Chapter 103, Liang Jin and Jing Fu

Sister Ying shrank her neck in fear, "I'll tell you in detail when I get back. Let's go into the house first." Family scandals should not be made public.

 If you beat her outside, she will lose face.

Old Mrs. Liang snorted and glared hard at Jing's courtyard, extremely angry.

 When she returned to the courtyard and the door was closed, she asked Sister Ying, "What's going on?"

Sister Ying looked at her little finger and said, "When I went to her house before, I originally wanted you two to sit and chat, but I didn't expect that you just don't have time these days."

 But Mrs. Jing didn’t believe that Mrs. Liang was not free. She only thought that Mrs. Liang was refusing on purpose, that’s why she was so angry.

But she was not only angry at Old Mrs. Liang, but mostly because she couldn't do what she was a good noble old lady, but she came to this remote place in the countryside, and she became angry when she saw it.

 That's when I took all my anger out on Old Mrs. Liang.

The Jing family didn't want to pay attention to her bad temper and just pretended not to notice it.

 But Mrs. Liang couldn't do it. She didn't understand Mrs. Jing and thought she was deliberately looking for trouble.

I think she is well-known in this street. Her son is a promising one, her daughter-in-law is the daughter of a wealthy family, and she has a grandson and a granddaughter. She is a winner in life no matter what, so why should anyone let her down?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she refused to listen to Sister Ying's explanation at all.

"Hmph, stop talking. I see that the old woman is obviously arrogant and looks down on someone. She looks so sloppy and makes me angry just by looking at her."

Sister Ying was ashamed and hurriedly tried to persuade her, "It's my fault. I should have come back to ask you beforehand. I did something bad with good intentions."

Old Mrs. Liang didn't listen, "What's wrong with you little kid? It's that **** old woman who cares about a little kid. Who is she!"

Who is not busy yet, and she will show off her face when she has no time to go? What about her belly? Rats are more generous than her.

 “Hmph, don’t go to her house next time, it will make her angry.”

After saying that, he led Sister Ying in.

Sister Ying said to her heart, now there is no grudge, no matter how bad the relationship is, she really does bad things with good intentions.

She intended to persuade her a little more, but Mrs. Liang didn't listen at all and took Liang Qing to cut fabrics directly.

Jing’s father Xu heard about the marriage between two old ladies, so he brought a jar of freshly brewed wine. Deliberately ease the relationship between the two old people.

When Liang Jin saw him coming, of course he had to entertain him personally.

Jing’s father is more than ten years older than Liang Jin and is mature and steady.

Liang Jin admired him immediately as he saw that he was more dignified and more elegant than the senior officials in their examination room.

 “Brother Jing is here?”

Jing's father nodded and said with a smile, "I brewed a jar of wine at home, and I just came out with a jar. I came here specifically to ask you to help me taste it."

He came to show his kindness intentionally, so Liang Jin naturally accepted it with a smile.

“I saw that you were busy before, so I was too embarrassed to bother you. Since Brother Jing is here today, let’s have a drink together.”

Jing’s father did not refuse, and nodded with a smile, “Our whole family has tasted the craftsmanship of my brothers and sisters, and we are all very impressed. We have not even thanked you for your hospitality.”

Liang Jin hurriedly said no, "She has been good at cooking since she was a child. Anyone who has tasted her will always praise her cooking skills. However, she is busy raising children and only cooks a few times every now and then. Usually the cook does it."

Jing’s father nodded and followed him into the main room to sit down.

Liang Jin made tea for him and asked Tongxi to bring tea fruits.

Jing’s father saw that his house was clean and tidy, and Liang Jin was an open-minded person, making him a worthy friend.

 It is relatively easy for men to make friends. After chatting for a while, the two of them talked about knowledge.

Jing’s father had been a high official, capable of both literary and military skills, and he was very friendly with Liang and Jin.

Liang Jin was in the countryside and had relatively little exposure to knowledge. After chatting with Jing’s father for a few words, he suddenly became enlightened.

