Chapter 1009, gave birth

Jing Shirong didn't want to leave at first, but Sister Ying pushed his hand, "Go out, don't affect the midwife's performance."

Jing Shirong didn't dare to delay them, so he could only wait at the door.

As the fetus moves forward, Sister Ying begins to listen to the midwife’s instructions.

 “Okay, come on, push harder! Push harder!”

Sister Ying gritted her teeth and followed up with strength.

 “Good, very good, great.”

 “Okay, let’s take a rest first.”

Sister Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and the blood vessels on her face were red from the exertion.

After a while, the contractions came again, and the midwife started to shout again, "Madam, push harder, push harder."

Sister Ying grabbed the edge of the bed and gritted her teeth, "Ah!"

It was still painful, and I couldn’t help but scream.

But this time I used my strength correctly, and I soon saw the end.

The midwife said happily, "Very good, I can see the head."

Sister Ying breathed a sigh of relief and was glad that she had just taken away the little honey fruit, otherwise the little girl would have been frightened.

 After the fetal head comes out, the rest will be easier.

 The midwife is experienced and waits until the fetus comes out slowly before patting the baby's butt.


 The little guy cried twice unhappily, then closed his eyes and started to sleep.

The midwife smiled and said, "Look at this little hair, it's really thick."

 She skillfully washed and wrapped the child, and checked the fingers and toes. When she saw that everything was normal, she began to announce the good news.

 “Congratulations, madam, you are a big fat boy.”

Sister Ying's legs were so sore that she collapsed on the bed and didn't want to move.

 He just opened his mouth and said, "Bring it to me and take a look."

The midwife showed the baby she had wrapped, "Look, look, how thick this little hair is."

Sister Ying looked down at the child on the bed. Her little hair was indeed very thick.

 The little guy has fallen asleep, his eyes are closed, but his facial features are very three-dimensional, and he is probably following his father.

 She kissed her precious son lovingly and asked the midwife to go and report that he was safe.

Jing Shirong had been waiting outside anxiously for a long time. He was relieved when he heard the child's cry.

The midwife opened the door for him and announced the good news, "Congratulations, sir, it's a son."

Jing Shirong hummed and stretched his head to look inside, "How is my wife?"

 The midwife smiled and said, "Madam is fine, but she is tired."

Jing Shirong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Sister Ying was fine, and then he was in the mood to pick up the child.

 He hugged the child and weighed it, "Is it my son? How much does it weigh?"

The midwife smiled, "Yes, big fat boy. He weighs six pounds or seven taels."

Jing Shirong looked down at his son and saw that his facial features were exactly the same as when Xiao Miguo was born, and smiled lovingly.

 “She looks so much like his sister.”

With that said, he carried the child in to see Sister Ying.

Sister Ying was lying on the bed to rest. When she saw him coming in, she smiled palely and said, "It hurts me to death." But the birth was really fast.

Jing Shirong touched her face distressedly, "Otherwise, I won't give birth to another baby, and I'll see how painful it is for you."

Sister Ying smiled, "It's fine now. By the way, where is Xiaomiguo?"

 “I went to buy you chicken with lotus leaves. I’ll be back in a minute.”

Just as he was talking, Xiaomiguo hurried back.


The little short-legged girl ran in quickly. As soon as she entered the room, she smelled a faint smell of blood. She was frightened. The lotus leaf chicken in her hand almost fell to the ground, but she still held on to the rope of the lotus leaf chicken because this It’s what my mother wants to eat.


 As soon as she entered the house and saw no one, she was so scared that she cried.

Jing Shirong felt distressed. He put down his youngest son and hurriedly picked her up.

“Be good, don’t be afraid, your mother will be fine.”

Xiao Miguo lay on her father's shoulder, still crying.

“Woooooo, I smell blood, Dad.” Jing Shirong wiped her tears, “That’s my brother’s blood, not your mother’s, don’t worry.”

Xiao Miguo paused and said, "Brother's blood?" What brother?

Jing Shirong carried her to the bed and pointed to the small quilt in the crib, "Hey, that's your brother."

