Chapter 994, back home

As she spoke, Qingfeng was so embarrassed that she pushed her and said, "You're drunk, go take a shower first."

Princess Grant smiled and said, "You can take a bath if you want me to, but you have to help me."

Qingfeng didn't help her, her face turned red, "Go, go, wash it yourself."

Princess Grant did not give him any trouble. She was so drunk that she threw away her clothes and washed them casually, then she thought he was clean.

Qingfeng was shy to be in the same room with her, so he hoped that she would come later.

But Princess Grant came in in a hurry, stumbling while walking.

 She smiled drunkenly, "Xiao Qingfeng, I'm coming~~"

He smiled so shamelessly that Qingfeng didn’t even notice.

She leaned over to help her rinse her mouth, otherwise her mouth would smell of alcohol.

"Xiao Qingfeng, from now on, you are mine, so be good from now on~"

Qingfeng pushed away the mouth she was kissing and snorted, "What will happen if I don't behave? Do you still want to hit me?"

Princess Grant clicked her tongue, "How can I be willing to beat you? You are my darling."

  It was so difficult to marry such a beloved man, how could she be willing to fight?

 Besides, she is not someone who does things casually.

Qingfeng felt relieved after hearing this, "Then you must listen to me from now on, otherwise I will ignore you."

Princess Grant was too late to love him, and there was nothing wrong with him, "Okay, okay, I will listen to you. From now on, you will be the boss of our family. I will listen to you, and everyone in the family will also listen to you."

As he spoke, he got started.

“Okay, it’s almost dawn, everyone is sleeping, let’s sleep too.”

 Having said that, he started to move his hands and feet.

Qingfeng was extremely embarrassed, but she knew she couldn't escape, so she let her go.

 The two of them quarreled until dawn before falling asleep.

 Everyone got up late this day because they drank too much last night.

 Fortunately, the emperor gave them three days' leave, so they all slept at home and no one got up.

 The breeze didn’t wake up, so I slept until noon.

Grand County is getting up.

 She was always an early riser, even if she was drunk, she would always get up early.

 But after I got up, I started to have a headache. It was also because I drank too much last night.

 She got up and rubbed her face first, then looked next to her. Sure enough, there was a handsome man lying next to her.

 That fair skin, smooth and tender, compared with her roughness, really made her look rough and ugly.

But that doesn’t matter, he is hers anyway, no matter how beautiful it is, it is hers.

When I thought about it, I felt happy and immediately kissed her again.

Zhengxiang was woken up by Qingfeng from her sleep, and she got angry and beat her, but she took it seriously and started chewing on her own.

 Chingfeng doesn’t have the strength to do anything to her.

This time the two of them slept even later and didn't get up until midnight.

 After Princess Grant got up, she felt refreshed, as if she had taken some elixir.

Qingfeng, on the other hand, looked sick and seemed to have no energy.

Princess Grant was busy bringing him tea and water and waiting for him to wash up.

 He also fed him some chicken soup to replenish his health.

“Come and have a drink first, and then go and propose a cup of tea to the elders tomorrow, so you don’t have to get up early.”

Qingfeng hummed and continued to rest after eating. The next day, he would go with her to perform the local tea ceremony.

On the other side, Mr. Zhong sent his children to school and chatted with Sister Ying and the others, "I wonder how Qingfeng is adapting there? Are you still used to it?"

Even though they have only known each other for a month, Qingfeng is just like his younger brother, which makes him very worried.

Sister Ying consoled her, "Tomorrow will be home in three days. We will ask him when he comes." The marriage between the two countries will be held according to the customs of both parties. Princess Grant will definitely bring him back tomorrow.

“Yes. I’ll ask you later.”

On the third day, Princess Grant returned home with Qingfeng.

This time she brought big and small bags, all full of food.

 Horse the carriage here early in the morning.

 “Cousin, cousin-in-law, we are here.”

Looking at her energetic appearance, she is no longer as cold as before, almost like a newlywed groom.

 The third princess looked her up and down and saw that she was beaming with joy, so she knew that this guy was doing well.

Look at Qingfeng again. He is wearing a red autumn dress today. He looks very fairy-like and has a touch of newlywed beauty.

 “Cousin, cousin-in-law, I’m back.”

The third princess saw a blush on his handsome face and his demeanor, but his eyes were a bit blue. It seemed that he had not slept well, but his overall energy was good, and she thought he was loved very much.

 “Come on, come in and sit down.”

Master Zhong greeted them warmly and asked the maid to serve the dishes, while he took Qingfeng to the room to talk.

 “How about it, will she treat you well after marriage?”

Qingfeng nodded shyly, "It's good, she is very considerate of me."

 He was not allowed to do any work, and he was even given a maid to serve him.

  Including the money account book, everything was given to him. He didn’t hide anything private at all, which shows that he lived his life sincerely.

 Her stepmother had quite a strong opinion.

Feeling that he was not serious, he hooked up with Princess Grant and seduce her to the point where she took out all her property.

But he doesn’t care. The days are their own, and the money is their own, so why should they listen to others.

Mr. Zhong nodded, "Yes, Princess Grant's money is your money. It doesn't matter what happens to her stepmother. Just live your own life and don't care about others."

Qingfeng nodded, "I understand."

Mr. Zhong looked outside and saw that no one was eavesdropping, so he listened and said, "Well, I think your eyes are a little dark now. Please replenish your body when you have time. Don't be too tired."

Qingfeng’s face turned red immediately, “I”

It's really shameful. It's all Princess Grant's fault. Who knew she was so shameless, coaxing him to stay in the house without going out again and again.

He himself was almost exhausted, and she couldn't stop until she was satisfied.

Mr. Zhong understood it too well, "I'm telling you, be appropriate and don't damage your body. Also, pay attention to your health. I'll get you a recipe later. You can study it when you get back and take more supplements."

Qingfeng nodded shyly, "I understand."

“By the way, cousin-in-law, what will be the symptoms if Princess Grant is pregnant? Will she still be so lively and lively by then?”

Mr. Zhong shook his head, "I don't know about that. But when your third cousin gave birth to her first child, she vomited very badly. It was because she didn't take good care of her body before getting married, so she was in so much pain."

“You must learn from our experience this time and condition Princess Grant’s body first to make her stronger so that she won’t suffer from pregnancy.”

Qingfeng kept it in mind, "You can give me another recipe later."

 Master Zhong, "Okay."

 As long as you take good care before pregnancy, it will still have some effect during pregnancy.

For example, the third princess's second child was full of life and had no reaction at all. She could still wield a sword.

Qingfeng kept this in mind and planned to replenish Princess Grant's health when she returned home.

The two chatted for a long time, and reluctantly left at night.

Before leaving, the three princesses asked them, "Live a good life. Try to give birth to a big fat boy in the next year."

Princess Grant said confidently, "Don't worry, I can do it."

 (End of this chapter)

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