Just by listening to Jing’s father’s level of knowledge, it was obvious that his knowledge contained much. Liang Jin was so happy that he immediately fell in love with Jing’s father.     That is the worship of a scumbag student to a top student.

The more Liang Jin listened to Jing's father talk, the more he admired him.

“Brother Jing, your talent and learning are really great. In comparison, I am really far behind. I don’t even know how to read many books. I feel really ashamed when I think about it.”

Jing's father saw that he didn't understand, so he asked him to take out the book and was willing to give him some answers.

Liang Jin was so happy that he hurriedly took out the books and showed Jing's father everything he didn't understand.

Jing’s father has read it and is confident enough to give him answers one by one.

Liang Jin was convinced and admired him even more.

“Brother Jing, listening to you is really better than studying for ten years. If I hadn’t listened to your explanation today, I would have failed the exam next autumn.”

Jing's father saw that he was modest and wanted to teach him more. "If you don't mind, if you don't understand something in the future, you can come and ask me."

Liang Jin didn't get what he asked for, "Then I'll thank Brother Jing first."

 Studying at home is indeed not possible in many places.

 But there are not many people here who are really talented and knowledgeable. It is really difficult to find someone who is better than him to ask questions.

 This is the only time I met Jing’s father, otherwise there would be no one to teach me.

Liang Jin was in a very good mood and hurriedly went to find Mrs. Wu and asked her to cook some hard dishes. He wanted to invite Jing's father to have a few drinks.

 It was rare for Mrs. Wu to see him wanting to invite someone so much, so she said yes with a smile, gave Brother Kang to Old Mrs. Liang, and went to cook.

Jing's father had dinner at Liang's house in the evening. Liang Jin felt that it was not enough, so he asked Sister Ying, "Go and call your Aunt Jing and Brother Rong."

He thought about it, but still felt that it was not sincere enough, so he simply asked Mrs. Wu, "You and Sister Ying can go to their house to invite them, and invite Mrs. Jing to come over and join in the fun."

It was rare for Mrs. Wu to see Liang Jin being so enthusiastic, so she smiled and said yes, then carried Sister Ying over with her.

 Kang Geer saw that Mrs. Wu was about to go out, and hurriedly shouted "Mother, Mother," to follow.

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu simply hugged him over.

  Mother and son came to Jing’s house together and told Mr. Jing about going to have dinner there.

Jing also wanted to go to Wu’s house and lively, so she said yes with a smile.

Mrs. Wu also said, "Let the old lady go there too, there are so many people and it's so lively."

Jing Shi smiled and said yes, and went into the house to invite her.

“Mom, the Liang family is here to treat us, let’s go over and have a good time.”

Mrs. Jing was still angry and snorted deliberately, "If you don't go, you are not allowed to go either! It's not like our family has no food to eat."

Mrs. Jing just pretended not to hear and said, "If you don't want to go, we will go by ourselves. Sister Aning has come to invite us in person, so you can go together to save face. The dishes on the table are so fragrant that the children are all excited." It’s over.”

Mrs. Jing also smelled the aroma of the Liang family's food in the room. She couldn't help but swallow her saliva, but she still wanted to save face.

 “I’m not hungry, you go and go alone, anyway, I don’t eat other people’s food.”

Mrs. Wu looked ashamed as she listened, and Mrs. Jing quickly said, "Mom, sister Aning is right outside the door. If you say that, she will cry."

Mrs. Jing choked, she didn't expect Mrs. Wu to be outside, and now she was embarrassed.

Although she can speak ill of people, she will not say it in front of others, which would be embarrassing for both parties.

She thought that the Jing family was the only one outside, but who knew that the Wu family was also there.

So she coughed and explained deliberately, "What, me, I either don't like the food because it tastes bad, or I'm not hungry."

I smashed up the tickets and stuck them on my 2-foot fat waist. I need to treat my lumbar vertebra~~hahaha (▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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