and you can eat the ones you don't like first and the ones you like last. Wouldn't that make you happier?"

 “Bitter first and then sweet, isn’t it what stays at the end that is sweet?”

Xiao Miguo nodded, "It seems to make sense. Then I should eat vegetables first, then meat? Candies last."

Sister Ying nodded, "But don't eat too many candies, as your teeth will get damaged. You must brush your teeth after eating."

Xiao Miguo hummed, "Okay then."

Because of their picky eating issues, mother and daughter have to battle wits and courage every day, and they have a lot of common sense.

Xiao Miguo gradually understood that no matter whether she wanted to eat it or not, she would end up eating it in her stomach, so next time she would not refute it. She would finish the food first and then she could eat the meat she likes.

Sister Ying felt that she was quite aware of current affairs and nodded with satisfaction.

 But Jing Shirong’s education method is different.

His education method is simple and clear. He gives Mi Guo a chopstick to hold vegetables and asks her, "Together."

 Then he eats the vegetables first, then eats a mouthful of rice, and finally eats a mouthful of meat with a pair of chopsticks of rice.

Xiao Miguo didn’t want to listen to her father’s ramblings, so she finished her meal quickly with one bite of vegetables and one bite of rice.

  Sometimes when Sister Ying sees her father and daughter eating so simply, she feels like her work is in vain, and she doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

 At night, the three of them slept on the bed together. Xiao Miguo first hugged her mother, then her father, giving each of them a kiss, and then she fell asleep contentedly in the middle.

Jing Shirong kissed her forehead, and then kissed Sister Ying's.

Sister Ying pushed him away, "Wait a minute, I want to take a bath and use Qingfeng moisturizer to see the effect."

Jing Shirong’s eyes lit up, “Then let me help you?”

Sister Ying rolled her eyes at him and said, "No need."

 But someone didn’t listen at all and followed him anyway.

He first massaged her shoulders diligently, then brought her things and gave her a bath. He was extremely diligent.

Having been married for many years, Sister Ying didn’t understand him at all, but she didn’t stop him and planned to tease him for a while.

Jing Shirong is like an old horse. First he serves others like a dog, and then he starts to enjoy a feast of delicious food. Sister Ying put her foot on his chest, "Wait a minute, I haven't put on the moisturizer yet."

Jing Shirong said, "Okay, I'll put it on for you. Which scent do you want? Rose or vanilla?"

 “The fruity one, the red one.”

 That is a new fragrance, which Sister Yang and Qingfeng studied together.

Jing Shirong sighed, went over to get it for her, opened it and sealed it, took two spoons and put them on his hands, rubbed them together, and began to skillfully apply skin care to her.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Okay, you are getting more and more skilled in this technique, your skills are good."

Jing Shirong hummed, "Serving the lady, how can I do it if I don't have good skills."

 He quickly finished the massage and then prepared to enjoy a big meal.

When his hand moved to his soft belly, Sister Ying pushed him away and said, "Don't move."

Jing Shirong had a look of resentment on his face, "Why? This lady is so ruthless." He had already done skin care for her, why didn't he touch her.

Sister Ying pushed him away and got up to change clothes, "I don't seem to be feeling well today. How about next time?"

Jing Shirong didn’t believe it, “Why? Wasn’t it good just now?”

He thought she was having her period, so he looked down at her belly and realized, "Hey, your belly?"

 It seems to be slightly raised, with a slight arc.

 Her belly has always been flat, even after giving birth.

It suddenly bulged out now, maybe it was.

 “Madam, you, you have it?”

Sister Ying lovingly touched her slightly raised belly and said, "Guess."

Jing Shirong didn't need to guess, just by looking at her attitude, she knew it.

 He looked at her belly in surprise and carried her to bed to rest.

 “When was it discovered?”

 “Last month.”

 Her menstruation was always on time, and it came at the beginning of every month.

 When I came, I had a slight pain in my stomach and a little distension in my upper circumference.

 But last month, menstruation was delayed and did not come even after waiting for half a month. The upper circumference was also swollen and painful. Sister Ying knew roughly, so she asked Sister Yang to take her pulse.

Sister Yang took her pulse and clicked her tongue twice, "The pulse is very obvious. It's been almost two months. How did you discover it?"

Sister Ying recalled, "I was busy before and didn't have any symptoms, so I didn't think about it. I didn't expect it to come so soon."

 She and Jing Shirong had planned to conceive a second child, but they never thought it would happen so quickly.

I thought I was going to get pregnant, but I didn't expect to get pregnant as soon as I said I was pregnant.

Jing Shirong was proud, "It seems that my health is still good, and the sword is not old." It happened just that once, it was really amazing.

Sister Ying gave him a cute look, "Is that just once? Has this happened once in your life?"

These words were very embarrassing. Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows and said, "Yes, what the lady said is true. Then I will continue to work hard next time to ensure that the service is in place."

The two of them exchanged glances with each other, and they smiled tacitly.

Finally, she went to bed to rest. Jing Shirong touched her belly and asked, "Is there any reaction to the pregnancy? Are you okay with the morning sickness?"

Sister Ying nodded, "This pregnancy is much better. There is no reaction. It tastes good. I just feel sleepy."

 (End of this chapter)

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