Chapter 1019: Eat solid food every day

 Xiao Miguo said "Huh?" "How long will it take?"

 She thought it would arrive in more than a month, but she didn't expect it would actually take several months.

Sister Ying tapped her forehead and said, "If we could arrive in more than a month, I would have taken you back long ago."

 It’s just because of the long distance that it’s difficult to go back.

Xiao Miguo pursed her lips, "Okay~"

 The carriage swayed on the road, shaking the children.

 At first they looked excitedly at this and that, but after watching for a long time, they felt sleepy.

Sister Ying asked them to lie down and sleep. After a while, the children all fell asleep.

 Because the carriage is big enough, the sleeping area is not crowded.

 The children slept until night.

Eating on the road is relatively simple, only dry food.

 When I first left the city, there were restaurants on the streets where you could drink tea, eat meat, and noodles.

 There will be no more if you go outside.

 Fortunately, Sister Ying prepared a large box of dry food in advance, which can be eaten by roasting it over a fire.

The children ate with gusto at first, but after ten days of eating solid food, they became afraid of eating.

 “Mom~ I don’t want to eat solid food anymore, I’m afraid of eating it.”

It’s just dry pancakes every day, and I’m tired of eating them.

Even though there is miso for dipping, eating it three times a day is too much for anyone.

Sister Ying shrugged, "I can't help it, it's just like this on the road. I told you carefully before coming here that traveling far away requires endurance."

"But don't be discouraged. After walking a little further, you will have fruits to eat when you go up the mountain. Then my mother will cook noodles for you."

 Because I had to hurry up, I didn’t stop much along the way.

But once you go up a mountain road, you will walk a little slower. The team will also stop to pick some fruits to provide supplies for everyone.

 Or go to the stream to catch some small fish and shrimps and make a soup for everyone to have a taste.

The children's eyes lit up when they heard they could eat fresh food, "Really? Is there seafood soup? And noodles?"

Sister Ying touched their heads and said, "Of course, I will cook seafood noodles for you then."

 The reason why I gave them solid food every day at the beginning was mainly to train their psychology.

If we gave them noodles from the beginning, they would be tired of them long ago.

  It is better to give them one or two delicious meals once in a while, so that they will feel that they have hope.

After arriving at the mountain road, Jing Shirong went to inspect it first, and then found a safe place to park and rest.

 “Just spend the night here and leave tomorrow.”

The two princesses' servants breathed a sigh of relief, and they could finally rest for a while.

The princesses even asked them, "Go and get some fruit. I'm dying of thirst."

Even though the delicious food in the team is given to them first, they are used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas in the palace. How can they bear to eat simple food every day, and their mouths become like birds when they eat.

 “Go and see if there are any chickens, ducks, and geese, and catch some to make up for it.”


The princess' entourage quickly went to find food, while Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming stayed behind to patrol.

Sister Ying's carriage is at the back of the team, so they have more freedom.

 She got out of the car first and took the children to stroll by the river.

 The weather has started to get hot recently, so it’s a good time to take the children for a walk.

She gave the children a rope, like a little mole, and asked them to hold on to the rope. "Hold the rope, no one is missing. If you dare to run around, I won't take you out next time."

 “Did you hear that?”

"Know it."

 When you bring a group of children out, you must make an agreement in advance, otherwise they will run off and look for them somewhere else.

Although Xiao Miguo and the others really want to run away and play by themselves, they think that their mother is right. If they get lost, they won’t have their father and mother to kiss them, so they should be good and stay close to their mother.

 On the other hand, Xiao Dongze wanted to run out as soon as he got off the carriage. Sister Ying tugged on his big ears and said, "You brat, what did mother say just now? If you don't obey me and run around, get back to the carriage."

Xiao Dongze stuck out his tongue, "I know. I just won't run away."

Sister Ying sighed again, her son is just skinnier than her daughter, it’s really troublesome, ugh.

She took the children to find a small stream, which was not far from the motorcade. She could see the motorcade when she stood up, so she could rest assured to wash here.

“Sister Yang, go get that curtain and let’s wash it too.”

  She already has experience going out, and she has already brought a curtain that can be used for outdoor bathing.

It is a circular tent sewn with a few soft iron wires and a tarpaulin. As long as two iron weights are placed on the edge, it can sink into the water and will not float up.

Sister Yang went to get it. Sister Ying looked around and took the lead in washing.

 “You look after it for me, I’ll be fine soon.”

He also told the children that they could only play on the edge, and then he quickly got into the water, took off his clothes quickly, and rubbed the mud quickly.

 After taking a shower, I quickly washed my hair. I didn’t have time to wash it slowly.

 After washing your hair, wrap it in a towel, simply put on men's clothes, roll up your trouser legs and start washing the children.

Sister Yang also washed her hair quickly and came out after simply washing her hair.

They were all taking the children out, and they didn't dare to wait too long, for fear that the children would fall into the water if they weren't paying attention.

  Although the stream only reaches the calves, there is a risk that the children will accidentally fall and choke in the water.

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a call from the shore, "Mother, help me~"

Sister Ying was startled and hurried over to take a look.

  The female secret guard helped Xiao Dongze up before she could reach her.

Seeing that Xiao Dongze was soaked all over, Sister Ying took a deep breath and asked, "Why did you fall into the water?"

Xiao Dongze crossed his fingers guiltily, "I saw some shrimps, and I want to catch them for my mother to eat."

Sister Ying took a deep breath and suppressed the fire, "Didn't Mom tell you, don't go near the water if you don't know how to swim? The rocks are so slippery, what should I do if I fall?"

“Sister Secret Guard will save you today. What if Sister Secret Guard is not here?”

Little Dongze was also a little scared, and what was even more afraid was that her mother would be angry and come over crying to be hugged.

Although Sister Ying was angry, she still grabbed him and washed him quickly.

“Don’t do dangerous things next time, remember?”

Xiao Dongze nodded obediently, "I know."

Xiao Miguo has already washed her hair and taken a bath and returned. I also brought a small bucket of river shrimp.

 “Mom, look what this is.”

Sister Ying’s eyes widened, “Did you catch him?”

This little girl rarely goes to the river, but she can actually catch shrimps. It's really amazing.

Xiao Miguo raised her chin proudly, "That's~"

There is nothing she can’t do, she just can’t learn it.

 When Xiao Dongze saw his sister being praised, he also wanted to catch shrimps.


He felt aggrieved and hugged Sister Ying's thigh, also wanting to catch shrimps.

Sister Ying was convinced by him, but she couldn't treat one favorably. "I know, then you and your sister should learn from each other. If you fall, remember to stand up first, so as not to choke on the water."

Xiao Dongze was very happy when he heard that she agreed. "Okay~Thank you, mother."

 He rolled up his trouser legs and happily followed Xiao Miguo to catch shrimps.

 He didn't know how to do it at first, but he was smart and learned quickly, and he learned it in no time.

Even looking for small crabs in the cracks of rocks.

Seeing that the sun was setting, Sister Ying immediately called them back.

 (End of this chapter)

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