The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 995: , a honey fruit that doesn’t like to eat vegetables.

Chapter 995, Miguo who doesn’t like to eat vegetables

After Princess Grant returned, she was ready to return to the military camp.

 But she couldn't bear to leave Qingfeng alone at home, so she went home on time for dinner every night.

Qingfeng remembered Mr. Zhong’s words and nursed her back to health every day and replenished her body according to the recipes.

Princess Grant is also obedient and eats whatever is given to her.

Some admirers who had a crush on Princess Grant were so sad, "What is the charm of the young master? Can Princess Grant come home on time every day?"

Passenger A said, “It must be because of her beauty.”

 Such a good-looking man may not be liked by other men, but women like him very much.

Especially for an old bachelor like Princess Grant, who hangs out among rough old men every day, wouldn't it be fascinating if a fairy suddenly comes to her?

The secret admirer felt sour when he heard this, "Humph, it turns out that Princess Grant is also a common person." He's just a face-seeker, so superficial!

 Everyone laughed loudly after hearing this, "That person is really good-looking. Unlike you, it's so dark in the middle of winter that I can't see you without turning on a light at night. Hahaha~"

 Everyone laughed loudly, making the rough man feel ashamed and angry.

He lowered his head and looked at himself. He was tall, thick, and had rough skin. He was indeed not as good-looking as the pretty boy from Ling Guolai.

 Thinking about this, I immediately cried and ran away.

 A few more months have passed.

Qingfeng’s Rouge Beauty Shop is finally open.

Sister Ying and her children all came to support the event, and brought many neighbor women with them.

The women on their street also loved beauty. As soon as they introduced her, they all came.

Sister Ying and Jing Han also sent several large bouquets and placed them at the door.

Many women on the street saw the excitement here and ran over to watch.

Qingfeng was wearing a sky blue robe today and was dressed very freshly. He introduced it to everyone with a smile.

“Big sisters or little sisters, our rouge shop not only sells moisturizers for winter, but also lip moisturizers.”

“There are also balms for washing your hair and body. There are several kinds of scents. I will give you some trial products in a while. Anyone who comes will have a chance.”

  When a new store opens, there are always some benefits.

Sister Ying told him that he could get some small samples and give each person one copy. When they use it well, they would come back to buy the finished product.

Qingfeng thought it was right and made a large number of samples.

Sister Ying also told him, "Make a note of the local area. There will be an event every holiday. You can buy one get one free, give away samples, or top up."

Qingfeng didn’t understand recharging, so Sister Ying explained it to him in detail.

"Just ask someone to apply for a card and put some money into the card. Then when they come, they don't have to bring the money and it will be deducted directly from the card. You can find someone who can do arithmetic and train them well so that they don't pay when they come. It will be chaotic.”

Qingfeng feels that she is really a senior and knows everything.

 Because there were samples to give away, women from the whole street came.

 Coupled with the good quality of the samples, the advertisement was quickly put out and there were repeat customers the next day.

Qingfeng was very happy when he saw this and received him warmly.

Sister Ying told her that she should find someone who could speak three languages ​​and have a sweet mouth, which would be the best for sales.

Qingfeng felt that what he said made sense, so he did it.

He already had experience in opening a store, but he didn't expect Sister Ying to be more powerful than him. Many of her ideas were more humane and more humane.

For a sales position, there is a commission for every sale, so the clerk will naturally work hard.

 Including after-sales service, the product must be good, and the instructions for use must be clearly explained to others to avoid misunderstandings.

Qingfeng was very impressed by what he heard and felt grateful in his heart. Every time there was something good, he would be the first to give it to Sister Ying and the others.

Sister Ying also likes the rouge gouache he makes. She feels it is more delicate and easier to use than other shops.

 It was in the evening that Jing Shirong came to pick her up.

 The third princess and Murong Yun also came.

 Seeing everyone coming to pick them up, Qingfeng also looked at the door, hoping that Princess Grant would come to pick him up today. After a while, the sound of horse hoofbeats was heard. I was happy in the breeze and ran out to see. Sure enough, it was Princess Grant who came.

 “Qingfeng, here I come.”

 She is busy today, otherwise she would have come early.

Qingfeng knew that she was busy, so he would not blame her.

 He walked over with a smile, "Are you here?"

Princess Grant took his hand and said, "I'm late. Have you finished your work?"

Qingfeng nodded, "I'm done with my work. Have you eaten?"

 “Not yet, I just came out from the king’s place and I’m anxious to see you.”

Qingfeng felt distressed when he saw that her body was wrinkled and she had obviously come out in a hurry.

 “You, don’t be so hasty next time, come out after eating.”

Princess Grant hugged his waist and said affectionately, "I'm fine. I haven't seen you for a day, so I just want to come see you soon and have dinner together later."

Qingfeng raised his head and glanced at everyone. Seeing that everyone was watching, he suddenly felt shy.

“I know, let’s go to the inn and book a table together.”

He went to invite Sister Ying and the others, "Let's go to the inn to have something to eat. I haven't thanked you today."

Sister Ying looked at Jing Shirong, who nodded, "Then let's go together."

He didn’t come back for a long time. When he came back in the evening, he saw that they were not at home, so he took the children out to pick them up.

Mr. Zhong also helped to greet him, "Let's go and have a good meal at the inn. I'll treat you to the gentle breeze in the evening."

Jinghan also smiled, "Okay, let's go together."

They went to the most luxurious local inn together, asked for a private room, and ordered a table of good wine and food.

When the food was ready, Mr. Zhong invited everyone to eat together.

Qingfeng smiled and served the children food.

While eating, Princess Grant suddenly burped and felt like vomiting.

 But she just drank a bowl of soup and drank it down like a normal person.

No one noticed anything unusual about her and continued eating.

Jing Shirong gave Xiao Miguo some meat and vegetables and supervised her to finish them.

This girl has been very picky about food recently. She doesn't eat vegetables and only eats meat.

  Not even meat, just fruits, day by day, not eating this or that.

Sister Ying didn’t quarrel with her. She was served a plate of vegetables, fruits and meat every day, and it was stipulated that she should take five bites of each.

At first, Xiaomiguo didn’t listen. She closed her mouth tightly and wouldn’t eat if she said she didn’t want to.

Sister Ying did not force her. She took a total of five bites of vegetables and put them in her bowl in front of her.

Tell her, "Anyway, you have to eat five bites of vegetables at every meal. If you don't finish this meal, just put it to the next meal. If you want to eat the next meal, you have to take ten bites."

“If you don’t eat the next meal, you will have to take fifteen bites. You can’t miss a bite. You can calculate for yourself whether you want five bites or fifteen bites at once. I will give you a choice.”

 Xiaomi Guolei, "Why do you have to eat vegetables? Vegetables are not delicious."

Sister Ying, "Because we need a balanced nutrition, take ten bites of what you like and five bites of what you don't like, or do you want ten bites at once?"

Xiao Miguo thought about it seriously, "Can three people do it?"

Three bites only need one, two, three, it’s quick.

 But I felt much better after just five bites.

Sister Ying, huh? He made a sound, "If vegetables are three bites, then only take three bites of your favorite snacks, otherwise the vegetable will be unconvinced. Why do you only eat three bites of candy when you eat so many? It is very sad."

 (End of this chapter)

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