Chapter 1006: Lord Grant is born

 She went to play with the little sisters. Several little girls met to pick flowers together and planned to make garlands.

When Sister Ying found them out, they were covered in mud and had exaggeratedly large flower rings on their heads.

 Each one is very beautiful.

Sister Ying smiled and praised, "Hey, where are these little beauties? They look so much like little fairies. They must be so pretty."

 The little girls laughed happily when they heard that they were little fairies.

 But in reality, their faces were all black and white, there was mud on their noses, and there were bits of grass in their hair, like little dirty cats.

 But Sister Ying just thinks it's very cute and everyone likes it.

 She took Xiaomiguo back and said, "Say goodbye to the little sisters."

Xiao Miguo waved to the ladies obediently, "Let's make an appointment next time."

 “Okay, see you later.”

 Mother and daughter went back together.

 After arriving home, Sister Ying asked the kitchen to boil water and wash the dirty Miguo.

Xiao Miguo looked at her mother's slightly swollen belly and said in surprise, "Mom? Do you have a baby in your belly?"

Sister Ying smiled and nodded, "Yes, when your belly gets bigger and bigger, you will have younger brothers and sisters. Aren't you happy?"

Xiao Miguo cheered, "Happy~"

 By then she will have her own younger brothers and sisters, so she will not be bored at home.

Sister Ying smiled, asked her to sit in the wooden basin, and washed her hair.

He said, "Mom's belly will gradually get bigger in the future. From now on, can you tell more stories to the **** in your belly? Otherwise, it won't sleep and kicks me all the time."

This fetus is moving very frequently, much more than when I was pregnant with Xiaomiguo.

 Perhaps this fetus is naughty and restless.

As soon as Xiao Miguo heard that her younger brother and sister were not behaving well, she immediately pointed at Sister Ying’s slightly swollen belly and taught her, “Little rascal, don’t bully mother, or my sister will beat you.”

 The little thing in the belly seemed to be asleep, without any reaction at all.

 When it was time to go to bed at night, the little one in my belly started to kick.

Sister Ying sighed and asked Xiao Miguo, "Quickly, help mother educate it. It starts kicking me every time it goes to bed."

As soon as Xiao Miguo heard this, she immediately lay down next to her swollen belly and started preaching with her short hands.

 “You bad guy, stop disturbing me and go to sleep.”

 When the little guy in his belly heard her voice, not only was he not quiet, but he was even more excited and kicked.

Xiao Miguo was stunned when she looked at the small footprints on her belly, and asked in surprise, "This?"

 “Mom, its foot actually kicked you.”

Sister Ying pretended to be pitiful, "Yes, I am so naughty and mischievous, I must have never seen how powerful a eldest sister like you is. Come on, you can clean it up."

Xiao Miguo frowned seriously, "Yes, I'll do it."

 She took a book and prepared to use Tang Monk's chanting to scare the second child in her belly.

“Little one, I’m telling you, I’m not someone to mess with. You have to be good in your mother’s womb, otherwise I’ll make you sleepy.”

 Having said that, he started reading the Three Character Classic.

"People are inherently good by nature. Their natures are similar, but their habits are far apart. If you don't teach, your nature will change. The most important thing to teach is specialization."

As I kept chanting, the little guy in my belly actually stopped, and there was no kicking movement at all, as if he was trapped by the chant.

Sister Ying felt the most. She looked at her daughter in surprise and gave two thumbs up.

 “Daughter, you are amazing.”

Xiao Miguo proudly raised her chin, "That's right."

“Don’t worry, mom, if anyone can’t control the second one next time, just call me.” She promised to subdue the second one.

Sister Ying gave her a rare kiss on her little face, "Thank you, my dear. Okay, go to sleep."

Xiao Miguo snorted, pressed her face against Sister Ying's face, and hugged her mother to sleep together.

 Spring passed and autumn came, and after another three months, Sister Ying's belly swelled up like a balloon.

Although the fetus was beating frequently, she had no other reaction besides a heavy belly.

 At least it tastes delicious, but it will make you tired if you stand for a long time.

But with Xiaomiguo by my side, my daily life during pregnancy was quite happy.

And there are also pregnant women as neighbors, so we can chat together, so we are not lonely.

Princess Grant is going to give birth in the next few days, but I haven’t heard any news yet, so it’s probably going to be soon. Just as he was talking, Mr. Zhong ran over, pulled Sister Yang and ran out.

Sister Ying asked, "What's wrong? Are you about to give birth?"

Mr. Zhong hummed and had no time to chat with her, so he hurriedly took Sister Yang to the carriage.

Sister Yang got into the car with the medicine box and shouted, "Sister, Xiao Yunduo, take a look at it for me."

"Know it."

Little Yunduo can now eat complementary food and does not need to be fed by Sister Yang.

Sister Ying held her in her arms and threw her to Xiaomi Guo.

“Now, please ask the smartest, cutest, beautiful and outstanding big sister in our family to take care of our little baby Yunduo.”

Xiao Miguo sighed and resigned, "I know."

  She has been a big sister for a few months anyway, and has long accepted her destiny as a mother.

 She now understands that if there is a little kid at home, she is not the eldest sister at all, but the old mother.

 Unfortunately, I understood it too late. My mother was already pregnant and would give birth in a few months. Even if she wanted to return the product, it would be impossible for her to return it.

  At the beginning, I was still too naive. I actually thought that I would be the boss if I had younger siblings.

Unexpectedly, before her younger siblings were born, she had to start reading storybooks to her younger siblings every night.

During the day, I had to help take care of Xiao Yunduo, so I was very busy.

By the time she realized it, it was already too late.

Because my mother said, "Once the goods are shipped out, they will not be returned, and there will be no warranty."

  The Xiaomi fruit is bitter, but I still accept my fate and feed Little Yunduo complementary food.

She is now very familiar with feeding Little Yunduo complementary foods and changing diapers.

Even if he pats Little Yunduo on the back to coax him to sleep, he is very good at it.

Seeing how powerful she was, Sister Ying smiled lovingly, lowered her head and kissed her.

“My daughter is awesome. I will take you to the street to buy toys tomorrow.”

Xiao Miguo hummed and said no more, "Okay."

 It was not until late at night that Sister Yang came back tired.

After Princess Grant was pregnant, she went to the military camp every day like no one else.

 It means that the uterine opening of the first baby is slower, but the birth occurs quickly once the cervix is ​​opened.

He is a fat boy weighing seven pounds.

 Master Zhong will not come back at night and is there to help.

 He had experience and was from his mother's family, so Qingfeng kept him for a few days.

 Sister Yang came back by herself and entered the house to look at Xiao Yunduo first.

Seeing that my daughter is still sleeping soundly, I give her a loving kiss.

Sister Ying came over and asked, "Are you giving birth?"

Sister Yang nodded, "Yes, she gave birth."

 “It’s a good thing when it’s raw.”

Sister Ying smiled, "How do you say that?"

Sister Yang, "When Princess Grant gave birth, she didn't say a word. Isn't that just awesome?"

  If it were her, she would scream heartbreakingly. I didn’t expect Princess Grant to be able to endure it.

“But she gave birth very quickly and recovered quickly.”

 In other words, people who are in good health have good recovery ability. At least physically it's pretty good.

For example, Princess Grant has just given birth and can even sit up. She still wants to drink after eating meat.

 Fortunately, the breeze stopped it.

Sister Yang sat down to take a breath. She was about to say something, but suddenly she felt a little dizzy.

 I then made a sound of vomiting and vomited.

 “Hey, what are you doing?”

 (End of this chapter)

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