The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1013: , a complaint from the boss

 Chapter 1013, Complaints from the Boss

 When the weather gets better, Sister Yang’s due date will arrive.

She started this pregnancy on time, and it was still in the middle of the night.

  She was puzzled, "Why is it happening in the middle of the night again!"

Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry, "Stop complaining and concentrate on having children."

 The midwife helped to look at the cervix. She opened it very quickly, and she already had three fingers.

The children happened to be asleep, and they were the only ones in the delivery room.

  When it gets slightly brighter, the child will be born.

 It’s a boy, and this time he still has a square face.

Sister Yang was about to breathe a sigh of relief after giving birth, but when she saw her son’s square face, she was speechless.

 “Why is it that you have a square face again!”

Even if the daughter is like this, the son is still like this, how strong are Qi Yuanming's genes!

Sister Ying was also helpless, "I've already given birth, so don't dislike it."

Sister Yang was about to cry but had no tears, "I don't dislike it, I'm just afraid that the child will blame me when he grows up."

Little Yunduo now understands how to love beauty. She cried sadly when other older children said she was ugly. Fortunately, Xiaomi Guo was able to calm her down.

Now that she is still young, she can still deceive her, but when she is older, it will be difficult to deceive her.

Sister Ying clicked her tongue, "What's the matter? Keep brainwashing her. A square face is good-looking!"

  You cannot let your children feel inferior anyway.

 Besides, the little clouds are not ugly either, their eyes are very beautiful.

Each girl’s beauty is different. There is no need to be similar to others, as long as you think she looks good.

Sister Yang thought the same way, "Yes! Yes, square faces can be cute. Anyway, my daughter is super cute."

Because Sister Yang gave birth to a second child, she didn’t have time to take care of Xiao Yunduo, so she gave it to Xiao Miguo.

Xiao Miguo now not only has to take care of her younger brother, but also takes care of Xiao Yunduo, just like a nursery.

Angry, she told Sister Ying and Sister Yang, "If you don't want to take her, don't give birth to her. What's the point of just leaving her to me? I don't have to be busy."

 If you don’t want to take it, then don’t give birth to it. It’s not responsible at all. It’s true.

She muttered angrily, like a grown-up, and made the two old mothers lower their heads.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang waited until she finished complaining before acting coquettishly, "You are the most powerful in the family, so we can only rely on you~~"

Xiao Miguo couldn't stand their coquettish behavior and waved her hands in disgust, "Okay, okay, let me leave the kids here. You can leave quickly."

  Day by day, there is no time to rest.

 Fortunately, Xiao Yunduo and Xiao Dongze both regarded her as the boss and she was quite obedient.

Xiao Yunduo and Xiao Dongze: ...They don’t dare to be disobedient. After all, the eldest sister is so irritable and gets angry at the slightest. If she doesn’t obey, her **** will suffer, and she can’t go out to play with her. Of course, she has to be obedient.

Sister Ying saw that the relationship between the three siblings was getting better and better, and she smiled happily.

 When Xiao Dongze turned one year old next winter, the family held a birthday party for him as usual.

 When he captured Zhou, all the things he put there were things used by boys, including the Four Treasures of the Study, swords, square halberds, abacus, and official seals. It was up to Xiao Dongze which one he chose.

 Xiao Dongze has been brought up by Xiao Miguo most of the time this year. He is a very courageous baby.

 In the first six months, he was still very obedient to his sister. As he gets older, he begins to have his own opinion. He will reject things he doesn’t want loudly, but he must get what he likes.

 He is taller than other babies of the same age, but the baby fat on his face is still round and chubby.

Although he wants to pretend to be mature, his chubby little face looks like a kid at first glance, and his big dark eyes make him look particularly cute.

Sister Ying put him on the red carpet and asked him to grab what he liked.

 “Er smash, go ahead and get what you like.”

Sister Yang asked, "What do you want him to catch?" Sister Ying shook her head, "Anything is fine."

 She doesn’t have many requirements for her children. She won’t explicitly ask them what they will do when they grow up. She mainly depends on the children’s preferences.

Xiao Dongze sat on the red carpet and looked at the items in front of him. He crawled over and looked at this and that. They were all pretty good.

 Finally he chose a riding crop with a handle studded with gems.

The riding whip was sent by Jing’s father, saying it was a first-year gift for his grandson.

Children already like shiny things. When they saw the riding crop set with gems, they immediately took it and waved it to play with.

Jing Shirong and Sister Ying smiled at each other and praised each other.

 “Wow, my son is so awesome, he chose such a powerful horse whip.”

Jing Shirong said, "Yes, my son is awesome."

The couple praised together, and Xiao Dongze actually smiled happily and crawled over to ask Sister Ying to hug her.

Xiao Miguo sighed, knowing that this bratty brother would choose to wield the riding crop.

She read him so many books on weekdays, but she couldn't calm him down, so she knew that the fight was not polite at all.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Fortunately, he can only compete with you after he knows martial arts. Aren't you already able to compete with Little Piggy?"

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Zhuzhu have been practicing basic martial arts since they were young, and now they are able to pass the moves.

But Piggy is better at martial arts than her, so he always gives way to her.

 Xiao Mi Guo has a temperament that refuses to admit defeat. She can’t lose in such a ugly way, at least she must be evenly matched.

So she went to practice sword practice immediately after reading the book, and she never missed a day. She was really strong.

Sister Ying sometimes fights with her and takes her to practice Qinggong.

 Xiao Miguo’s training was fun, jumping up and down every day, and she was equally unpolished.

But she is not polite, but she hopes that her brother will be polite.

Just like Brother Xiaozhu, although he practices martial arts every day, he gives off the temperament of a young man from a scholarly family. He has no rough temperament at all, and I don’t know how he does it.

Sister Ying also admires Young Master Zhong for raising Little Piggy so well.

He is good at music, chess, calligraphy and painting, martial arts, tea art, and even cooking. He is so much better than other children.

Even though she enrolled Xiaomi Guo in a lot of courses, which were not as detailed as Mr. Zhong's, and she also accompanied her in reading and training every day, she still couldn't compare.

With parents who are so capable, it is impossible for their children not to be outstanding.

 Unlike her, she is more free-range.

She gives Xiaomiguo all the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting classes, but she won’t let her hang around these things all the time. Once get out of class is over, she will be allowed to play casually, mainly for fun.

 If you continue to play like this, it will naturally not be as good as others who study seriously every day.

 But Xiaomi Guo is the stronger one. If you lose in any competition, you must study hard and try to win back next time.

But she also has her own personality. Every time she learns something, she stops learning it. It’s like she just throws it away after completing the goal, without even looking at it again.

Jing Shirong has no objection. As long as the child is willing to learn, he will be able to use it one day.

 It's good to gain some knowledge even if you don't need it.

 He now throws the small honey fruits to Xiaozhuzhu’s house and lets the two children learn them together.

 Only when top academics are around will Xiaomi Guo be motivated to make progress.

Including Xiao Dongze, despite his young age, he is extremely focused when studying.

Other babies can’t concentrate more than a cup of tea, but he is extraordinarily determined and focused on everything he studies, and he has faint signs of becoming an academic master.

As soon as Xiao Miguo heard that her younger brother was showing signs of becoming a top student, how could he lag behind, she immediately took advantage of it and started to study better.

 (End of this chapter)

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