Chapter 1007, Sister Yang is sick

Sister Ying was startled and hurriedly patted her on the back, "What's wrong? Are you tired? Or are you anemic?"

Sister Yang waved her hands and lay down to rest for a while, "I don't know if she is pregnant. I will rest for a while and talk about it tomorrow."

Sister Ying quickly brought her something to drink.

 “Drink some sweet soup to cushion your stomach before going to bed.”

Sister Yang drank it, rinsed her mouth, and fell asleep.

Sister Ying was a little worried, so she covered her with a quilt and simply took Xiao Yunduo back with her.

 Xiao Yunduo slept with them at night, so that Sister Yang couldn't take care of her in the middle of the night.

 On the second day.

Sister Ying rarely got up early, so she came to see Sister Yang.

 I entered the room and saw that she was still sleeping. I went over and touched her forehead.

It was a bit hot, so she asked someone to bring a towel to cool her down physically.

 I then took my pulse and found that it was indeed a positive pulse, but Sister Yang also had a fever at the same time.

 Pregnant women cannot take medicine indiscriminately, as this will be difficult.

Sister Ying pushed her, "Sister Yang? Sister Yang?"

 Sister Yang woke up in a daze, "Sister, I feel uncomfortable~"

Sister Ying hurriedly went to her medicine box, "You can't take random medicines during pregnancy. Do you have any antipyretics in your medicine box that pregnant women can take?"

 If that doesn’t work, you can only drink some soup to reduce the fire.

Sister Yang shook her head weakly, "It's better not to take medicine, it's not good for the fetus."

Sister Ying thought the same way, "I know, I'll make you some mung bean soup to relieve the heat. You wait a moment."

 Speaking, he immediately asked the kitchen to boil some mung bean soup to reduce the heat, and then brought a towel to physically cool her down.

“The mung bean soup is ready. Drink more and urinate more.”

Sister Yang was unable to lean on the bedside, so she had to rely on her to feed her.

Xiao Miguo saw this and came to help.

Sister Ying called to her, "Baby, please wet the towel and wring it out to help your little aunt physically cool down."

Xiao Miguo hummed, sensibly wrung out the towel and put it on Sister Yang's head.

Sister Yang drank some mung bean soup, ate some fruit, and peed several times before she felt sleepy.

  She fell asleep quickly, and her body temperature dropped a little compared to when she woke up in the morning.

Sister Ying was still worried, so she asked Xiao Miguo to look at Xiao Yunduo and asked her servants to call Qi Yuanming back.

As soon as Qi Yuanming heard that Sister Yang was ill, he rushed back.

 As soon as I got home, I hurried to see Sister Yang. I felt heartbroken when I saw her sleeping sickly.


 He called softly, but Sister Yang was already asleep and didn't hear her.

Qi Yuanming didn't dare to scream too much. He used his hand to test her forehead. Seeing that it was still a little hot, he continued to wipe her body and give her water.

He waited until he was done with his work before eating at the door with his food in hand, fearing that she might not hear her if she called out something.

Seeing that he was back, Xiao Miguo pushed the stroller over and said, "Uncle, are you back?"

Qi Yuanming was sitting on the threshold eating. When he saw him coming with Xiao Yunduo, he said, "Yes, I'm back. Thank you for helping my aunt with Xiao Yunduo."

Xiao Miguo waved her hand generously, "Thank you for nothing. We are all members of the same family, so we should."

Little Yunduo did remember her biological father, and she stretched out her hand towards Qi Yuanming with two clicks.

Qi Yuanming put down the bowls and chopsticks, stretched out his arms to hold her and sit on his lap.

 “Have you eaten, little Yunduo?”

Little Yunduo opened her big round eyes, hummed, and nodded her little head. It seems to say that she ate it.

Qi Yuanming was overjoyed, hugged her and kissed her, "You are really Daddy's little darling."

