Chapter 993, a huge send-off team

Sister Ying and Jing Han laughed.

 “Interesting, they are such an interesting couple.”

 At first, everyone was worried that they wouldn't like each other.

 Fortunately, the two fell in love at first sight, and it was considered a good marriage.

A few days later, Princess Grant came over to take Qingfeng out to play after the third princess went out.

 The relationship between the two seems to be getting better and better, and now they can hold hands naturally.

The third princess actually knew that they were going out on a date, but thinking that Qingfeng was slow-tempered and it would be good for him to go out and cultivate a relationship with Princess Grant, she turned a blind eye and pretended that she didn't know.

Now that the relationship between the two is getting better and better, Qingfeng has a smile on his face, which shows that Princess Grant treats him well.

 The next step is to wait for the wedding.

This wedding is quite grand. The third princess is planning to expand the wedding party to a thousand people, and they will carry the dowry together. It will make Qingfeng look good, and people in the province will bully him because he has no backer.

 The grounds at Princess Grant's side have also been arranged.

Even though her parents are gone and she only has her stepmother and a few half-brothers at home, she has no relationship with those people. She is just a little polite and treats them as guests.

 As for worshiping Gaotang, the one worshiping is the King of the Grassland.

Because she is now the right-hand man of the King of the Prairie, and they are both teachers and friends, father and son, so they can still bear this worship.

Qingfeng is also ready.

He had to bring the dowry and daily necessities with him. He was afraid that he would not be able to buy what he could get in the past, so he brought them all.

The third princess also bought him some things, which were very practical, such as lambs, calves, and foals, all of which were edible and useful.

 Prairie people like this kind of little thing the most, and they will be satisfied when they see it.

Sister Ying also came to add makeup. What they added was what Qingfeng liked, including beautiful clothes and beautiful jewelry.

Qingfeng looked at the room full of things, her eyes were red, "You guys are so kind to me. I don't even know how to express it."

He never thought that one day, when he got married, so many people would come to give him things and so many blessings that he didn't know how to thank him.

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "What's the matter? We are all good friends. Let's hang out more often in the future."

Qingfeng nodded with tears in his eyes, "Okay."

 On the wedding day, the scene became lively.

 Ten miles of red makeup is not an exaggeration at all, it can even be said to be twenty miles.

 Because the number of people in the wedding party was more than 1,000, it became a famous scene.

 The common people came out to watch the fun and asked curiously, "Is that the county horse who wants to marry the Prairie Country? He looks really handsome."

Even though Qingfeng is the one getting married, according to the rules, he should wear a red hijab and sit in a sedan chair.

But Princess Grant was reluctant to wrong him, so she let him ride a big horse, wear a groom's clothes, and get married to her seriously instead of being married off.

The third princess took the lead and led the team to the grassland country in a spectacular manner.

 The people of the grassland country were shocked when they saw how big the wedding procession was.

 “Oh my god, how many people does it take to give someone a wedding gift?” This is too exaggerated.

 Publicer A, "Of course it must be such a big deal. After all, it is a marriage between two countries and it is a symbol of friendship. Of course, we must pay attention to it."

“And that prince is so handsome. His skin is really white. It’s different from the skin color of our prairie country.”

They all have a wheat-colored tan, but none of them are white.

Even the girls have yellow skin, not as white as Qingfeng.

Princess Grant also wore a red wedding dress, which was worn by their local groom.

 Because she doesn’t like women’s clothing and finds it troublesome, she wears men’s clothing.

Hair is also simple, and he looks more gentlemanly than the groom.

As for the red hijab, it was even more impossible. She also wanted to see how beautiful Qingfeng looked today. How could she wear a red hijab and just take it off?

Po Xi had a headache trying to dress her up. She had never seen such a handsome bride.

But forget it, the princess is getting married today, so she should dress in men's clothing.

Sister Ying and the others also mingled with the crowd to watch the fun. After all, they had never been to the grassland country and had never attended a local wedding, so they still wanted to join in the fun.

Mr. Zhong also looked left and right curiously.

Princess Grant was riding on a horse. She saw Qingfeng sitting on the horse from a distance. She immediately became happy and ran over with a "drive~" sound.                    Qingfeng~」

Qingfeng saw her, her face turned red, and she said, "You're here."

Princess Grant's face was full of surprise, "You, you look really good today."

  White and handsome.

 As he said that, he was going to hold his hand.

The third princess coughed and said, "Follow the normal procedure."

Princess Grant took back her hand and said, "I understand."

Po Xi quickly came to preside over the ceremony and asked Princess Grant to lead Qingfeng off the horse.

 The two of them were greeted by the team and entered the crowd together.

Today we worship heaven and earth outside. Because there are many people watching, we don’t go into the tent.

Since the customs of the two countries are different, we might as well go through both ceremonies.

 First worship the heaven and the earth, and then do it again in the way of the grassland country.

 After the toast, everyone began to sing a blessing song, which is the local language and is very contagious.

  Qingfeng had studied before he came. Some of them could be understood and some could not.

Princess Grant translated for him, "They all mean blessings. Do you want to drink? Are you thirsty?"

Qingfeng was indeed thirsty, so he drank the wine.

 After drinking it, I still felt that the wine tasted strange.

Princess Grant's face showed a rare blush, and she felt a little guilty, because the wine was spiked.

 At night, everyone began to sing and dance. They kept eating roasted sheep heads, singing and dancing.

The third princess and the others also finished eating and dancing before going back together.

By the time everyone was tired from drinking, it was already midnight.

 Some people continued to drink, and it was still very lively outside.

Qingfeng was already exhausted and had gone back to the tent to rest.

Princess Grant sneaked in and locked the door.

Qingfeng saw her coming in, and his handsome face turned red with embarrassment.

My cousin-in-law showed him the brochure last night and told him some personal things. He was so embarrassed.

But during the wedding night, what needs to be done must be done.

Furthermore, my cousin-in-law said that as long as they are compatible in this regard, women are easier to talk to, so let him work harder.

Qingfeng was so embarrassed, but still studied hard.

 Because he also wanted to make Princess Grant happy.

Princess Grant's face was red, showing that she had drunk a lot.

 Her steps stumbled, but her will was still clear.

So she walked over with a smile and said, "Xiao Qingfeng, I'm here."

The tone of these words is like that of an old **** critic.

Qingfeng blushed and asked her to wash up first.

 “Go and wash it off, it stinks a bit.”

Princess Grant lowered her head and sniffed her body. She did smell a bit of wine.

  "Then you help me wash it? I'm already drunk."

She hugged Qingfeng's waist, lowered her head and kissed him.

Qingfeng was so shy, but he still helped her wash up.

Princess Grant didn't know what it meant to be reserved. After washing, she hugged the person and ate it, as if she was reincarnated.

“Qingfeng, I finally married you. We will be husband and wife from now on. You are not allowed to leave me.”

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 (End of this chapter)

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