Chapter 1017, the talkative brother

Xiao Dongze retorted, "Although I crawled on the ground when I was a child, I still bathed every day, okay?"

And isn’t it normal for babies in the crawling stage to crawl on the ground?

“On the other hand, my sister is so old and she actually spreads the egg liquid everywhere. That’s my sister’s fault.”

 Small honey fruit.

 “You should concentrate on stirring your flour, and stop nagging me.”

   How can a boy have such a bad mouth? He is so annoying.

Xiao Dongze was not afraid of being attacked by her, and continued Tang Seng's casual talk, "Sister, beat the egg liquid faster. Mom said this will produce cream."

Xiao Miguo couldn't help but roll her eyes and turned away, not wanting to hear it.

Seeing that she didn’t listen, Xiao Dongze turned around and read Xiao Yunduo.

“Cousin, please wash the orange peels carefully, otherwise the tangerine peels won’t taste good.”

Xiao Yunduo smiled good-naturedly, "Okay."

After reading Xiao Yunduo, Xiao Dongze went to read Sister Ying again.

“Mom, don’t add too much sugar. Daddy said eating too much sugar will cause tooth decay.”

Sister Ying has become accustomed to his Tang Monk mode, with the left ear going in and the right ear going out, "Yes, yes, you are right, then I will add less."

“Also, I want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs tonight. Mom, please cook them for me. I want middle ribs, with alternate fat and pork, it’s delicious.”

Sister Ying continued, "Okay, okay."

 After Xiao Dongze thought about it all afternoon, the orange-flavored cake was finally ready.

The cake with the fragrance of orange was so fragrant that several children showed expressions of surprise.

 “Mom, can you eat it?”

 “Okay, I’ll cut it for you.”

 She divided the cake into eight parts, each of them was a small piece, one for each person.

“These two pieces are for Xiao Chengjin and Xiao Erzhu. You can send them over after eating.”

 “You are left with one piece each.”

Xiao Dongze just wanted to ask, ‘Mom, don’t you want to eat? ', and saw that Sister Ying had already picked up her share, along with Sister Yang's share, and shouted towards the door, "Sister Yang, it's time to eat the cake."

 After saying that, he went to make a pot of milk tea and poured it into the most beautiful tea cup. The cake was also placed on a beautiful plate, which was very sentimental.

 Xiao Dongze.

 Okay, he took back what he was about to ask.

His mother is different from other mothers who give selflessly. My mother is reluctant to eat or wear clothes.

His mother, on the other hand, is the first to eat the delicious food, the first to play with the fun, and the second to the children.

Xiao Miguo was eating the cake and said to him, "Don't look at it. You don't know what virtues my mother has?" That's not someone who treats her badly.

Xiao Dongze nodded, "I overestimated my mother."

Sister Ying held a beautiful fork and drank afternoon tea with Sister Yang leisurely, not caring about the three children at all.

 Even the smallest little chubby boy is put on the ground to play, completely free range.

 Seeing how much they enjoyed it, the three children imitated others and learned to enjoy themselves.

 When winter comes, the family has to start stocking up on food.

The climate in this area is unpredictable, and food may not be grown well due to climate problems, so when winter first comes, everyone starts to buy vegetables and stockpile food.

The climate here is dry, after all, it is easy to store food and it will not get moldy.

Sister Ying bought a cart of cabbage, part of which was used to make spicy cabbage, and the rest was stored in the cellar.

They also bought a lot of meat, including pork, beef, and mutton, which they froze and defrosted when they wanted to eat.

Children followed and helped out.

On New Year's Eve, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming had a holiday, and the two families had a reunion dinner together.

Qi Yuanming had a drink with Jing Shirong and chatted, "I heard from the third princess that not only the princess of the Prairie Kingdom is getting married this time, but also the princess of the Yi Kingdom. It's really strange."

 In previous years, the people of Yi State were not convinced of the strength of Ling State and felt that they were only defeated in numbers.

If they had more people, they would definitely become the kings of the Five Kingdoms in no time. Even after so many years, they are still ready to take action, but they just don't have enough troops.

However, it is strange that the emperor agreed to their marriage.

Originally, the emperor couldn't look down on the king of the Yi Kingdom, but the marriage was related to the peace between the two countries, so he had to accept it even if he didn't like it.

Sister Ying interjected, "Who should the princesses of the two countries marry? His Majesty the Emperor? Or the prince?"

Qi Yuanming shook his head, "That's not clear."

 Long ago, princesses were married to the king or emperor of the country.

However, the emperor is getting older now, and he may not be willing to marry his daughter to an old man, and may want to marry a prince.

 Generally, those who marry princes are unfavored princes, or princes who are promoted by collaterals, and they are also powerless.

 But I don’t know this time.

Jing Shirong analyzed it and said, "She will probably marry the emperor."

 After all, the princes are getting older and have gradually gained their own power. If they marry a foreign princess, some troubles will inevitably arise.

 After all, the princess from a foreign country may come with the mission of sowing discord.

 It would be dangerous if they secretly encouraged the princes to seize the throne.

 So the emperor should have adopted those princesses himself. Absolutely miss those princesses.

Qi Yuanming nodded, "That's right."

Sister Ying said, "If the marriage starts the year after next, then we have to start next year, right?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes, if I want to set off, I will notify you in advance."

Sister Ying cheered, "Okay, I can finally go back and visit. I haven't seen my parents and in-laws for a long time."

  It has been many years. The children are all grown up and have not seen their elders yet.

Xiao Miguo and others were also very happy, "Dad, can we go out by boat then?" She had not been on a boat yet.

Jing Shirong said, "Yes, but it's still far from the sea. You have to take a carriage first."

When the time comes, we will go to Jiangnan first and let Sister Ying and the children stay at her mother-in-law's house for a few days. They will continue to go to the capital. Sister Ying and the others know the way, so they can come here slowly.

Xiao Miguo and the others were very happy and wanted to go back for a long time.

“Sister Yang, do you want to come with us?”

 After such a long time, she must also miss her parents.

Sister Yang looked at Qi Yuanming and said, "Big man, are you going to **** the princess?"

Qi Yuanming nodded, "I have to go." After all, there were two princesses, and he and Qi Yuanming each escorted one.

Sister Yang cheered, "That's great, I want to go back to see my mother~"

Seeing that she was happy, Qi Yuanming smiled and said, "Okay, I will take you back to see your parents."

Little Yunduo also smiled innocently.

Little Dongze had never seen his grandmother’s family before. He tilted his head and looked at them, “Dad, how is your grandmother’s house so good? Do you and your aunt want to go back so much?”

Is it possible that grandma’s house is where gods live?

Sister Ying bit his cheek and said, "It's not just a place where gods live, it's simply heaven."

 It’s not her fault, her natal family is really a paradise for children.

 There is everything you need to eat, drink, play and have fun. The key point is that the old people love their children, so whoever goes there doesn’t like them.

“No, I have to write to my parents to let them know.”

 Including the parents-in-law in Beijing, they have to write a letter and tell them.

 Xiao Miguo followed, "I want to write too."

Xiao Dongze also followed, "I want it too."

 (End of this chapter)

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