Chapter 1021, Set off by boat

 The remaining fried dumplings were divided among the secret guards, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming.

 After the meal, the secret guard actively cleared away the dishes and went to collect firewood for future cooking.

Sister Yang went to pick some seasonings and save them for cooking next time.

Jing Shirong’s steamed buns were also ready, and the aroma was fragrant. The guards all ate them happily.

 “The buns today are so soft, I want to eat them again.”

The spicy cabbage soup is also delicious, but it’s a pity that there is no beef and tofu. Otherwise, adding some tofu and beef would make it more delicious.

However, if you can have a bowl of hot spicy cabbage soup and soft and sweet steamed buns on the way, it is already a big meal.

 After eating and taking a short rest, the large group continued to set off.

Jing Shirong followed the map and led the large troops to the dock.

But there were so many of them that they had to charter two large ships to accommodate them.

 Fortunately, there were not many people at the pier during this season, so he chartered a boat and asked the guards to carry everything aboard.

 The two princesses lived in the cabin on the second floor, one living in the north and the other in the west.

Sister Yang didn't understand at the time, so she asked, "Why are they so separated? Can they get along?"

Qi Yuanming whispered, "Not only can't we get along, but we can't deal with them."

 The two princesses were calm at first, but when they couldn't get any comfort on the way, their tempers started to get irritated.

 Even the food is served one after another.

For example, the princess of the Yi Kingdom is very angry and is not happy when she sees the noodle soup being served to the princess of the Prairie Kingdom first, "Why should I give it to her first! Is it possible that I am not a princess? Is this the way you treat guests in the Ling Kingdom?"

Jing Shirong gave her a stern look and did not argue with her. Instead, he asked the servant with Duan Mian to stop and wait for the servant of Princess Kaguo to come over with his face before letting the two of them walk forward simultaneously.

"Okay, you two move at the same time and come in front of the princesses at the same time, otherwise you will bear the consequences yourself."

 The two servants did not dare to be too slow for fear of being slowed down by the princess.

 But don't dare to go too fast, for fear of offending the other party's princess. After all, they are just insignificant servants, and they are also afraid of being retaliated, so it is best to arrive at the same time.

So in a few clicks, the two of them arrived at the same time, without missing a step.

Jing Shirong nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, isn't this fair?"

 The two princesses were stunned and thought, is there anything like this?

They were still unconvinced, but they had to bow their heads under the eaves, so they had no choice but to forget it.

 On the surface, forget it, but privately, the two princesses often compete with each other.

Whether it’s food or supplies, there are struggles every day.

Jing Shirong has always treated everyone equally and shows no favoritism to anyone. Even if they want to find trouble, they can't.

Sister Ying laughed after hearing this, "What's the point of making money? It's a waste of energy."

 The weather is getting hotter, and arguing will only make people more irritable.

 It’s better to lie down and sleep comfortably.

Sister Ying and the others live in another boat, also on the second floor.

The children were very excited when they saw the boat for the first time and ran around on the boat.

Sister Ying ignored them and asked them to keep their voices down so as not to disturb the princess.

 Xiao Miguo looked curiously at the boat in front of her, visually measured the distance, and said confidently, "It won't make any noise. The waves are so big, and they are far away."

Xiao Dongze nodded in agreement, "That's right, it won't make any noise."

The siblings were happy and continued playing.

Sister Ying went to see the food in the box. There was also a box of dry noodles, which should last for a month.

 But I will get tired of eating noodles every day, so I still have to eat some rice occasionally.

However, there is little fresh water on the ship, so you still have to eat dry food most of the time.

 Occasionally, the boatman will replenish fresh water when he docks, and then you can have hot meals.

Sister Ying brought a few buckets of fresh water with her when she got on the boat, and asked the secret guards to fill them with water before landing. Water will go bad if left for a long time, so they can eat hot food in the first few days.

You can eat everything from salty rice to soup noodles.

 But after running out of water, you can only eat dry food.

Fortunately, Sister Ying bought a lot of white radish before she went ashore, which can be used to pickle and make crispy radishes.

 “Come and help me peel it.”

 The children were bored on the boat, so they all came over to help with peeling.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang cut the white radish into pieces together, put them in a big bucket, and started to add seasonings.

 She wants to make crispy radish with sweet and sour taste, which can be eaten with rice or as a snack.

Because he did a lot, he sent some to Jing Shirong and the others, including giving some to the two princesses.

  At first, the two princesses didn’t want to eat such a simple radish, but after taking a bite, they fell in love with it and asked for crispy radish next time.

Jing Shirong did not refute and gave his and Qi Yuanming's share to save them from making trouble.

It's just one meal, and it's fine if they, a group of grown men, don't eat, as long as they live in peace along the way.

 He thought so, but the princesses were not satisfied yet.

Especially the princess of Kaguo, who started to get angry after she couldn't eat crispy radish on the third day.

“What’s the matter with you? You didn’t even give me a plate of crispy radishes? Did you make me hungry on purpose?”

"Is this how your Ling country treats the princesses of neighboring countries? Are you sincere?"

“Or are you going behind Emperor Ling’s back and deliberately doing harm to us secretly?”

Qi Yuanming clicked his tongue and wanted to refute, but was stopped by Jing Shirong.

"Back to the princess, white radish is a pickled product. The weather is getting hotter and pickled products are not easy to preserve. We are also afraid that you will eat it badly and have diarrhea."

“We are on the ship now, and it is inconvenient to use water. If you have a bad stomach, it is not convenient to take medicine, so I don’t dare to give you too much for fear of spoiling.”

There is nothing wrong with this statement, and Princess Yiguo believed it.

 But he was still angry and shook his sleeves, "You will bully me."

Then he went back to the cabin angrily.

Xiao Miguo and others were lying on the edge of the bed looking at the scene here, and they all laughed.

“Mom, that Princess of Yi Kingdom is like a rooster with fried feathers, clucking and laughing so hard.”

 “The key is that my father was so angry that she had nothing to say, it was really amazing.”

Sister Ying nodded in agreement, "Yes, your father is really powerful."

Despite his usually upright appearance, he is also very good at talking in a roundabout way.

Especially when he quarreled with her after marriage, his words and tactics became even more sophisticated. Now she can't even win against him.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze both laughed, picked up their fishing rods and went fishing.

Sister Ying said, "There is little fresh water to eat on the boat, and it is difficult to clean up the fish after catching them."

 Two secret guards volunteered, "Madam, let us come."

They have excellent life skills, and they can catch and handle fish with ease.

 “Okay, let’s do it.”

 Since they know how, let’s eat fried fish tonight. I ate pretty well for the first ten days, but in the second half of the month I could only eat dry food.

 The children gradually became familiar with this rhythm and stopped complaining.

 Maybe it is their parents who set an example for them. If no one complains, they will naturally not complain.

 Also know how to enjoy it with Sister Ying.

“These are the apples the boatman bought when we docked in the morning. We can’t finish them all, so we’ll use them to make dried apples.”

 The remaining applesauce can be eaten with pancakes for breakfast.

 (End of this chapter)

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