The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1003: , do you want a younger brother or a younger sister?

Chapter 1003: Do you want a younger brother or a younger sister?

Xiao Miguo was so praised that her heart was moved.

“Daddy is right, it would be nice to have a younger brother or sister who is as good as me.”

 After all, other people have younger brothers and sisters, so she can’t fall behind, right?

 Furthermore, since she is so good, her younger brothers and sisters must also be good, at least better than their idiot cousin.

 Since we have such good genes, it is better to have one more child.

 In the future, when she has younger siblings, she will have more playmates at home, so she won’t have to worry about having no one to play with her.

 So Xiao Miguo agreed, "Dad, I'll talk to my mother later."

Jing Shirong was happy in his heart, but his face was very calm, "Really? But I'm afraid your mother won't agree."

“After all, it’s hard to take care of you. If you have a younger sibling, you may have to help your mother take care of the younger sibling. After all, you are the most reliable person in the family.”

 Xiao Miguo thinks it makes sense.

He frowned and thought for a while, "Dad is right, this family can't survive without my help."

“That’s a big deal. When my younger siblings are born, I’ll take care of them.”

Like little clouds, they are sometimes shown to her.

Although sometimes she is annoyed by Xiao Yunduo's loud voice, she is still quite cute when she sleeps.

If it were your mother’s biological little brother or sister, he would definitely be cuter than Xiao Yunduo or Xiao Liujin.

  After all, with such an outstanding example like her here, it is impossible for her younger siblings to not be outstanding.

With this thought in mind, she eagerly ran to find Sister Ying, planning to ask her own mother to give birth to younger siblings for her.

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth like an old fox when he saw her going to find Sister Ying.

I thought to myself, "Go ahead, let your mother trick you, and the second child will come out smoothly." Hehehe~


The first place in the pit.

 At this time, in the house.

Sister Ying had just woken up, and she was still in a daze.

 As soon as I turned around, I saw Xiao Miguo taking off her shoes and coming up.

She stood next to Sister Ying, held her head in her little hands and kissed her.


Sister Ying yawned, "What's wrong? Are you back from buying toys with your dad?"

 “Yes, but I have some bad news for you.”

Sister Ying was curious, "What? What bad news?"

Xiao Miguo sighed and said, "That's right, my cousin's family is going back to the capital. They will leave next month."

Sister Ying was surprised, "Huh? So fast?"

Although I knew this day would come, I never thought it would happen so soon, and I was still reluctant to let it go.

 After all, we have lived together for so long, and we have long been used to having Jinghan's family around. If we were to suddenly separate, I was really afraid that I would cry.

Xiao Miguo saw her expression and knew that her mother was also reluctant to leave her aunt's family.

 She hugged Sister Ying and comforted her, "Mom, don't cry. In the future, if you have more younger brothers and sisters, we will be able to play with you. Then you don't have to worry about no one to accompany us."

 Sister Ying? ? ?

“How many younger brothers and sisters? Did your father tell you?”

Xiao Miguo nodded, "Daddy said, it would be great if there were more cute babies like me. I think it's right, if there are more beautiful and smart babies like me, the house will be more lively." ”

“So, mother, you can have two more children, a younger brother and a younger sister, so that the family will be more lively.”

Sister Ying. "Did your father tell you this?"

That old fox is really capable of deceiving children like this.

Xiao Miguo nodded innocently, "Yes, daddy must be lonely. After all, he always brings five or six children home, and it must be very uncomfortable to have three missing all of a sudden."

 For dad’s sake, I really should have a younger sibling. Sister Ying almost burst out laughing, but she held it back.

  praised, "My honey is so filial, but she is so moved that she became a mother. Who wouldn't praise her? My eldest daughter is the most filial."

 “Everyone has to envy me, the daughter you gave birth to is so good.”

  Xiaomi Guo was held in a happy mood, her little chin was raised, and she was very proud.

"Mom, don't say that. I should be filial to you. In the future, I will make a lot of money to buy a big house for you and my father, and then I will buy you a lot of delicious food."

Sister Ying was really moved. She held her round face and kissed her.

 “咒咒咒~My dear daughter, I like you so much.”

 Xiao Miguo also smiled, "Yes, I know you like me, and my father always likes me too."

Sister Ying asked her, "Then if I give birth to younger siblings for you, will you help your mother take care of them? After all, I'm not very good at raising children."

Seeing that her mother was so dependent on her, Xiao Miguo immediately patted her chest and promised, "Don't worry, Mom, just leave your younger brothers and sisters to me. I will definitely take care of them for you."

For example, Xiao Liujin also followed her, and she definitely didn't care about her younger brothers and sisters.

Sister Ying was secretly happy in her heart, but she had a look of admiration on her face, "Okay then, I'll give you a younger brother and sister. Then I'll have to trouble you to work harder."

Xiao Miguo nodded calmly, "I will do it, don't worry."

She came over and touched Sister Ying's belly, "When will the younger siblings be born?"

Sister Ying counted the days and said, "It should be next year, not so soon."

“Will my mother’s belly be as bulging as the aunt next door’s in the future?

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, but if Mom is tired and can't take care of you by then, don't think too much about it. Just tell Mom if you have something to do, okay?"

 When a pregnant woman feels unwell, she really can't take care of her eldest child, which leads to her eldest brother thinking too much and thinking that her mother will no longer love her after having younger siblings.

 This aspect of work also requires the assistance of both husband and wife.

Sister Ying is not worried about this. After all, Jing Shirong is very conscious and will help take care of the child without her asking.

Xiao Miguo has begun to fantasize about the birth of her younger siblings in the future.

“Mom, do you think my younger brothers and sisters will be more like me in the future? Or will they be like you and dad?”

Sister Ying shook her head, "I don't know either, but I heard that whoever brings more babies looks like him."

"Sometimes you look like your father, sometimes you look like me, and sometimes you look like your aunt. We have all taken care of you, so you have similarities with us."

Xiao Miguo nodded with satisfaction, "I think so."

Like her father, she is wise and powerful, like her mother, she is smart and capable, and like her aunt, she heals illnesses and saves people. She really has thousands of advantages combined into one body. She is truly a beautiful girl from heaven.

Sister Ying.

 Such a narcissistic person definitely doesn’t look like her.

Xiao Miguo was lying on the bed, propping up her chin and crossing her calves, when she suddenly thought of something.

“By the way, mother, are you giving birth to a younger brother or a younger sister this time?”

 Or are the younger siblings born together?

Sister Ying.

“I’m not sure about this. Do you want a younger brother or a younger sister?”

Xiao Miguo held her chin and thought, "I don't know either."

 After all, she has no younger siblings and doesn’t know which one to choose.

 “Otherwise, mother can give birth to one for me, and my younger brother and sister will be born together.”

Sister Ying said "oh~" and said, "This"

 The twins of dragon and phoenix, there is no such a high chance of winning.

Besides, being pregnant with twins is twice as tiring, so it would be better to give birth to just one. She would not dare to give birth to two at one go, as the pain would be excruciating.

 (End of this chapter)

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