Chapter 1010, Food Protection

Sister Ying smiled and joined her in the same battle camp, "Yes, if he is naughty in the future, you should teach him a lesson. Mom will support you!"

 Xiao Miguo was immediately happy when she saw her mother supporting her.

"But my brother is still young, so don't teach him a lesson now. Let's talk about it later."

Sister Ying knew that she had a hard mouth and a soft heart, so she echoed, "Well, I will listen to you."

After coaxing my daughter well, Sister Ying was also sleepy. She said she wanted to sleep for a while and started to sleep.

Jing Shirong asked her to sleep peacefully while he took care of the children at home.

Xiao Miguo was worried for a day and went out for a run again. Now she was sleepy.

 Mother and daughter were lying next to each other on the bed.

Jing Shirong went to see his younger son.

 The younger son is sleeping soundly now, and only starts to whine when he is hungry.

Jing Shirong was afraid that he would disturb Sister Ying and the others, so she took him directly to the nanny.

After the little guy had eaten and drank enough, Jing Shirong took him back to the house and stayed with the mother and daughter.

Jing Shirong lowered his head and looked at his son's facial features. He felt that his nose and mouth were a bit like Sister Ying's, but his eyes were like his, with darker pupils.

“Your sister’s nickname is Xiaomiguo, so let’s call you Xiaodongze.”

 Being born in winter, I hope you can have more blessings and grow up safely.

Xiao Dongze looked at him with misty eyes, as if thinking about who this was.

He doesn't seem to cry much and is very courageous. He doesn't even cry when someone sets off firecrackers outside the door.

Jing Shirong nodded with satisfaction, "Be brave and you can protect your sister in the future."

After listening to what he said a few words, Xiao Dongze felt sleepy again, yawned a little and fell asleep.

Jing Shirong lowered his head to kiss his little face and put him on the crib.

 At night, Sister Ying and Xiao Miguo woke up.

Xiao Miguo first looked at her mother when she woke up. She was relieved when she saw that her mother was fine.

Sister Ying was amused by her, "Why are you sighing?"

  Xiao Miguo said seriously, "I heard that giving birth will be very painful. Did mother abandon me on purpose?"

 Before, when my aunt gave birth to children, the adults took them away and did not let them see them.

 Her mother asked her to go out in the morning, probably because she didn’t want her to see it.

Sister Ying did not expect that she understood, and touched her head, "It's okay, I really want to eat lotus leaf chicken."

Xiao Miguo clicked her tongue and believed it innocently, "How do you know how to eat it?" You are really a foodie.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I want to eat barbecue tonight. You and your father can make me barbecue. I want cumin flavor."

Xiao Miguo shook her head like a little adult, "I know."

The woman who loves food so much at the stall has no choice but to accept her fate and cook.

Xiao Miguo jumped out of bed and went to find Jing Shirong.

 “Dad, mom wants to eat barbecue tonight.”

Jing Shirong also slept for a while and woke up immediately when he heard her voice.

 “Oh, that’s okay.”

The person is not quite awake yet, but has already stood up.

Xiao Miguo felt heartbroken when she saw her biological father was so tired.

 “Why don’t you just sleep a little longer, I think you’re tired.”

Jing Shirong raised the corner of his mouth in emotion, "Dad, I'm not tired, but I just woke up and am still confused. Then you can lead me to the kitchen?"

Xiao Miguo, a filial daughter, hummed, "Okay." After saying that, she took her father's hand and went to the kitchen.

The father and daughter grilled sister Ying's children together, and sister Ying's heart felt warm as she looked at their backs.

 After a while, Xiao Dongze also woke up.

He was hungry and whined twice, hoping for someone to hold him.

The maid quickly carried him to Sister Ying.

“Madam, do you want to feed it yourself or give it to the wet nurse?”

Sister Ying waved, "Give it to me."

 She still prefers to feed the child herself so that she can develop a relationship with the child.

 If it is given to a wet nurse, it will be a little different.

