The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1020: , seafood spicy cabbage noodles

Chapter 1020, Seafood Spicy Cabbage Noodles

 “Okay, come back soon, I’m going back to cooking noodles.”

  She brought out a box of dry noodles, which are similar to instant noodles. They are dried in the sun and easy to store.

Now that you have river shrimp and river crab, you can cook a pot of fresh and sweet seafood noodles.

The children were also hungry and obediently came ashore.

 “Hold the rope.”

 “Caught it.”

 After arriving at the carriage, Sister Yang went to light a fire, while Sister Ying found a big pot and put it on the fire rack to bake.

 Heat the pan with oil and stir-fry the washed shrimps and crabs until fragrant.

 Then add some chili powder and garlic, and stir-fry together.

 When the fragrance hits their nostrils, the children will salivate.

 “Mom, it smells so good~~”

 “It smells really good.”

 Not only the children, but also the adults are drooling.

 After the seasonings are stir-fried, start adding water. Add some spicy cabbage in an airtight jar.

Seeing this, Sister Yang went to find some wild vegetables, washed them and added some.

 After a while, the seafood soup started to boil, bubbling "gulu gulu", and the fragrant smell made the secret guards swallow their saliva.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Don't worry, you have your share."

 She cooked a big pot, enough for them to eat.

 When the water boils, the delicious soup smells fragrant, and everyone looks forward to it.

 Everyone including the princess team smelled it.

 “Huh? Where does the fragrance come from?”

Jing Shirong also smelled it and asked his entourage to boil water and prepare noodles.

But the noodles they cook are rougher and not as delicious as Sister Ying’s.

 The two princesses asked curiously, "Who is cooking the noodles?"

This smells really good.

The servant looked around and said, "The cook should cook it, right?"

 Otherwise he wouldn’t have seen anyone.

Sister Ying was far away from them, so naturally they couldn't see her.

After the seafood spicy cabbage noodles were cooked, Sister Ying asked them to line up and started serving them noodles.

 Xiao Miguo ranked first, "Mom, I want to eat more."

Sister Ying smiled, "Eat as much as you can, don't waste it if you don't finish it in a while."

Xiao Miguo pouted, "No way, at worst it will be a late night snack."

Sister Ying knew she was greedy, so she gave her an extra spoonful.

 “Leave it to cool, or hot it.”

 Children’s bowls have grips so they don’t get hot.

Xiao Miguo was so hungry that she didn’t want to leave it alone, so she blew the hot air and started eating the noodles.

The slurping sound of eating noodles made everyone salivate.

 “Mom, I want it too.”

 “I want it too, auntie.”

Xiao Dongze and Xiao Yunduo were both very hungry.

Sister Ying hurriedly served them, "Yes, there is, there is everything."

  After serving the bowls to the children, allocate a bowl to the secret guards as well.

 “Thank you, madam.”

This group of secret guards has followed Sister Ying for many years and has long regarded her as their master. Now they will be fed by her happily.

“There’s a lot of soup. If it’s not enough, drink some more soup.”

Sister Yang has also been eating noodles for a long time.

Sister Ying also filled a bowl for Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming, and asked the secret guard to send it over quietly so that the princess's people wouldn't notice.

The two princesses had already got off the carriage. Fortunately, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were smart enough to go to the woods. The secret guard brought them the noodles, and they immediately ate them.

 Wait until you have eaten and drank enough before wiping your mouth and going back.

Princess Kaguya felt strange, "I smelled a different aroma just now, and it was definitely different from the bowl of noodles I was eating."

The maid didn’t quite understand, so she didn’t dare to answer.

 After all, their bowl of noodles is also spicy, so I really don’t know what the difference is.

 It turns out that the noodles cooked by Jing Shirong's entourage were also the recipes given by Sister Ying. The noodles and seasonings are all the same, even the seafood is the same.

However, because the cook who cooked the noodles was also a martial arts practitioner, he only had half a bucket of water and could only cook things, so the seafood noodles cooked with the same recipe were completely different.

Jing Shirong didn't want his wife to be the princess's cook, so naturally he wasn't happy to let the princess handle Sister Ying, so he didn't mention it.

Moreover, there are so many children and they are very busy looking after them. Whoever has the spare time to cook for the princesses will have a good meal.

Qi Yuanming chuckled, "That's right, if you don't have cooking skills, don't be picky. Not everyone is as capable as our wife, right?"

Jing Shirong raised his chin proudly, "That's right."

Sister Ying started to eat her own bowl after finishing her work. The spicy seafood noodles were so appetizing that she couldn't help but eat two big bowls.

 The remaining soup was given to the secret guards.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze touched their round bellies and were already looking forward to tomorrow's meal.

 “Mom, what shall we eat tomorrow?”

Sister Ying, "Let me think about it, otherwise I can just have a fried dumpling."

 You can make pan-fried buns and make some spicy cabbage soup, it will definitely be very fragrant.

Otherwise, the weather is getting hotter and the Chinese cabbage won’t be in storage for a long time, so I’m afraid it will spoil.

 “Okay, okay, let’s make fried buns, I really want to eat them.”

Sister Ying felt a little distressed when she saw that they were so easily satisfied.

 There is no way, it is just like this when you come out. Many things can only be obtained simply, including food, clothing, housing and transportation.

This night, the children slept soundly because they ate well and had sweet smiles in their dreams.

 On the second day.

 The carriage continued on its way.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze immediately became weak when they heard that they were leaving.

“Mom, the team has set off, can’t we eat the fried buns?”

Sister Ying touched their heads and said, "It's okay."

“We can knead the dough on the carriage, adjust the fillings, and wrap the buns first. When the carriage stops, we can start frying the buns.”

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze were immediately happy when they heard this.

 “Great, then I want to help.”

 “I want to help too.”

 The two little guys began to actively help with the dough making.

 The dough needs to be fermented before mixing, and the time spent on fermenting the dough is used to prepare the fillings.

The carriage walked all the way and stopped when it reached an open space.

 When the carriage stops, the dough is ready and ready for making buns.

Children can make buns, but the shapes are not very pretty and the sizes are different.

 Only Sister Ying's buns are neat and consistent in size, exactly the same as those sold in the store.

This time the secret guard was very active in lighting a fire, setting up shelves, putting the pot on, and burning it.

 Put oil in the pan when it is warm. When the oil is hot, start frying the buns.

Jing Shirong’s place also eats fried buns, and the recipe is the same as before.

But there were so many of them that the buns could only be fried in one pot and fed to the two princesses. The rest of the entourage could only simply eat bowls of noodles.

Sister Ying actually gave out a lot of noodles to make steamed buns for Jing Shirong’s team.

 She asked the secret guard to bring the cooked noodles to the cooks, and asked them to steam them in a large steamer.

The cook saw that her hair was so good, and when he held it, it was soft and elastic, and it smelled very fragrant. It must be delicious with spicy cabbage soup. Then he took the steamed buns out of the steamer.

After steaming the steamed buns, I started frying the buns. Sister Ying also started frying the buns.

 Their pots are only enough for them, there are not many left.

 After the oil is hot, put the meat buns down and the aroma will come out immediately.

 Twenty were fried in the first pass, and the pot was filled to the brim.

 When the bottom is browned, you can add some water. Cover the lid and simmer for a while until the aroma comes out.

 As soon as the pot came out of the pot, the children were greedy again.

 “Mom~, I want to eat.”

Sister Ying smiled and gave two to each of them.

“Come back after eating, you can get another one, but you have to finish the soup.”


Xiao Miguo, Xiao Dongze and Xiao Yunduo all ate happily and behaved very well.

 (End of this chapter)

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