Chapter 101, Angry Old Lady

 “Okay, I’ll go back and ask now.”

After saying this, Sister Ying took Jing Shirong's hand and ran back to Liang's house to talk to Mrs. Liang about this.

 Old Mrs. Liang is collecting clothes in the courtyard right now.

 When the sun was strong during the day, she took out all the clothes for the new seasons to dry, and was now putting the clothes into the box.

Mother Xu was also folding clothes beside her.

Sister Ying jumped in and said, "Grandma~"

 Old Mrs. Liang didn’t even raise her head, “What are you doing?”

Sister Ying, "Mrs. Jing next door invites you to visit her home tomorrow. Do you want to go?"

Old Mrs. Liang put down her clothes and thought for a while, "Tomorrow?"

She happened to be going to the Liang family's shop to look at the account books tomorrow, but she didn't have time.

Sister Ying nodded, "What about the day after tomorrow?"

Mrs. Liang, "The day after tomorrow? Your aunt is coming to town the day after tomorrow. I sent a letter yesterday, and she will be here the day after tomorrow. I have to stay with her at home, so I have no time."

It just so happens that I have been busy these past few days.

Sister Ying nodded, "What about the day after tomorrow?"

Mrs. Liang thought for a while, "The day after tomorrow I'm going to buy things for Brother Kang's first birthday party. Then I'll go with your mother."

 In other words, I haven’t had any time these days.

Sister Ying was ashamed, thinking that this was a bad time.

Mrs. Jing is rarely invited. If grandma doesn’t go, she won’t hold a grudge, right?

She turned back to look at Jing Shirong, "Brother Rong, did you hear everything? My grandmother is not free these days."

Jing Shirong nodded and comforted her, "It's okay. Business is important. My grandmother will understand."

 But the fact is that Mrs. Jing not only doesn’t understand, but is also very angry.

 She had always looked down upon people in rural towns, thinking that they were all country folk with little education, and looked down upon them.

 Nowadays, it is rare for her to invite Mrs. Liang to come and have tea. This is already a huge kindness to the Liang family, but the other party actually refuses? ?

Especially when Sister Ying said that her grandmother might not be free this month, Mrs. Jing felt that this was a refusal.

 She felt that Mrs. Liang looked down on her!

The other party must have thought that she was an old lady from out of town, and she must have moved to the countryside because her family was in dire straits, otherwise they would not be so disrespectful to her.

 Originally, she was very angry because her son resigned and could not become a noble lady.

This time it was rare for me to invite someone else, and I was even more angry when I was rejected.

 “Huh, if you don’t come, you won’t come. Who cares?”

She angrily rolled up her sleeves, glared angrily at the Liang family next door, and finally rolled up her sleeves and went back to the house.

Sister Ying realized she was about to finish, so she looked back at Jing Shirong.

“What should I do? I seem to be in trouble?”

She originally wanted the elderly people from the two families to get close to each other and have someone to talk to.

Who would have thought that Mrs. Jing was so popular.

But it was just a coincidence that her grandmother happened to have something to do, otherwise she would have come over, but it was just such an unlucky time.

Jing Shirong shook his head and comforted her. "It's okay. It's not your fault. My grandmother just wants to save face."

 She is not only an arrogant old lady, but the most angry person is probably his father.

But it's not his father's fault that he resigned. The situation is what it is, and it's better to resign than lose his head.

His grandmother would only complain when something happened and she wanted to save face, but she was very angry.

 Old Mrs. Liang didn't mean not to come, she just didn't have time. How could she be guilty?

Forget it, "Don't pay attention to her, she just likes to get into trouble. It will be fine in a few days." But the fact is that after a few days, Mrs. Jing is still sulky.

 The family members are well aware of her angry temper, but they pretend not to see it at all.

Mrs. Jing was not surprised. She pretended not to know that her mother-in-law was angry and went to Liang's house to chat with Mr. Wu.

Before the shop opened, she was bored, so she took a needle and thread and sat with Mr. Wu while they embroidered and chatted.

Jing Yu and Jing Xin will also play in the Liang family yard.

Jing Shirong would go over there after studying during the day to play with Brother Kang.

Mrs. Jing saw that the whole family had gone to the Liang family, as if her daughter-in-law and grandson had been snatched away by Mrs. Liang, and she immediately became angry.

She looked at the Liang family door angrily, akimbo and sulking.

“Hmph, what’s so great about it is that he can seduce other people’s wives and children! I don’t have one at home!”

Standing in the courtyard and thinking silently.

When Jing’s father went to have a drink, he heard her casual thoughts and shook his head, not taking it seriously.

Mrs. Jing waited in the courtyard for a long time, but did not see her grandchildren coming back. She immediately asked the maid to go over angrily, "Go and call Brother Rong and the others back. Don't play in the mud in other people's houses all day long. It's not a shame!"

After hearing this, the maid had no choice but to go over and pass the message to Mr. Jing.

After hearing this, Mrs. Jing clicked her tongue and was a little speechless, but she also asked the children to go back first.

Sister Ying originally followed the three brothers back. But as soon as she arrived at Jing's house, when Mrs. Jing saw her, she no longer liked her the day before. She suddenly thought she was a bad kid and disliked her.

 He glanced sideways at Sister Ying and snorted childishly, "What a nuisance."

Sister Ying.

Jing Shirong frowned and felt a little unhappy when he saw his grandmother talking about Sister Ying.

He went over to hold Sister Ying and said to Mrs. Jing, "What do you think she is doing? How old is she?" His tone was a little unhappy and a little serious.

Mrs. Jing disliked Sister Ying even more when she saw him talking back to her about the girl next door. She put her hands on her hips angrily and said, "Who told you to talk back to her, you unfilial descendant."

Jing Shirong covered Sister Ying's ears and replied directly, "If you are always so angry, the wrinkles will grow faster. Look at the old lady of the Liang family. She doesn't have any wrinkles on her face. She obviously has a good temper and good skin." It will be good.”

Mrs. Jing was so angry when she saw that he favored the Liang family next door.

“Your mother bullied me, and you bullied me too!”

Jing Shirong shook his head and sighed. Seeing that she couldn't make sense, he stopped talking to her and took Sister Ying out to play outside.

Mrs. Jing was so angry that she felt that the whole family had been brainwashed by the Liang family and they all began to dislike her.

Obviously she is their biological grandmother, but they go to the Liang family every day to play. It seems that they have been bribed by the old lady of the Liang family.

She was really **** off.

 But Mrs. Liang knew nothing about these things and had no idea what people thought.

She was in a good mood today because Liang Qing came to the house and planned to stay with her for a few days. She was happy just thinking about it.

 When my daughter got married, it was not easy to spend the night at her parents’ house.

But the Wu family is open-minded and the parents-in-law are loving, so Liang Qing can come back if she wants. Wu Laosi also loved others and would personally send Liang Qing back every time.

 The more Mrs. Liang saw her son-in-law, the more satisfied she became. She felt that this marriage was a great one.

 At night, the two of them slept in the same room, and Sister Ying came over to join in the fun.

Old Mrs. Liang saw her carrying a quilt and went to bed, and rolled her eyes at her, "Why are you everywhere?"

Sister Ying laughed and said, "I miss my little aunt too~"

After saying that, he climbed onto Liang Qing, hugged Liang Qing's neck and rubbed it.

Liang Qing also smiled and kissed her twice.

“Sister Ying is becoming more and more beautiful as she grows up. I can’t wait to take her home.”

Mrs. Liang smiled and said, "If you like, you can have one yourself."

   What grade are you in? It depends on your school start time.



 (End of this chapter)

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