Chapter 1023, docked

Sister Ying felt relieved when she saw that they were all in good condition.

The only bad thing is that I can't sleep at night. It's so swaying that it would be terrible if the boat capsized while I was sleeping. I would definitely get bumped.

The adults can tolerate it, but the children can't help but feel sleepy and become sleepy at some point.

Sister Ying thought it would be a good idea to let them sleep for a while to replenish their strength.

Then he said, "Speak, my mother is watching."

 The three children were all sleepy. They blinked and fell asleep in three seconds.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang also closed their eyes and slept for a while, taking turns with the secret guards.

 When they wake up, let the secret guards also sleep for a while.

The secret guard originally refused, but Sister Ying said, "You can replenish your physical strength by sleeping for a while. If you don't sleep, it will affect your spirit. Go to sleep quickly."

The secret guards felt that what they said made sense, so they hid themselves in the cabinet. The three of them squeezed in, leaving the cabinet door open, and closed their eyes and began to sleep.

 Wake up after a short sleep and then change shifts.

 In the middle of the night, the sea finally calmed down.

Sister Ying thought that she would have to teach her children to swim in the future, as it was a life-saving skill.

 After the sea became calm, the ship finally became stable.

 After walking for another half a month, the big ship finally arrived at the port.

This time Jing Shirong chose to dock directly and ride a carriage for the rest of the way, otherwise it would be too dangerous.

 It is still more risky to take a boat in the stormy season, so it is better to take a horse-drawn carriage.

 So the group started riding in the carriage again.

Sister Ying and the others are still following the rear of the large army.

When we arrived in a small town, the children were so happy that they kept wanting to get out of the car to play.

Sister Ying saw that the queue had slowed down. She probably wanted to stay at the inn for one night, so she took the children out to buy something to eat.

 The unfamiliar but lively streets made the children very excited. They looked at this and that.

 “Mom, I want to buy red bean buns.”

 “Okay, buy it, one for each person.”

Xiao Dongze fell in love with fried noodles and wanted to buy them, "Mom, I want to eat fried noodles."

 “Okay, order ten large portions of fried noodles and let’s eat together.”

 After eating the fried noodles, the children went to see the toys again.

Sister Ying knew that they had a hard journey, so she took them to buy toys.

 “Mom, I want this.” It’s a small wooden sword, for children to play with.

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, buy it."

 Xiao Miguo also took a fancy to a small knitted backpack, "Mom, I want this."

 “Okay, buy it.”

Little Yunduo also wanted the same one.

 After buying toys, go buy snacks.

The snacks here are different from what they usually eat. There are actually things similar to spicy strips.

The children loved it as soon as they ate it, "Mom, this is delicious."

Sister Ying took a bite and found that it was indeed delicious, so she bought a large can.

 Then I bought some rice cakes, bacon cakes, flower cakes, and some uneaten snacks.

 The children were happy when they returned home with a full load of purchases.

 After arriving at the inn, Sister Ying and the others lived on the first floor, while the two princesses lived on the third floor.

Sister Ying went to get water, and worked with Sister Yang to wash the children, and then wash herself.

 I haven’t washed my hair for more than half a month, and the water I washed this time was dirty.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang looked at each other helplessly.

“Now I think it’s better to take the mountain road. At least there is a small stream on the mountain.”

 As long as there is fresh water, bathing and eating are not a problem.

 It is difficult to take a boat. There is no fresh water, and you cannot always use sea water to wash. It is not good for the skin.

Sister Ying nodded and thought the same thing, "So Brother Rong is going to take the mountain road this time."

Although walking on the mountain road is a little slower and bumpier, drinking water is not a big problem. In the evening, everyone cleaned themselves up, had a full meal, and then slept comfortably.

 The next day, after buying enough food, the carriage was ready to set off again.

Sister Ying also bought a lot of food, including flat food, dumplings, and red beans and lotus seeds, and planned to soak some of them to make eight-treasure porridge.

 I also bought a lot of local dry noodles, so I can make fried noodles, noodle soup and gnocchi on the way.

 On the second day, I started packing my things and getting ready to go as soon as dawn came.

 The road to the next stop is relatively smooth, taking the road to the small town.

Jing Shirong organized the team and gave the order, "Let's go!"

 The team started on the road again, and several large carriages moved forward one after another. Sister Ying's carriage is at the back.

Xiao Miguo, Xiao Dongze and Xiao Yunduo didn't wake up yet, so Sister Ying directly carried them into the carriage and let them sleep soundly on the carriage.

 They didn’t wake up until noon.

“Mom? Have we set off yet?”

“Well, let’s set off and then go where there are people, so we won’t be afraid of running out of food.”

 The children looked surprised and very happy.

 I thought that the rest of the journey would be spent peacefully.

 But while walking on a remote road, Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong obviously noticed something was wrong.

Qi Yuanming stepped forward and reported to Jing Shirong, "There seems to be an ambush nearby?"

Jing Shirong glanced at the surroundings coldly, "Yes, you send people to follow them and see who they are."

I originally thought that the enemy would not be able to follow us by sea, but I didn’t expect that they would ambush us early.

 It seems that there is a spy in the team.

 His people will not be spies, they will be the people of the two princesses.

The Prairie Country is determined to have a good relationship with the Ling Country and would never do such a thing.

People from Yiguo are very likely.

However, we can’t be sure too early. We’ll wait and see and we’ll know soon.

Jing Shirong acted as if nothing had happened and kept walking forward.

Princess Yaguo opened the curtain and looked outside warily, wondering if anyone from her father was following her?

 Although her father did not tell her the plan, her intuition told her that there was danger, so she had to be careful.

Just when Jing Shirong was about to reach the ambush circle, he suddenly stopped and stood outside the ambush circle and refused to leave.

 “Let’s rest where we are for a while, it’s going to rain heavily.”

There are two dilapidated houses in front of them, which look like ambush points.

He wanted to test it, so he issued an order, "Take the princess inside to take shelter from the rain."

Princess Kaguya saw that she was about to enter an ambush, so she didn't want to go, so she turned around and went back to the carriage.

 “I don’t live in such a shabby place, I want to get back to the carriage.”

 She was used to being willful along the way, so no one doubted her and watched her return to the carriage.

The princess of the prairie country felt strange when she saw her like this, and followed her back to the carriage.

Jing Shirong could confirm that there was an ambush inside by looking at their reactions.

So he waved his hand and said, "Okay, since the princess doesn't want to stay, let's continue setting off."

 After saying that, he took another path and continued walking forward.

The killers who were ambushing in the house were stunned for a moment, but they didn't expect him to leave immediately, and they were so angry that they died.

"What happened to those people? Why did they leave suddenly?"

“I don’t know, it seems like the princess doesn’t want to live here.”

The leader was furious, "Idiot!"

 Originally, they had planned to kidnap the princesses of the two countries here to see how Ling Guo would deal with the two countries.

 After all, this area belongs to the Ling Kingdom.

 If the princesses of the two countries are lost here, it is the responsibility of the Ling State, and they cannot escape.

 At that time, Ling Guo will have to make corresponding compensation. Either cut off the land and pay compensation, or give some large sums of money, or even if it doesn't work, give up some food and grass.

Their king is still waiting to raise the price.

 (End of this chapter)

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