Chapter 992, secretly dating

 After Mr. Zhong comforted Qingfeng, he went to Sister Ying's house to pick up the little piglet.

 In the past few days, Xiaozhuzhu has been going to and from get out of class with Xiaomiguo and the others.

Jing Shirong found several teachers for the children, and the children had to attend many classes every day.

 There are calligraphy, history, astronomy and geography, as well as music, chess, calligraphy and painting. There are almost all classes.

   Little Piggy has also reached the age of studying, so he was called over to go to class together.

There are lots of people and the children are more motivated to attend classes together.

 It was time for school to end, and Mr. Zhong went to pick up the children first.

As soon as he passed by, he didn't look at Xiaozhuzhu, but went to gossip with Sister Ying and Jinghan.

“I’m telling you, my Qingfeng was secretly kissed by Princess Grant today, and I’m so angry.”

"At first, I didn't believe the third princess when she said that Princess Grant was an old pervert. I didn't expect that today she secretly kissed Qingfeng and even touched his butt. What a gangster."

“Although Qingfeng doesn’t say it, I can still see it.”

Sister Ying and Jing Han opened their eyes wide, "Come on, Princess Grant is so bold? Do you dare to be frivolous in broad daylight?"

Mr. Zhong said angrily, "No, it can be seen that women in their twenties are like wolves and tigers, and they can't bear it at all."

 In addition, Qingfeng is indeed beautiful, so it is normal for Princess Grant not to be able to resist.

However, as the person getting married, they naturally have to be more reserved and not let others think that they are casual.

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, they have opposite personalities. Qingfeng does need more protection."

Mr. Zhong said, "No, I asked Qingfeng to ignore Princess Grant these days, lest Princess Grant think that we, Qingfeng, are taking it easy."

 “Let her hang out for a few days and let her know that our Qingfeng needs to be respected.”

Sister Ying smiled with Jing Han, "Yes, you are right."

The three of them were chatting, and Sister Ying suddenly said, "Then Princess Grant is gone? Isn't she still hanging around your house?"

 According to the nature of urine, Princess Grant should go to Qingfeng for an explanation. I guess it won’t be that easy.

Mr. Zhong also came to his senses, "Yes, why didn't I think of that?"

Given the slimy appearance of Princess Glen, she would probably sneak into the house secretly.

 “No, I have to go back and take a look quickly.”

at this time.

 At the home of the third princess.

Qingfeng was already taking off her makeup and washing her face. When she was just taking off her underwear, Princess Grant barged in.

“Qingfeng, let me explain to you.”

Qingfeng paused while taking off her clothes, "Why did you get in?"

 Fortunately, he hasn't taken off his shirt yet.

Princess Grant also saw him taking off his clothes, and immediately regretted it, secretly wondering why he hadn't come a step too late?

Had he arrived a step later, he would have definitely taken off his inner clothes.

 Perhaps you can see his fair and tender figure by then.

 Alas, what a pity.

 The two of them had different ideas, and the scene became quiet.

Qingfeng put on her coat and asked her, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Princess Grant coughed, pursed her lower lip, and stared at his red lips.

"I, I'm just here to explain to you. I didn't mean it just now, I just couldn't help it, because you are so beautiful, I couldn't help it for a moment."

“But don’t worry, I won’t do it next time. I will definitely restrain myself.”


“But I don’t want to go out with you tomorrow, so you should go back.”

Princess Grant panicked, "If you don't want to go out with me? How can that be done? I want to take you to the grassland tomorrow."

 She has already made a plan. She will play with him every day this month. Once feelings develop from playing, it will be even sweeter after they get married.

 If he doesn't come out, she will get lovesick.

“Qingfeng, I was really wrong. This is the first time I like a man, and you are so beautiful. It’s hard not to be moved by you.”

 Whenever my heart is moved, I can't help but want to kiss him or hug him. I can't help the longing in my heart at all.

 And there’s nothing to be ashamed of, it’s just that Qingfeng is too shy.

 It would be nice if he could be more open.

"Qingfeng, I like you. I have liked you since the first sight. Can you please stop being angry with me? I will change it next time." She said it so sincerely. Qingfeng sighed. After all, he didn't really hate her. Forget it.

 “I know, don’t be angry, you go back first, it’s almost night.”

 It means the third princess is coming back soon.

Princess Grant was happy when she saw that he was finally no longer angry.

"Then, will you go out with me tomorrow? I'll take you to the grassland to ride horses."

Qingfeng shook his head, "No, let's give it a few days."

She had just promised her cousin husband not to go out with her, how could she go back on her word so quickly?

As soon as Princess Grant heard that he wasn't coming out, she immediately became weak.

 “Are you still angry with me?”

Qingfeng shook her head, "No, I just want to rest at home. It's too hot these days."

Princess Grant didn't believe it and thought he was making excuses.

  "Otherwise, hit me to vent your anger, and don't make me angry again."

 After saying that, he picked up Qingfeng's hand and hit her.

The muscles on her body were so stiff that the back of Qingfeng’s hand hurt from the beating, and she immediately frowned.

 “It hurts, please let me go.”

Princess Grant was stunned and immediately checked his hand. Sure enough, it was red, and she felt heartbroken.

 “Tsk, it’s my fault, I’m such a bastard.”

 After that, punch yourself hard.

Qingfeng was startled and quickly stopped her, "Don't mess around. I don't like this."

 Force is the most annoying thing.

Princess Grant used this to pretend to be pitiful, "I seem to be hurt, so you won't be angry, right?"

Qingfeng was helpless and sighed deeply, "Don't be angry anymore. Please don't do anything next time. I don't like it."

  "Okay, okay, as long as you are not angry, I will listen to you."

The two of them reconciled again. Princess Grant did not give up and continued to ask, "Then will you come out tomorrow?"

Qingfeng was really afraid of her. How could she be so persistent? So she had no choice but to agree.

 “Okay. But you can’t tell my cousin-in-law.”

 “Of course, I will hide it from him.”

The two of them made an agreement, looked at each other, and smiled again.

"I really didn't mean to kiss you and touch you, I just couldn't help it, because you are so beautiful, a hundred times more beautiful than your cousin-in-law. No, ten thousand times."

Mr. Zhong, who was eavesdropping outside, almost rushed in and beat her.

It was Sister Ying who stopped him, "No, no, no, don't be impulsive, eavesdrop on what they say first."

Mr. Zhong was also afraid that Qingfeng would be deceived, so he could only endure it and continue to eavesdrop.

 But the people inside spoke so quietly that they couldn't hear them.

 In the end, I only heard that the two of them had made an appointment to go horse riding tomorrow, but they couldn't tell their families.

Mr. Zhong was speechless, but he still didn’t expose it.

He could see that Princess Grant really liked Qingfeng, and he didn't really want to stop her. After all, he wanted them to develop feelings for each other, so he turned a blind eye.

 On the second day.

As expected, the two secretly dated again.

When the third princess came back and saw no one, she asked, "Where is Qingfeng?"

Mr. Zhong said, “I went shopping.”

The third princess had no doubts and went to the military camp after eating.

It was Sister Ying who brought Jing Han over, and the three of them sat down to gossip.

 “Has Qingfeng left?”

Mr. Zhong poured tea for them, "No, he left early in the morning. That child is really good."

 He left immediately, which shows that he also likes Princess Grant.

 (End of this chapter)

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