The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1002: , how about giving you a second child?

Chapter 1002: How about giving you a second child?

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin went to feed their foals respectively, and they both took hay and carrots.

 “It’s free, eat it.”

 “Dabai, you eat too.”

Xiao Miguo’s colt is called Bai Bai. Xiao Liujin thinks she is her sister and wants her horse to be the boss, so she calls her pony Da Bai.

Although both horses are white, one is fat and the other is thin.

Dabai is greedy and eats all day long. His belly is round and heartless.

Bai Bai is relatively cold. He won't eat unclean hay or carrots that aren't sweet. He is very difficult to take care of.

Jing Shirong gave them a brush and asked them to brush the horses.

Children in the grassland all have their own horses. They must establish a relationship with the horses from an early age, so that they can have a deep relationship with the horses in the future.

Xiao Liujin was combing the horse and suddenly thought, "Uncle, what will happen to Dabai if I go back to Beijing?"

The capital is so far away, so it’s hard for Xiao Pony to travel a long distance.

Jing Shirong nodded, "Then let Mi Guo help you raise it."

 It is also a matter of raising one, and it is also a matter of raising two.

Xiao Liujin immediately looked at Xiao Miguo eagerly, "Sister~~"

Xiao Miguo sighed, "Okay, I'll raise it for you."

Anyway, Dabai is just like a pig, eating whatever is given to her. She is not picky about food at all, so it’s okay to let her help feed her.

After feeding the horse, Jing Shirong asked them to lead the horse out.

Waiting until the lawn, he picked them up and mounted the horse. "Hold them up. If they get distracted and fall, I won't hold them."

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin agreed and grabbed the rope obediently.

The two of them are already very skilled in riding postures, which shows that they usually ride a lot at home.

However, if you ride a lot, you will fall a lot. Both Baibai and Dabai like to knock people over, and Xiaomi Guo and Xiao Liujin have fallen a lot.

 Fortunately, the two ponies are still small and not tall, so it won't hurt if they fall.

 They have experience in many falls, so they will be able to ride steadily.

Jing Shirong took them to run two laps. Seeing that their posture was getting more and more stable, he gave them some training to make the two ponies run faster.

 The baby fat on the two little girls’ faces were bumping up and down. Because they were moving too fast, they suddenly turned upside down again.

The soil on the lawn was soft and soft, and it didn’t hurt if she fell. The two little girls fell down and patted the soil on their buttocks, then ran to hug Jing Shirong’s thigh.

 “Daddy~I want to drink rock sugar water~”

 “Uncle, I want to drink too.”

Jing Shirong wiped the sweat from their foreheads, carried one in each hand, and asked the servants to take the foal back, while he took the two children to the street to drink rock sugar and snow pear water.

I took them to buy two more toys and then came back together.

 After arriving home, Jing Shirong washed and dried the hair of the two little ones before taking them to study and practice calligraphy.

 He has always been a dedicated father and uncle. Every time he goes home, he will try his best to play, study and buy toys with the children, so the children are very close to him.

Xiao Liujin started to feel sleepy after writing for a while. Finally, the little fat man’s head moved slowly and he fell asleep directly on the desk.

Jing Shirong looked back at Xiaomiguo and saw that she was still energetic, so he asked her, "Aren't you sleepy?"

Xiao Miguo shook her head, "I can still hold on."

 After writing two more pages, she could go to bed. She didn’t want to give up halfway.

Jing Shirong nodded with satisfaction and praised, "You really have the demeanor of being a big sister, a proper big sister."

Xiao Miguo had never heard of the word Yujie, but she felt it was cool for no reason, and she suddenly became energetic. "Really? Do I have the style of a royal sister?"

 “But what is Yujie?”

Although I don’t understand it, I think it’s very powerful.

Jing Shirong explained to her, "She is a very cool big sister."

He also heard this word from Sister Ying, so he memorized it.

Xiao Miguo raised her chin triumphantly, "I also think I'm cool, at least cooler than my idiot cousin."

Jing Shirong took advantage of this and said, "Then let your mother give you a chance to have a little brother or sister so that you can live like a big sister? Hmm? What do you think?"

Xiao Miguo tilted her head and thought for a while, "Let mother have a younger brother and sister? Let me be the eldest sister?"

This statement seems to make some sense, but it is a little different.

 She thought for a while and slowly came back to her senses.

“Daddy, do you want to have a second child?” Otherwise, why would you keep talking to her about younger siblings?

Jing Shirong coughed and said, "No, I'm just chatting with you. After all, your cousins ​​are going back to Beijing. I'm afraid you'll be lonely, so I want to create a younger brother or sister for you. Isn't that because I'm afraid you'll be lonely? ”

Xiao Miguo glanced at him like a little detective, "Really? Don't you want a son?"

Jing Shirong coughed and almost choked, "Why do you want a son? Is your father a patriarchal person? If I were a patriarchal person, how could I let you play with me? I also carry six pounds to play with. This is not the case. It’s an injustice.”

As he spoke, his face became sad, and he squatted on the ground and drew circles, as if he was aggrieved.

Xiao Miguo also feels that her biological father is not that kind of person.

Feeling guilty, he went over and patted his father on the shoulder, comforting him and saying, "Okay, I'm just telling you, not that you favor boys over girls."

You know, those aunts and uncles who favor boys over girls are very bad to the daughters at home, beating or scolding them, and using the older sisters as child labor.

 She has seen it with her own eyes, so she knows what it looks like to favor boys over girls.

 My father definitely does not favor boys over girls, because he not only loves her, but also loves Xiao Liujin and Xiao Yunduo.

  If men favor sons over daughters, it is definitely not like this.

But what I want to say is, "Daddy, why do you keep talking about little brother and little sister from time to time today? Is there something you are hiding from me?"

Jing Shirong felt a little nervous and still felt a little embarrassed to speak.

 After all, I didn’t tell the little one beforehand. I was afraid of her reacting to what I said suddenly, so I decided to take a roundabout way.

"Then I like you so much, so I want your mother to have more cute babies like you. But pregnancy is very hard, and I don't know if your mother is willing, so I just want to chat with you secretly. Don’t tell your mother~”

Xiao Miguo looked around and nodded when she saw no one.

“Dad, don’t worry, I won’t tell my mother, but do you really like a good baby like me?”

Jing Shirong nodded vigorously, "Of course, you are so outstanding, so cute, and so good-looking. If you have younger brothers and sisters, they will definitely be with you. Who wouldn't like them?"

  Xiao Miguo and Yourong Yan said, "Dad is right. Since I am so good, my younger brothers and sisters must also be good. But I don't know anything about having children. I will ask my husband when I have the opportunity."

Jing Shirong quickly stopped, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."

Xiao Miguo half understood and half didn’t understand, “Is that so? That’s okay, then I won’t say anything.”

Jing Shirong gave her a clear path, "But you can tell your mother that she can make the decision about having children, not me."

“It’s okay if you both disagree, I’m just thinking about it.”

“After all, I like babies like you so much that I am willing to have a few more.”

 (End of this chapter)

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