The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 102: , Liang Qing went to see the doctor

Chapter 102, Liang Qing visits the doctor


Liang Qing sighed deeply, feeling very depressed.

Old Mrs. Liang asked hurriedly, "What's wrong? But Mr. Wu is not good to you?"

Liang Qing shook his head and explained, "No, my husband is very good to me, that's right."

Old Mrs. Liang, "What is that? Don't say half the words." It's really annoying.


Liang Qing did not answer, and sighed deeply.

Old Mrs. Liang can't stand this kind of half-talking and half-stopping.

 “Tell me, what’s going on?”

Sister Ying was also very curious, "Little aunt, what's wrong with you? If you don't tell me, I won't be able to sleep."

Liang Qing was amused by her, finally sighed and told Mrs. Liang the truth.

“Mom, my husband and I have been married for a year, but my stomach has been quiet all the time, and I’m worried to death.”

 Although her parents-in-law would not rush her or put pressure on her, they were so kind to her and she also wanted to give Wu Laosi more children.

 But it had been a year since the wedding and there was still no news. She was afraid that she would not be able to give birth.

Seeing that this was the problem, Mrs. Liang cheered, "It's okay if you haven't been pregnant for a year. Didn't your eldest sister get pregnant more than a year ago? Don't think too much."

Liang Qing still sighed, "But I always can't get pregnant, and I feel uneasy."

She had seen a doctor in the countryside before, but the doctor said there was nothing wrong with her health and told her not to worry.

 But she was still worried, so she wanted to come to the town to see the doctor.

Mrs. Liang said, "I took you to see her before, but the female doctor said that you are in good health and should be able to get pregnant."

She has given birth to three children herself, and the Wu family can also give birth to three children, which means that there is nothing wrong with both of their families.

 Liang Qing is still worried.

“My parents-in-law don’t know what to say, but my neighbor’s mother-in-law always asks me questions from time to time, which makes me upset.”

Old Mrs. Liang clicked her tongue, "Your parents-in-law didn't say anything. You don't care what the neighbor's mother-in-law did. There's no need to make yourself feel bad."

Liang Qing doesn’t want to, but she can’t get pregnant and is afraid that she won’t be able to give birth.

Mrs. Liang sighed and said, "Otherwise, I will take you to see the doctor tomorrow. If there is no problem by then, if you have more affection with your son-in-law, you will eventually get pregnant."

Liang Qing thought of her husband's handsome face and nodded shyly, "I know."

 On the second day.

Old lady Liang took Liang Qing to a gynecological specialist to show Liang Qing.

 The two of them came out before it was still dark, so they were afraid of being seen.

It just so happens that Sister Ying has a ten-day break from school and is at home during the holidays.

Mrs. Liang was afraid of being seen going to see the doctor, so she took Sister Ying with her.

If you meet others on the road, tell them that they brought Sister Ying out to play.

Sister Ying also knew to cover for them and followed them obediently.

Mrs. Liang saw that she was so obedient, so she bought her a sweet-scented osmanthus cake as a reward on the way.

Sister Ying got the advantage and behaved well, "Grandma, even if you don't bribe me, I will help you cover up~"

 Old Mrs. Liang laughed angrily at her, "You are the only one who is clever, you can talk about anything."

Liang Qing also laughed, "I also want to have a girl as smart as Sister Ying. It's fun to watch."

Mrs. Liang patted her hand and comforted her, "It will happen. I see that your face is rosy, and it doesn't look like it won't happen. Maybe the fate has not come yet."

Liang Qing also felt that she was in good health. She had gained weight even though she had eaten well at Wu's house.

The three of them held umbrellas and arrived at the house of the gynecologist. The medicine boy led them inside. When the female doctor saw people coming, she asked them to sit down.

Liang Qing sat in front of the female doctor and asked her to take her pulse.

 The female doctor asked her about her daily affairs and disharmony between her husband and wife?

Liang Qing blushed and said everything was fine.

Old Mrs. Liang was covering Sister Ying's ears to prevent her from listening.

Sister Ying struggled and twisted, and she glared at her, "Eat your sweet-scented osmanthus cake."

Sister Ying yelled, and had to sit down and eat the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, her ears being covered tightly.

After the female doctor asked Liang Qing about her private life, she pressed her belly again, and finally concluded, "You are in good health and there is nothing wrong with you. After you go back, you will not be allowed to have **** for ten days, and then continue to do so every other ten days."

"After one month, if there is no movement, wait another month. If you are still not pregnant, come back."

Liang Qing nodded and kept it in mind.

During the period, the female doctor also told Liang Qing that couples can also wear colorful underwear, which can increase the relationship between the couple and help them conceive children faster.

Liang Qing blushed when she heard this, but she took note of it carefully.

 After seeing the doctor, the three of them went back together.

When Liang Qing heard the doctor said there was nothing wrong with her, she breathed a sigh of relief and felt much better.

Mrs. Liang also listened carefully to what she said just now, and told Liang Qing based on experience, "I think you newlyweds are too loving, so you can't get pregnant. The doctor asked you to have a long diaphragm, so you can do it a little longer."

“As for the bright underwear, let’s go buy some materials and make it yourself when you get home so that no one will see it.”

Liang Qing blushed and nodded, "Okay."

Then they went to the material shop and picked out some brightly colored materials.

Even though Sister Ying didn’t hear what she just said, she still joined in the fun and helped choose ingredients.

 The shopkeeper saw that the materials they picked were all good, so he picked some red patterns for them.

Old Mrs. Liang thought her water-red color looked good, so she ordered a little more.

 After returning, she also told Liang Qing how to make her underwear more beautiful, which made Liang Qing blush.

Mrs. Liang has given birth to three children, and she has long been accustomed to these things. She also said to her, "Why are you so embarrassed? Aren't both husband and wife like that? Remember the doctor's words carefully. Don't be too diligent. You may be diagnosed next month." Got it."

Liang Qing nodded and said, "I understand."

Sister Ying looked at her with wide eyes, wanting to hear a few words, but Mrs. Liang put her down on the ground and said, "Go by yourself. I've been holding you for a whole day, and my hands are so sore."

Sister Ying said something slightly, then ran away with a smile.

Just when they were about to enter the house, they met Mrs. Jing.

 It was also the first time for Mrs. Liang to see Mrs. Jing in person.

It was the first time for the two old men to meet each other, and they both looked at each other curiously.

At last Mrs. Jing saw Sister Ying next to Mrs. Liang and knew she was Mrs. Liang.

So she snorted loudly, threw up her sleeves and went into the house.

Mrs. Liang was stunned. "What do you mean? Did she just snort at me?"

Sister Ying said hurriedly, "No, no, you are wrong. She doesn't know you, so why are you humiliating her? Let's go and enter the house."

Mrs. Liang didn’t believe it. She thought back to Mrs. Jing’s look just now, “That was obviously staring at me!”

She is quite respected on this street. When has she ever been glared at by an old lady?

 This is really unreasonable!

Sister Ying saw that Mrs. Liang was angry and hurriedly coaxed her, "Grandma, don't be angry. It's up to me to handle this. I'll explain it to you when I get back."

Mrs. Liang didn't expect that this matter had anything to do with her, so she glared at her, "Does this matter have anything to do with you?"

 (End of this chapter)

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