The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1008: , Sister Ying’s second child started

Chapter 1008, Sister Ying’s second child started

“Don’t worry, I’ll cook something spicy for you tomorrow, and I’ll cook you some barbecue later to replenish your strength.”

Sister Yang nodded, "Okay."

Barbecued meat is also ok, and grilled meat is also delicious.

 “By the way, where is Little Yunduo?”

 “I went to wash my hair with Xiaomiguo.”

Sister Yang smiled movedly, "Now our family is really inseparable from our eldest sister, Xiaomi Guo."

Sister Ying also laughed, "No, our little Miguo has worked hard. We will add chicken drumsticks to her tomorrow."

 On the second day.

As soon as Xiaomiguo got up, she heard the sound of an eagle landing on the roof.

Her eyes lit up and she quickly opened the window to let the flying eagle in.

 The eagle came in, and she immediately went to get the letter on its feet, which was Xiao Liujin's letter.

It turns out that Xiao Liujin and the others have already arrived in the capital.

Xiao Miguo opened the letter and read it carefully.

 Some of the words above were written by Xiao Liujin, and the rest were written by my aunt.

The letter read, "Dear cousin Xiaomiguo, my mother's brothers and I have arrived in the capital."

“It’s my first time coming to the capital, and it feels so different. The streets and houses here are different from ours. And the elders here are very literal in their speech, and I can’t even understand them.”

“My mother said that I will go to a women’s college starting tomorrow. Hey, I have to go to school just after I got back. It’s so annoying.”

"But Mom said, I was playing all the time on the road, and I have been behind on my studies for more than half a year. I can't negotiate the price, so I can only go to a women's college."

“I also met the elders of my father’s family. My grandfather was okay with me and gave me money, but my great-grandmother didn’t like me very much, but I didn’t like her either. She was fierce.”

“Also, I went to my grandmother’s house. My grandmother, grandfather, and great-grandfather all liked me very much and gave me a lot of food.”

"I like my grandma's house so much that I don't even want to go to school. We will have a lot of fun when you come back to Beijing. I also saved a lot of delicious food for you to eat together when you come back. Cousin, Xiao Liujin. "

Xiao Miguo read the letter and snorted proudly, "What? It seems that the capital is just so-so. It's definitely not as fun as us."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Don't say that. Every place has its own characteristics, good and bad. Just respect each other."

Xiao Miguo nodded, "I understand."

 The mother and daughter finished chatting, then hugged each other and fell asleep.

By the time of the heavy snow, Sister Ying's belly was already very big.

This fetus eats a lot, grows meat quickly, and its belly is a little bigger than when she was pregnant with Xiaomiguo.

After Sister Ying found out, she started to control her mouth and try to eat as few snacks as possible.

 When she was ten months old, the midwife was invited in advance, and she was still the same midwife as before.

Xiao Miguo rubbed her hands nervously, "Mom, when do you think my sister will come out?"

Sister Ying touched her belly and relied on feeling, "It should only last a few days."

 She could feel the baby's head pressing down, and she felt like she was about to give birth.

Jing Shirong also rushed back.

 As soon as he came back, he saw snowflakes falling on his head and body.


Xiao Miguo ran over and opened her hands, Jing Shirong squatted down to catch her.

 “Where is your mother?”

 “I’m making powder in the house.”

Just now Sister Ying felt her stomach was a little bloated, as if she was about to give birth, but after waiting for a while and nothing happened, she cooked a bowl of snail noodles.

Although there is no snail, it is also very fragrant when cooked with other ingredients.

Xiaomi Guo drooled when she smelled the spicy smell, so she ordered a bowl.

  Including Xiao Yunduo, everyone is squirting powder, and the whole family is sucking powder.

 “Daddy, do you want some noodles?”

Jing Shirong was also greedy and said, "Okay, I'll have a bowl too."

There was another pot in the kitchen. Jing Shirong went to fill a large bowl and went to the room to make noodles with Sister Ying.

Sister Ying saw him coming back and smiled, "Are you back?"

Jing Shirong came in with powder, "Yeah, how's your stomach? Does it hurt?" Sister Ying shook her head, "It just stung a little bit, but it stopped hurting. I don't know if it was a fake contraction."

 Because I have given birth to one, I am relatively calm.

Xiao Miguo came in with a flower roll and ate with them.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong sipped their powder and finished their meal in a short while.


 Eating snail noodles in winter is so satisfying.

Sister Ying touched her round belly. Just when she was about to take a rest, she felt a sudden pain in her stomach.


 It seems to be a little painful.

Jing Shirong said nervously, "What's wrong? A seizure?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "I'm not sure, I'll check it out later."

 Labor pains are relatively regular, so please observe them for a while to avoid false contractions.

 After a while, labor pains came again, this time they seemed to be more regular.

Sister Ying gasped in pain, "Hiss~~" Oh my god, it hurts so much.

They say the second pregnancy is not painful, but why does she feel that the pain of the second pregnancy is stronger than the first?

 “Ah, hiss, it hurts so much.”

Sister Ying held her belly and frowned in pain, obviously feeling uncomfortable.

Jing Shirong hurriedly called the midwife and ran back to take her to the delivery room.

"Madam? Does it hurt? Do you want to soak in hot water?"

When she gave birth to her first child, Sister Ying had soaked in hot water, and she wanted to soak in hot water this time as well.

 “Yes, let the kitchen boil water.”


Jing Shirong called Xiao Miguo to the kitchen, "My dear girl, hurry up and let the kitchen boil water. Your mother is about to give birth."

Xiao Miguo was confused and stood there blankly, a little afraid of this scene.


 She rushed over to hug Sister Ying, feeling a little scared and helpless.

Sister Ying endured the labor pain and told her, "It's okay. Mom just ate too much. You go to the herbal shed and call your aunt back to give me some medicine. I'll be fine after I take the medicine."

Although Xiao Miguo was scared, she still wiped her tears and said firmly, "I'll go right away. Mom, please wait for me to come back."

Sister Ying endured the pain and smiled at her, "Okay, Mom, I'll wait for you to come back."

“Oh, by the way, Mom wants to eat the lotus leaf chicken from Dongtou. Can you go and buy one for Mom?”

 Because she was afraid that shouting during labor would scare her, Sister Ying wanted to get rid of her.

Xiao Mi Guo had no doubts and thought she really wanted to eat it, so she wrote it down.

 “Okay, I’ll buy some for my mother later.”

Jing Shirong winked at the servant and left with Xiaomi Guo.

While Xiaomiguo was not at home, Sister Ying asked the midwife to see how many fingers she had opened.

After looking at it, the midwife smiled and said, "Three fingers, madam, it's quite fast."

It is said that the second pregnancy is more painful than the first, but the labor process is also faster than the first.

Sister Ying felt it because the labor pains were getting stronger and stronger.

 The midwife will check her after a while and she has already opened six fingers, which is really fast.

Sister Ying was in so much pain that she asked Jing Shirong to hold her and soak her in a hot water bucket.

 After running hot water, the pain was relieved a lot.

As the labor pains became more and more intense, the midwife said, “That’s it, let’s get on the delivery bed.”

Jing Shirong picked up Sister Ying and skillfully changed her clothes.

 He wanted to stay with him in the delivery room, but the midwife refused.

“Oh, sir, you’d better not hinder me here. I can deliver the baby faster if you go out.”

 (End of this chapter)

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