The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1018: , ready to return to Beijing

 Chapter 1018, preparing to return to Beijing

 The mother and son went back and wrote letters to inform their two elders about their return.

 Wu and Jing were so happy when they received the letter.

  "Great, the children are finally coming back. No, I have to give them some gifts."

Including the Jing family in Beijing, "I have to find another room for Xiao Dongze to sleep in."

So the Jing family in the capital and the Wu family in the south of the Yangtze River began to prepare various toys and gifts for the children.

 It will be much faster after the New Year.

 Children have classes during the day and have to learn music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Those teachers of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting were recruited by Jing Shirong from other places. It is said that they are all particularly talented people.

The main reason why they can be invited is that they also have children at home who need to eat. However, since the people here are more interested in real work and professionalism and do not want those expensive things, they want to teach and there are not many students, so they just come to Ying. My sister teaches these children at home.

Jing Shirong opened at a good price, enough for their family of five to eat and drink and buy some more, so they taught it for five or six years.

Children have to go to class every day at dawn and after breakfast. There are four classes a day, and they take turns playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

 In the afternoon, I have to practice martial arts, including horse riding and archery on horseback.

By the way, I have to learn herbal medicine on weekends. Sister Ying said this is called a hobby class.

 Including when she was cooking, she also called the children and asked them to help together.

 She and Jing Shirong always take the children with them no matter what they do, so that they can see more things and learn a lot.

 Children can do everything including washing and cooking.

Even if they fall down while riding a horse, they still know how to bandage their wounds. Life skills can be said to be full marks.

When the wedding day arrived, Jing Shirong came back and told Sister Ying to pack up and set off in three days.

Sister Ying was so happy that she hugged him and kissed him fiercely.

“Well, thank you sir~”

Jing Shirong raised her lips fondly, "Why are you so polite? Go pack your things. I will pick you up in three days."


Sister Ying happily went to pack things for the road. She brought dry food, clothes for the children, and plasters that would be used on the road.

Xiao Miguo came in with her younger siblings and asked, "Mom, are we going to find grandma and grandma?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Yes, you should hurry up and pack your things before going out. You can only bring two toys, not more. If there are more, the carriage will not fit."


Xiao Miguo quickly went to the cabinet to pack the things she wanted to bring.

 She was picking through a pile of toys, not knowing what to bring.

Xiao Dongze also went to choose his own toys, and chose his own rag doll simply and clearly.

That rag doll was sewn for him by Sister Ying. He hugged it every night when he went to sleep, and he still can't leave it.

Xiao Miguo gave me a disgusted look and said, "How old are you? You are still holding a stuffed animal. You don't look like a man at all."

Xiao Dongze didn’t think so, “This is my lucky dog. My mother said that if I hold it, it will protect me.”

Xiao Miguo chuckled, but did not refute, "Yes, yes, mother is right, then you can take it with you."

Xiao Dongze asked her, "What does sister want to bring?"

Xiao Miguo looked at a bunch of toys and said, "I have difficulty choosing."

My mother said she could only bring two items, but no matter which one she brought, she would regret it. It was better to bring them all so that she would not be confused.

This time it was Xiao Dongze who despised her, "Women are troublesome. They want everything. It's so easy to just pick one."

Xiao Miguo glared at him, "You know nothing."

  She is the kind of person who doesn't like to make choices anyway, especially when it comes to clothes and toys.

 I want everything I like, I don’t want to pick just one thing.

Xiao Dongze didn’t understand a woman’s desire to shop, so he snorted and went out.

Sister Ying has almost collected everything, but Xiaomi Guo hasn’t been picked out yet.

 “You haven’t chosen yet?”

 Xiaomiguo had a bitter look on her face, depressed, "Mom, I don't know how to choose."

Sister Ying was also ashamed, "Since I don't know what to choose, then I won't accept them all."


  “Neither?”    She was stunned, “Why?”

Sister Ying, "If you continue to be unable to choose, it means you don't like it that much. Since you don't like it that much, you might as well give it up."

 “If there is something you need to take with you at first glance, then take it with you.”

 If not, forget it and save yourself the trouble.

Xiao Miguo seemed to understand and said, "Okay, I won't take it with me."

  Anyway, I’m sure I’ll meet someone I like again on the way there.

Sister Ying was impressed when she saw how quickly she let go.

 “Okay, let’s go eat.”


 After dinner, mother and son fell asleep together.

 On the second day, Sister Ying planned to go to the street to buy some souvenirs for her family.

Sister Yang is also going to buy some, so let’s go together.

 When the children saw that they were going to buy souvenirs, they followed him.

They went to a local supplement shop and bought some supplements to take with them, planning to take one to their parents-in-law's family.

 Let’s buy some local dried fruits, the kind that are easy to preserve.

You also have to bring some warm cloaks for the elders to wear in winter.

 Finally, bring some precious medicinal materials. Pack them up and take them back together.

The children also bought a small gift. Sister Ying paid for it and went home after buying it.

 On the third day, everything was packed, and there were three large carriages.

 The princesses of both countries are also ready to go, and the large troops are ready.

Jing Shirong came back early and took Sister Ying and the others to the city gate.

"Your carriage is behind us. If you need something, please send me a message."

"I want to watch the team, so I may not be able to take care of you. If you have anything to do, just run away and don't worry about me."

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay."

"I will give you all the secret guards, and Qi Yuanming will be put behind you. If anything happens, you can call him."

"Oh, I see."

  He is the leading general, so naturally he doesn't care about them, and she understands that.

 “My child and I can take care of ourselves, nothing will happen to us, just go about your business.”

Jing Shirong hummed and put their carriage behind the team, escorted by secret guards disguised as bodyguards.

 The martial arts of secret guards are much higher than that of bodyguards, especially Jing Shirong’s secret guards. Those are all top-notch.

Seeing how defensive he was, Sister Ying asked him, "Will there be any trouble on the way?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Not necessarily, but the people in Yiguo are very good at it, so they might cause some trouble."

Who knows whether the King of Yiguo will look for trouble halfway, such as assassinating the princess, and maybe frame the blame on him.

"Be careful and stay out of other people's ways. Nothing will happen to us there, so don't worry."

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay."

 After the team was ready, Jing Shirong, dressed as a general, led the team in front, "Let's go!"

 The large troops began to move forward one after another.

 The princess's carriage is in the middle, with guards at the front and back.

Sister Ying's carriage is at the very back, so there is no need to bump into the princess's carriage.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze went on a long trip for the first time, and they were very excited along the way.

“Mom, are we leaving now?”

 “Yes, let’s go.”

“Then when can we get to Jiangnan?”

Sister Ying, "Not so fast. I was away from your father for more than half a year."

But it will be a mountainous road, and it will be slower. It will probably arrive in three or four months now.

 (End of this chapter)

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