Chapter 996, Old Fox and Little Fox

Xiao Miguo whined, with a puzzled face, "It's sad and I'm sad too. Why do I have to eat five bites of it? I don't want to eat it."

Sister Ying patiently explained to her, "Because everyone needs different nutrients. Just like when you paint, sometimes you need red, sometimes yellow, or green."

 “If there is only one color, isn’t it not perfect? ​​I always feel that there is something missing?”

Xiao Miguo thought about it, and it seemed like so.

"So, you also need many colors of food, such as green vegetables, red apples, and yellow bananas. If you are short of each, eat a little of them. Then you will be as colorful and beautiful as a painting. Bright."

Xiao Miguo thought about it and felt that it made sense, so she ate all the five vegetables.

 But the child's mood changes day by day. Today he is willing to eat, but tomorrow he is not.

If the adults weren't watching, she would be so **** that she would pour it directly into her brothers' plates, pretending that she had finished eating.

Xiao Liujin didn’t like to eat vegetables either, so he imitated her when he saw her pouring vegetables into his brother’s plate.

 It’s just that her learning was not perfect, and she poured the rice grains in when she was pouring the dishes.

 Brother Yuan saw rice grains on his plate and immediately looked at Liu Jin.

 “Did you put the food on my plate when I was away just now?”

Xiao Liujin was startled. He couldn't imagine that his brother would find out so quickly, so he immediately wanted to cover it up.

 “I, I don’t.”

 Brother Yuan slammed the table, "No way, there are rice grains in this dish, it's obviously yours."

 The food in the kitchen is always very clean, and there are no rice grains in the dishes unless someone accidentally drops them.

Xiao Liujin felt guilty and turned away, not wanting to acknowledge it.

 Brother Yuan indulged her and put the plate of food directly in front of her, "Finish it for me! Next time I catch you cheating, be careful I beat you."

My mother’s beating was just a threat, but my brother’s beating was a real one.

Xiao Liujin felt his **** hurt, so he ate the dish with tears in his eyes.

 Woo ow, Xiaomiguo, you are hurting me~~

Xiao Miguo was speechless, "Who told you not to check carefully?"

Although she poured the vegetables in, they were all clean and she even arranged the dishes so that it looked like they had just been served.

Whoever looks like Xiao Liujin, just buckle it up, it will be weird if they are not discovered.

 Xiao Liujin whined, with a crying face, "You didn't tell me earlier."

 Xiao Miguo was ashamed, "Isn't this something you should understand?"

 Cousin is really stupid.

 Xiao Liujin was not convinced when she said she was stupid, "I'm not stupid. My mother said I'm the cutest child in the world."

Xiao Miguo chuckled, "You said she is the cutest. Not the smartest, hahahaha."

 Brother Yuan and the others also laughed.

Xiao Liujin cried when she saw everyone laughing at her. In the end, Brother Zheng gave her a hawthorn candy to calm her down.

But that was all a joke at home. Now in the inn, they didn't dare to make a fuss and could only eat obediently.

As for the dishes, Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin looked at each other, obviously thinking about how to escape.

 But Jing Shirong had already picked up the vegetables and handed them to Xiao Miguo's mouth, "My dear daughter, eat the vegetables."

Xiao Miguo had a bitter look on her face and said, "Dad, I can eat it myself. I have grown up."

 After saying that, he gave Jing Shirong a sweet baby smile.

Jing Shirong glanced at Sister Ying and saw her raising her eyebrows, meaning, "Don't be fooled by her. This girl is very clever now."

Jing Shirong blinked and said, "I know, let's see how I treat her."

He calmly put the vegetables into the bowl of sweet fruit, "Okay, since you can eat it by yourself, then you can eat it by yourself, and dad won't feed you." After that, as if to demonstrate, he picked up a few Root vegetables, just eat it with rice.

 Xiao Miguo looked at the green vegetables in the bowl and felt depressed.

He thought to himself, "Why can't Daddy understand human speech?"

Didn’t you tell her to eat it by herself? Why did you give her a pinch? Ugh, it’s disgusting.

There are so many people here, how can we secretly move the vegetables?

She looked at her mother and saw that her mother was talking to her aunt, so she looked at her father again.

Jing Shirong pretended not to know that she was peeking at him, lowering his head to eat as if he didn't see her.

Xiao Miguo looked at the others again and saw that the adults were chatting, so she carefully picked up the vegetables in the bowl and prepared to secretly put them back on the plate.

She visually checked the distance of the dish. It was very close to her. As long as she was fast enough, she would definitely be able to put the dish to the edge of the dish. If she messed it up, no one else would eat it.

She thought her idea was perfect, but she didn't know that her father Jing Shirong was watching her every move at this time.

Jing Shirong curled his lips and thought to himself, no matter how smart he is, he is still a little kid.

While he was waiting for Xiaomi Guo to marry Cai, he brought the dish in front of Sister Ying and said, "Let's have some food, it's for beauty."

Sister Ying smiled and winked, "Okay~"

Xiao Miguo put the vegetable plate in front of her mother, her hands holding the vegetables paused, and she looked at her parents with a sad face.

 But her parents didn't look at her, as if they didn't know what she wanted to do, and they were ogling her.

 The Xiaomi fruit is bitter, so I have no choice but to find another way.

She was picking up her rice and looking at the big rice bowl, she suddenly thought of it.

 That's right, this bowl is so big. If you hide the vegetables at the bottom of the bowl, you won't be discovered.

Um. It was a good idea. She smiled happily and thought to herself that this was a good idea.

So she continued to stare at the adult, planning to move faster.

Jing Shirong had seen her move a long time ago, and gave her another mouthful of meat to stop her movement. He said nicely, "Put the vegetables and meat in your mouth together. It tastes very good. Try it quickly." try."

 Small honey fruit.

  "Daddy, please stop pinching it for me, I can't eat it anymore."

Jing Shirong looks innocent, so why can’t he eat it? Did I just pick up a little bit, or is it because Miguo doesn’t like the dishes that daddy picks out? "After saying that, he looked sad and about to cry.

 Xiao Miguo, "No, I..."

Daddy seems to be very glass-hearted, and after finally going home, it’s not good to just hurt him like this, so I can only accept my fate.

She put the food in her mouth resignedly and forced a smile, "Daddy's food is so delicious." Ouch, it tastes terrible.

Jing Shirong smiled like an old fox and gave her another chopstick, "If it's delicious, eat more. It's rare for dad to come back, so you have to love me more. I'm really dad's good baby."

 Small honey fruit.

 Woo, daddy is good or bad, I feel like I’ve been cheated.

 But even though everyone said that, she couldn't be an unfilial daughter.

Sister Ying turned her head and pretended to talk to Mr. Zhong, but she was actually suppressing a smile.

Mr. Zhong also laughed, "Your honey fruit is so funny. Isn't this like stealing the chicken but losing the rice?"

Sister Ying held back her laughter and said, "The little fox can't beat the old fox. Will you suffer a loss? That's right."

 But on the surface, you have to pretend that you don’t know about it, pretending that you haven’t seen it.

Jing Shirong was the same. While talking to Sister Ying and others, he was serving vegetables and meat to Xiaomi Guo.

Xiao Mi Guo whined twice and only ate meat and no longer wanted to eat vegetables.

 (End of this chapter)

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