“Your mother is sick, and your cousin has a hard time taking care of you. Be good, and when your mother recovers, your father will take you out to play.”

Little Yunduo seemed to understand, and nodded obediently.

Xiao Miguo stretched out her hand towards her, "Come here, cousin, I will take you out to play later."

She wanted her uncle to eat, so she took Xiao Yunduo out.

Qi Yuanming put Xiao Yunduo on the stroller, touched the heads of the two little girls, and told them, "Don't go too far."

Xiaomiguo said, "I know." Seeing them walking away, Qi Yuanming picked up the bowl and continued to eat. After eating, he continued to look after Sister Yang.

Xiao Miguo pushed Xiao Yunduo out to play with other children.

 “What are you playing today?”

The girls nearby also need to learn crafts, but after they have finished learning this point, they can go out to play.

They called to Xiao Miguo, "Shall we make bracelets together today?"

  Recently, it is popular to braid a red rope bracelet with bells, which is said to be popular among young girls. But children like to join in the fun, so we made it up together.

Xiao Miguo, "Okay, let's go to the street to buy materials, and we can make them together together."


So everyone went to the street together.

Xiao Miguo pushed the stroller and went to the street with the ladies.

 Two of them also came out with their younger brothers and sisters in their arms.

There is no other way. There are many children at home, and the eldest sister has to help with them.

 After arriving at the street, the children bought colorful ropes and some small bells, and then went back and started weaving.

By the time I finished editing, it was already evening.

Little Yunduo was hungry and wanted to cry, so Xiao Miguo hurriedly said goodbye to them.

 “Let’s stop here today and continue tomorrow.”

 She quickly pushed Xiao Yunduo back and immediately took her to the kitchen to eat when she got home.

Sister Ying saw them coming back and came over to take a look.

 “Have you been out for so long today?”

We usually have to go to class, but today Sister Yang is sick, so we will give them a day off.

Unexpectedly, they spent the whole afternoon together once they went out.

Xiao Miguo stuck out her tongue, "I can't help it, I'm busy." She said it like an adult at work, which made Sister Ying amused.

“It’s better to be busy. If you’re busy, you won’t feel like talking.”

Xiao Miguo was also hungry. After feeding Xiao Yunduo, she started to eat her own braised pork rice.

Qi Yuanming also asked someone to send a copy. By night, Sister Yang's fever had subsided.

People will be more energetic and want to eat.

 The kitchen stewed bird's nests and cut fruits and cold vegetables for her to appetize.

After Sister Yang finished eating, Qi Yuanming breathed a sigh of relief.

 “You’d better be a good person, otherwise I’d be scared to death.”

Not only was she suddenly pregnant, but she also had a fever, which made him worried and nervous.

Sister Yang was helpless, "There is no way, everyone will get sick, but we just get sick when we say we are sick."

 Moreover, I am already sick, so it is useless to talk about it.

 “I’m fine now, you can go back to the military camp.”

Qi Yuanming waved his hand and said, "It's okay. I've already asked for three days' leave. I'll take care of you for another two days before going back."

“Fortunately, there are eldest sister and Xiaomiguo at home, otherwise I wouldn’t be worried.”

Even though there are servants at home, they are not as dedicated as relatives.

And the child is still young, but fortunately Xiaomiguo is watching, otherwise he wouldn't be able to see it.

Sister Yang touched her belly and said, "I didn't know I could get pregnant so fast."

 Originally they planned to regenerate in two years, but who knew the accident would happen so quickly.

Qi Yuanming likes children and smiled, "If you have one, give birth to it, otherwise little Yunduo will be quite lonely."

Sister Yang nodded, "Yes, it's good to have brothers and sisters. They can help each other and play together."

Just as she was talking, Sister Ying came in to see her, "Are you feeling energetic?"

Sister Yang nodded, "Yes, I want to eat something spicy now."

 At first I didn’t want to eat anything, but now that I have recovered, I want to eat something spicy.

 (End of this chapter)

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