Chapter 997: Six pounds of follower

Jing Shirong saw that she had already eaten five mouthfuls of food, so he did not force her and even gave her a sweet treat, "I'll take you to buy toys later."

 You can buy toys after a can of Xiaomiguo, which can make up for the little heart that wants to cry.

 “Then I want to buy two.”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay."

 Give her a little sweetness so that you can deal with her more calmly next time, so just satisfy her.

Sister Ying.

  "Is this the case with my own daughters?"

Jing Shirong replied with his eyes, "Isn't that helping you to discipline her? Tell her to eat her food well next time, so that she won't make you angry."

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "You are not happy with me taking care of her on weekdays, but you are not merciless when I take care of her myself."

Jing Shirong also laughed, "I gave birth to my own child, so it's okay to bully me, but I don't like it when I see others bullying me."

Sister Ying glared at him, "Am I someone else?"

Jing Shirong quickly apologized and said, "No, no, no, I made a mistake. You are not someone else."

Seeing that the finger was about to reach out and pinch his flesh, he quickly tried to remedy the situation, "You didn't say that no one else should interfere in the child's education. I learned this from you."

Sister Ying snorted, "Okay, don't be poor. Go back after eating. It's very late."

It was already midnight at this meeting. After everyone had eaten, they said goodbye to each other and went back.

Xiao Miguo was frustrated and didn't want to walk alone along the way, so she stretched out her little hand for Jing Shirong to hug her.

Jing Shirong put her on his neck and took Sister Ying back to look at her.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Liujin immediately climbed onto Murong Yun's thigh and tried to get on his neck.

Murong Yun was ashamed, "I can hug you, but I can't ride on your neck."

 Xiao Liujin looked puzzled, "Why? Xiaomi Guo can do it, why can't I do it?"

Murong Yun's mouth twitched and he glanced at her plump and round body, "Don't you know how much you weigh? If a pig sits on a small branch, its neck will be broken."

 It means you are fat, don’t cheat on me.

Xiao Liujin didn’t understand at first and asked innocently, “What’s wrong with the little branch? Can’t Piggy sit down?”

She didn’t realize she was fat at all, and even thought she was cute because she was chubby. After all, her neighbors often praised her for being chubby and cute, so she didn’t think there was anything wrong with being fat.

Murong Yun held his forehead and said, "Dad is old and I can't let you ride on my neck. You'd better go on your own."

 Small six kilograms.

“Dad, are you really old? Are you like your great-great-grandfather who is 70 or 80 years old? Are you too old to carry a cute baby on your back?”

Murong Yun.

“If you are a little thinner than Miguo, daddy can still do it.”

Does this make sense to you?

Xiao Liujin slowly understood, "It turns out that daddy has no strength. Alas, daddy is so useless. Uncle can do it."

Let alone her, even her brother and uncle can hold her, but her father is too weak**.

Murong Yun.

Who said he was weak?

He also wanted to say that she was fat, but he didn't dare to say it directly. He was afraid that he would make her cry and cry, so he endured it.

“Then go find your uncle. Your uncle is very strong.”

Xiao Liujin looked at his uncle in the distance and couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Murong Yun, "Are you my father?"

How can a biological daughter not carry it and throw it to her uncle? It's so annoying, huh.

Xiao Liujin ran away angrily and ran after Jing Shirong.

 “Uncle~~Uncle hug~”

Jing Shirong looked down at the chubby Xiao Liujin and said helplessly, "Where is your father?"

The little girl is not light now. She weighs half a honey fruit more. He is also afraid of twisting his neck.

Xiao Liujin also said helplessly, "He's too weak. He can't even lend me his neck to ride on. It's too bad. Uncle is still better~"

 Little girl, you know how to flatter me.

Miguo couldn't bear that her father's neck was too tired, so she refused, "You have just eaten and want to walk. It is good for your health. You can walk for a while first and let my father carry you later."

 Xiao Liujin lowered his head and looked at his round belly. He seemed to be a little full.

But she still wanted Jing Shirong to hug her, so she stretched out her chubby hands and held on to the hem of Jing Shirong's clothes.

 “Uncle hug~~”

Jing Shirong had no choice but to pick her up with one hand, hold her in front of her chest, and let Xiao Miguo hold her up.

Xiao Miguo glanced at Xiao Liujin’s smug expression, snorted and ignored it. Sister Ying wanted to laugh and asked them both to come down.

“Come down quickly, your father and uncle are going to be exhausted. Go on your own.”

Xiao Miguo said oh and resigned herself to her fate.

 Xiao Liujin also came down obediently.

The two little girls looked at each other angrily, snorted, and started to argue again.

Sister Ying said, "Hand in hand, let's walk together."

Xiao Liujin was unhappy and hid his hands behind his back.

Xiao Miguo snorted angrily, "I don't want to hold your hand yet." After saying that, she ran over and held Little Piggy's hand.

 “Brother Piggy, I’ll hold you.”

 Little Piggy has a good temper and leads her like a big brother.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Liujin ran over to hold Xiaozhuzhu’s hand.

 “Brother leads me~”

 Little Piggy hummed and held her little fleshy hand.

Xiao Miguo was speechless, "Why are you trying to imitate me again~ I hate it."

 Xiao Liujin pursed his lips, "I didn't learn from you. Brother Zhuzhu has two hands, what's wrong with me holding one? Humph."

Xiao Miguo snorted, "Children, you are a follower." You must imitate her in everything, you are a follower.

The two little girls looked at each other, snorted, and ignored each other.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong were happy, "These two girls, day by day, never have time to relax."

They get into quarrels when they meet every day. It only takes a cup of tea to get along well with each other. After drinking the tea, the two of them start to get into quarrels again.

But Xiao Liujin really likes to imitate Xiaomi Guo.

As long as Xiaomi Guo makes it, she will learn it and act like a follower.

 Including whatever skirt Xiao Miguo wears, she always wears the same one.

Even the hairstyle should be the same.

Her hair has grown out now, and she looks very beautiful every day. She has to tie her hair into beautiful braids every day, and even makes a fuss about Jinghan getting her ears pierced.

Jinghan repeatedly told her that it would hurt, but she still wanted to **** her, so he gave her the prick.

 It didn’t hurt when I pierced the ears. After all, the woman who pierced the ears was experienced and could do it quickly and accurately.

But the pain started to come after a while.

So she groaned and moaned, and finally wept bitterly.

Sister Yang applied some medicine to her, and the pain stopped.

She is also very ambitious. After the pain is gone, she starts to choose earrings. Today she will wear a red gemstone, and tomorrow she will wear an emerald jade pendant. They are different from day to day.

  I didn’t **** the Xiaomiguo at first because I was afraid of pain.

But when she saw Xiao Liujin showing off in front of her wearing new earrings every day, she was moved.

So she also had her ears pierced.

Sister Ying can do it if she wants to. With Sister Yang on both sides, there should be no problem.

 So she also got pricked.

 She was more nervous than Xiao Liujin when she was getting pricked. After all, she was still a child.

 Fortunately, there was only a little blood after the puncture, and everything else was fine.

 When the pricking was done, the pain came. She opened her mouth to cry, but she saw Xiao Liujin watching her performance.

So I suppressed the urge to cry and pretended to be "no big deal".

 Xiao Liujin was very impressed by what he saw.

"Sister, aren't you crying? It will obviously hurt after the prick."

 (End of this chapter)

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