Xiao Miguo looked at the quilt on the bed with her eyes wide open, and curiously approached her, "Brother?"

She just left for a while, and her mother gave birth to a younger brother?

Jing Shirong hummed, "Yes, your mother gave birth to your younger brother. Let's see if you like it."

Xiao Miguo walked over, opened the quilt and looked at the little guy inside.

 “Yeah, so small?”

Having a small face, her nose and mouth are also small.

The little brother’s hands are also very small, almost the same size as when Little Erzhu was born.

Xiao Miguo looked at Jing Shirong in surprise, "Is this my brother?"

Jing Shirong smiled, "Yes, you will have one more relative and one more playmate from now on."

Xiao Miguo is a little happy, but still a little disappointed.

 “But I would rather have a sister.”

 If a boy is naughty and doesn’t wear a skirt, it’s better for his sister to have her hair braided and wear a skirt.

As she was speaking, she suddenly thought, "Where is my mother?"

This is the reason why she hurried home. Her mother still had a stomachache before going out, and now she has forgotten her own mother just looking at the little kid.

Jing Shirong pointed to the inner room and said, "Your mother is wiping herself. Please go in later."

Sister Ying was sweating all over when she was giving birth, and there was blood stains down there. She had to clean it up to prevent infection.

She waited until the maid had packed it up for her before letting Xiao Miguo in.

 “Daughter, come in.”

As soon as Xiao Miguo heard her mother's voice, she ran in immediately.

As soon as I came in, I saw my mother lying sickly on the bed of the imperial concubine, and I cried immediately.

 “Woo woo, mother~~”

 She climbed onto the couch and lay on Sister Ying's chest, her big eyes red from crying. "Uuuu~ Mom, I'm scared."

Sister Ying kissed her little face and said, "Don't be afraid, Mom is fine. Where is the lotus leaf chicken you bought for Mom?"

 “Here it is.” The lotus leaf chicken has never been left behind since it came in.

Sister Ying felt distressed and moved when she saw her holding the lotus leaf chicken with her little hands.

 “It’s great, Xiaomiguo is great.”

Xiao Miguo hugged her face and asked her, "Does your stomach still hurt?"

Sister Ying shook her head and kissed her, "It doesn't hurt anymore. I'm waiting for you to come back."

Xiao Miguo wiped her tears, "It scared me to death. I just ran to find my aunt, but my aunt has a big belly and riding in a carriage is slower."

Today, Sister Yang went to the pharmacy to look at herbal medicines. Herbal medicines do not grow well in winter, so she has to go and check them from time to time.

As he said this, Sister Yang hurried back with a full belly.

Sister Ying laughed when she saw her big belly and how fast she could run away.

 “Slow down, I’m done giving birth.”

Sister Yang wiped her sweat and smiled, "Originally, the due date I calculated for you was to give birth tomorrow, but who knew it would suddenly happen today."

Sister Ying also laughed, "It's all like this, some are in advance and some are in delay."

Sister Yang nodded, "Yes, they are basically not on time, and I probably won't be on time for this pregnancy either."

Sister Ying looked at her big belly and smiled, "I wonder if Guanyin was passing by here or something? We all suddenly had children in the past two years."

 In the past, either none were born, or they were all born together.

Sister Yang checked her pulse and was relieved to see that everything was normal.

Xiao Miguo thoughtfully handed over the lotus leaf chicken, "Mom, eat the lotus leaf**, it's delicious."

Sister Ying hummed, and took several bites with her little hand, "Thank you, my daughter. My daughter is very kind."

Xiaomi Guo was happy when she saw her eating it.

“It’s okay, I’ll buy you whatever you want to eat next time.”

But I said, "Why did you suddenly give birth to a little brother? It must have been too soon."

 She didn’t even see it.

Sister Ying coughed and said, "Maybe it's because your brother is impatient and just says what he says without any discussion, so you didn't even see it. It's true."

Xiao Miguo has not seen adults give birth several times, so she has no sense of the scene. She naively thought that her brother was too impatient to wait for her, so she angrily said, "Look how I will deal with him in the future, but he didn't wait for me."

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 (End of this chapter)

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