The maid gave the child to her, and Sister Ying simply lay down to feed her. As soon as Xiao Dongze finished eating, he devoured it as if he hadn't eaten in three days.

Sister Ying took a breath and said, "Hey, you brat, why are you so strong?" She was not gentle at all.

“Your sister was not like this when she was a child. Please be gentler.”

Xiao Dongze seemed to understand and became a little gentler.

Sister Ying smiled and touched his baby hair lovingly.

“With this amount of hair, could it be that I drank too much black sesame?”

 There are actually more berries than those of small honey berries. They look really dense. It will probably be very hot in the future.


How many people want thick black hair but are still envious of it? How can they dislike the heat?

Sister Ying also laughed, "Last month Xiao Zi also gave birth to her second child, and her son has no hair, but she was worried to death."

Xiao Zi is now giving birth to her second child and cannot come to take care of her. Sister Ying simply refuses to let her come and lets her stay at home and be a young mistress.

 It's enough for her to have other people here, so she doesn't have to work hard.

After Xiao Dongze had eaten, he raised his head and glanced at his mother. Because he could not see clearly, he yawned and fell asleep again.

 Babies need to eat and sleep when they are full, and sleep when they are full and eat.

Sister Ying burped him and put him to sleep on the bed.

 Xiao Mi Guo and Jing Shi Rong brought the meat back after roasting it.

 “Mom~~The barbecue is ready.”

Xiao Miguo came back with a large bowl of barbecue, and her mouth was full of cumin.

 “Try it quickly, it’s delicious.”

Sister Ying saw that she had a mouthful of oil stains and asked her to wipe it.

"Look at what you're eating. It's greasy. Go and wash it off."

 “I want my mother to wash it for me.”

Sister Ying followed her and said, "Okay, okay, okay."

Jing Shirong gave her a warm towel and said, "Just wipe it off."

Sister Ying hummed, and wiped her daughter's face with a hot towel, and then wiped her hands.

Jing Shirong fed her some meat.

 “Eat, it’s hot.”

Sister Ying took a bite and said, "Yeah, it's delicious." The cumin flavor is very strong.

Seeing that she was eating well, Xiaomi Guo nodded with satisfaction, "Mom, do you want some fruit? I'll cut some for you."

Sister Ying smiled, "Okay, of course I have to eat the fruit cut by my daughter."

Xiao Miguo was happy and ran to the kitchen to cut fruit.

Sister Ying specially prepared a set of children's knives for her to practice her skills.

Xiao Miguo is now very skilled in cutting fruits.

She cut some apples, peeled oranges, washed bunches of grapes, and brought them in together for Sister Ying to eat.

Sister Ying ate it with great gratitude, "Thank you, my daughter~ My daughter is so kind to me."

Xiao Mi was so happy that she sat cross-legged on the kang.

“Mom, my aunt said that you are going to be in confinement for a while, and I will supervise you, but I will make sure to feed you until you are fat.”

Just as he was talking, Xiao Dongze woke up again, grunting and looking for milk.

Sister Ying glanced over, and Jing Shirong immediately went over to hug her son.

 “Do you want to feed me?”

Sister Ying nodded, "If you want, you can feed yourself and lose weight faster."

If her physical condition was not good after giving birth, she would feed it directly to the wet nurse. But now that she is in good condition, she can feed it by herself.

Jing Shirong saw that she was in good spirits, so he didn't say anything.

 If she is not in good health after giving birth, she will not be fed.

Sister Ying hugged her youngest son, opened her clothes and was about to feed her, but Xiao Miguo suddenly stretched out her hand in front of Sister Ying, "No!"

 This is her ******, how can it be given to other babies?

Sister Ying was so embarrassed that she had forgotten that Xiaomiguo had always been fond of eating milk. Even after weaning, she had to touch it before she would sleep.

Now that I’m older, it’s hard to give up, but I still like to sleep on it.

 (End of this chapter)

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