The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 998: , the little girl’s ability to understand

Chapter 998, The little girl’s ability to understand

Xiaomiguo was obviously in pain, but she still wanted to save face, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all!"

Xiao Liujin was so impressed that he said, "You are so awesome. It doesn't even hurt. I was in so much pain that day. If my mother hadn't promised to buy me ten pairs of earrings, I would have been crying all the time."

 Unlike my sister, she is so brave.

Xiao Miguo was so praised that she became more confident and would not cry even if she was beaten to death.

From then on, the image of the little hero suddenly fell in Xiao Liujin’s eyes.

What she didn't know was that after Xiao Miguo returned to the house, she immediately hid under the quilt, covered her mouth and whimpered.

  “Ouch, it hurts so much, it’s annoying. If I had known better, I wouldn’t have pierced my ears.”

 After crying for a while, I got out of the quilt and quietly went to the door to hear if anyone was eavesdropping outside.

 Fortunately, no one eavesdropped, so no one knew she was crying secretly.

Sister Ying was changing clothes at the side. Looking at her sneaky look, she didn't know whether to laugh or be angry.

This little girl, at such a young age, cares about face so much. It’s really dumbfounding.

 Fortunately, the ear piercings healed quickly and the wound no longer hurt. The two little girls were looking for new earrings to wear every day.

There are several little girls of similar age in the neighbor’s house. Xiaomi Guo and Xiao Liujin go out to play with them every day.

  When little girls get together, they just compete to see whose skirt is prettier and whose snacks are delicious.

Sister Ying would sometimes look at the door with her account book and listen to the chats of the little girls.

“Xiao Miguo, these earrings of yours are so beautiful. They are actually the jade stones of the little rabbit. I like them so much~”

Xiao Miguo raised her chin triumphantly, "It's okay. My uncle bought this for me outside. He said he rewarded me for being too good."

 Xiao Liujin snorted, "I have one too, look at it."

 When she saw Xiao Miguo wearing rabbit earrings, she immediately went back and changed them, wanting to be like her.

 Other little girls saw them wearing the same ones and immediately became envious.

“You two have such a good relationship. You dress the same and wear the same clothes. You are like twin sisters.”

They are not very similar in body shape. Xiaoliujin is slightly larger and Xiaomiguo is smaller.

Xiao Miguo chuckled and said, "It's not bad, she just ate too many snacks and gained weight."

 Otherwise, neither Jing Han nor Murong Yun are fat, and it stands to reason that Xiao Liujin would not be fat either.

 She just made herself fat.

But adults say that when you have **** in the future, you will naturally lose weight.

Xiao Liujin didn't like people calling her fat, so she snorted, "You don't understand, my dad said, my name is Roududu, which means cute and lucky. A girl must be lucky to marry well. ”

The other little girls thought it made sense after hearing this, "It seems so. My mother also said that a girl must be lucky to marry well."

Xiao Miguo didn't believe it, "If you have the ability, you can live a good life even if you don't marry. Why do you have to marry to live a good life?"

She can now understand the meaning of getting married. To get married is to leave a warm home and go to someone else's home. You must leave your own parents and mother to call other people's parents. You also have to wash, cook and take care of the children.

 If the situation is not good, they may be beaten, scolded, or even divorced if they cannot give birth to a son.

She heard these things from her neighbor’s mother-in-law, so she didn’t want to get married.

After hearing this, the other little girls were surprised and asked, "Is it so scary to get married? Do you still have to leave your father and mother?"

They were still young, and the focus was on leaving the warmth of their parents when they got married. They were all frightened and cried.

“Woo, I don’t want to leave my parents. I don’t want to get married. I want to live at home for the rest of my life.”

 The other little girls also started crying, and they cried so loudly that the adults thought they were fighting, so they came out to watch.

 When I asked the last question, I found out that I didn’t want to cry when I got married. Sister Ying was even dumbfounded and went to ask Xiao Miguo to come back.

 “Where did you hear this? And it scared the children to tears?”

Xiao Miguo shrugged, "Then I'm telling the truth, and their mental endurance is too weak. They will cry in fear after just one or two sentences. This is not good, and they need to practice more."

Sister Ying laughed angrily.

“You are the only one who has a strong psychological endurance? I don’t know who doesn’t sleep in the baby’s bed at night, but hides in my bed in the middle of the night, hugging his mother and moaning and crying.”

Xiao Miguo quickly made a "shush" gesture to her, "Mom, don't say anything, she's still outside."

 Meaning embarrassing things to say at home, not outside.

Sister Ying was happy, "Okay, okay, let's go home and tell you."

“Then go and call your cousin back.”

"Know it."

Xiao Miguo went to pull Xiao Liujin back, and the two of them went home together.

During the meal, Sister Ying asked them, "You two know that getting married is a terrible thing at such a young age? How do you understand it?"

She had never told her children about this, but she didn’t expect them to hear about it from the neighbor’s mother-in-law, and they thought they were right.

Xiao Miguo tilted her head and looked at her, "Isn't it? The neighbor's mother-in-law said that her mother-in-law was very cruel to her when she was young. She only gave her one meal, and it only had vegetables, no meat. All the meat was given to her man. ”

“She only had one meal a day and had to work three times a day. She didn’t stop in the morning, noon and night, so her eyes were burned out.”

 She would not do such a terrible thing.

Moreover, when you get married, you have to leave your dear parents. How terrifying it is to think about it. If she gets married in the future, won’t she become a child without a father and a mother?

Sister Ying.

Take a deep breath, don’t be as knowledgeable as a little girl.

 But he still couldn't help but pinch the little fool's face.

“Who said that if you get married, you will have no parents? Whether you marry or not, whether you go to a distant place, your parents will always be your parents. If you don’t get married, you will have no parents. At least we don’t have it in our family.”

Xiao Miguo was puzzled, "Then why when sister Nana returns to her parents' home, her parents don't welcome her and her face still smells bad."

 The girl she was talking about, Sister Ying, knew about it.

The girl’s mother was extremely patriarchal and gave birth to ten girls in a row, so naturally she didn’t like girls.

  Her men were all going to take concubines, so she was pregnant with her last child.

 She put her last hope in the last child, praying to God to bless her last child to be a boy.

 Later I spent money to see the goddess, who also said it was a boy.

She was full of hope, but in the end she gave birth to a girl. Her husband and mother-in-law ignored her and took her as a concubine.

Because of this incident, she took all her grievances out on her last daughter.

That daughter is Nana.

Later, when Nana grew to eighteen, no one cared about her. She fell in love at first sight with a boy at a dance, and they got married.

 But the young man she was looking for was a bit poor, which made her family look down upon her even more, thinking that she was a loser.

No, if she comes home after three dynasties, her family will feel bad.

Unfortunately, Xiao Miguo looked at this scene, thinking that her parents would not want her after she got married, and she was frightened for a while.

Sister Ying explained to her, "Most parents love their children, but there are also a few who are not good to their children."

 Not all parents are good parents, and not all children are good children. There is a cause and effect relationship.

 (End of this chapter)

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