The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1012: , balance the relationship between siblings

Chapter 1012, Balancing the relationship between siblings

 After Xiaomi Guo finished practicing her calligraphy, she resigned herself to changing Xiao Dongze's diaper.

 From the beginning, she was in a hurry, but now she is very familiar with it.

Xiao Dongze behaves well after eating, but kicks his hands and feet.

He was a very active baby in the womb. After he was born, he kept eating and pooping, which was very tiring.

Xiao Miguo couldn't help but criticize him, "Are you the reincarnation of a pig? Why are you so good at eating and so good at pooping? She's almost exhausted."

Jing Shirong came home and when he heard this, he smiled and said, "Baby, just leave the diaper changing to the servants, otherwise what will happen if I tire you out?"

Xiaomiguo said, "When I am busy, I give it to the servant. When I am not busy, I change it for him."

 Otherwise she would have to take piano, chess, calligraphy and painting lessons every day, and would not have time.

However, after having the child for a long time, it also brings out emotions.

 She wouldn't feel relieved if she didn't come to see Xiao Dongze for a day.

 After all, her parents are so unreliable and they only know how to eat and sleep. How could she not pay more attention to them?

Once she went out to make flower rolls to eat. When she came back, she saw Xiao Dongze eating something in his mouth. His face was red, as if something was stuck.

 She was so frightened that she quickly opened his mouth and took it out, otherwise it would be terrible.

It turned out that Xiao Dongze had strong hands and unbuttoned the clothes and put them in his mouth.

 Fortunately, the button is big enough, and the baby's small throat cannot swallow it, but it will be uncomfortable in the mouth.

At that time, Xiao Miguo looked at her sleeping mother and was speechless. For the first time, she felt that her mother was too unreliable.

 Actually, Sister Ying knew about it, but she just pretended to be sleeping, deliberately wanting to see her reaction.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Miguo decided from then on that her parents were unreliable, and her younger brother had to look after himself to be reliable.

So she took Xiao Dongze with her every day to practice calligraphy, and read while taking care of the baby.

 She is not a gentle big sister, but a fiery big sister.

If Xiao Dongze disobeys, he will be beaten directly.

Sister Ying smiled when she saw it, "Oh, you did something wrong and got beaten by your sister? My mother can't save you." After that, she took the persimmons and Jing Shirong ate half of them each.

 Xiao Dongze.

He kind of knew that in this family, his father and mother were the theatergoers, and his sister was the one who worked hard.

However, children all like older children. Even if Xiao Miguo often scolds him loudly, Xiao Dongze still likes to play with his sister.

Sometimes when Sister Ying feeds him, he doesn’t even smile. As soon as Xiaomiguo comes back, he starts to pounce, and his little chubby hands are waving very excitedly, which shows that he is happy.

 Xiao Miguo came back from reading every day. She first went to her room to see her mother and younger brother. When she saw that Xiao Dongze didn't cry, she kissed him as a reward.

 “Tsk, he’s fat again.”

Last month it was still a small one, but this month it is obviously much bigger.

Sister Ying also said, "Yes, your brother is much older than you were when you were a child."

 For babies of the same month, Xiao Dongze will have a normal weight when he is just born, but will get bigger and bigger later on.

She has long legs, long fingers, and fleshy arms and thighs, probably because she is as tall as Jing Shirong.

Xiao Miguo got him a toy and played with him for a while. When he was sleepy, she gave him a soft chest. Xiao Dongze soon fell asleep.

Sister Ying waved to her, "Here comes the honey fruit."

 She was mysterious and mysterious, which made Xiaomiguo curious, "What's wrong?"

Sister Ying took out a bag of warm chestnut cakes from her arms and said, "Now, your father bought only four chestnut cakes. We'll have two for each of us, so I won't give them to your brother."

Xiao Miguo clicked her tongue, "That's so bad, after all, he is also my little brother."

Even though he said this, he still ate the chestnut cake in one bite. Sister Ying smiled and said, "It's okay. God knows that you know this and I know it. As long as we don't tell it, your brother won't know about it."

 Xiao Miguo said while eating, "Mom, you are too partial. This is not good."

  I said it was not good, but I still ate all the chestnut cake.

Sister Ying almost couldn't hold back her laughter and gave her the remaining chestnut cake, "There's another one for you too. I didn't even give it to your father."

 Xiao Miguo was moved in her heart, "Oh, I know you love me the most."

As long as her parents still love her the most, she will naturally not think too much about it and her heart will be full of love.

She didn’t eat the chestnut cake either. She kept it for Xiao Dongze to smell when he woke up. Good siblings wanted to share it.

Sister Ying knew her little move and smiled proudly.

 This is how a two-child family is. The eldest child is older than the second child and must have more thoughts than the second child. If you make things difficult for her at this time, she will remember it for the rest of her life.

 But as long as you give her a lot of love and let her know that her parents still love her the most, she will naturally not be stingy with her love.

However, a comprehensive approach is also needed. While loving her, you also need to convey to her the idea that her brother is a family member.

 She cannot be made to think that her brother is an outsider, and neither her parents like him, nor is that good.

Like Sister Ying, every time something happens at home, the four members of the family will be called together to discuss it, and no one will be left alone.

Even if they go to any banquet, the siblings will bring them with them.

Gradually, Xiao Miguo realized that her younger brother was in the same group as them, and no matter where they went, the whole family had to be neat and tidy.

Even if something happens, the whole family must discuss it together. The younger brother is not an outsider, but the mother still loves her the most.

However, my mother also loves her brother, but not as much as her, so she will still take more care of her brother. After all, her mother loves her so much.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong laughed when they saw that the effect was good and that the two siblings got along well.

 When Xiaodongze passed the 100th day, several tables were invited to the house, which was very lively.

Little Dongze was very excited when he saw so many people coming to the house, babbling and fluttering his fleshy little hands and feet.

Little Yunduo also came to play with him.


Little Yunduo is also over one year old. Although she is still a baby, she is tall and has a small square face. She looks a little older than a child over one year old, and she looks like two years old.

However, Xiao Miguo still thinks her cousin’s cute **** are cute.

She thinks it's cute, but other children don't think so.

They discussed Xiao Yunduo’s square face, “I think a square face is not very cute, I don’t like it. It’s a bit ugly.”

“Yeah, I feel a bit old, like a boy.”

Little Yunduo understood a little bit. These sisters seemed to be calling her ugly, so she burst into tears.

Xiao Miguo was not happy after hearing this. He came over to hug her and said to her, "Why are you crying? A square face is so beautiful. You are the only one in the audience who has a square face and no one else has one. People are jealous of you, idiot."

Little Yunduo sniffed, "Is it true?"

Xiao Miguo said firmly, "Of course it's true. Do you think your father is good-looking? Is he handsome?"

Little Yunduo liked daddy the most and nodded firmly, "Daddy is good-looking."

“That’s fine, you are as good-looking as your father, super handsome.”

Little Yunduo believed it and was happy.

 “Well, I am super handsome.” She is the most beautiful baby in the whole show!

 Other children.


 (End of this chapter)

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