The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1024: , the princess asked Sister Ying to feed her

Chapter 1024, The princess asked Sister Ying to feed her

Jing Shirong can naturally guess the purpose of Yiguo and where they will succeed.

He winked at Qi Yuanming and asked Qi Yuanming to pack the two princesses away and he would deal with them here.

In order to send the two princesses away safely, Jing Shirong deliberately spared the ambush area.

 “Let’s go here, it’s cooler here.”

Because there are many trees here, Qi Yuanming took advantage of the trees to dazzle them, packed up the two princesses and sent them to Sister Ying's carriage.

Sister Ying was eating dumplings with the children when two princesses were suddenly brought over. They were also very confused.

"This is?"

Qi Yuanming made a long story short, "I'll send you away first. We won't go with A Jing this time."

 Having said that, he set up the carriage and left.

 Because Sister Ying's carriage was different from the carriages of the large army. Their carriage looked like ordinary people's carriages without any characteristics, so when they left, no one else noticed.

Qi Yuanming took them to another road first and let them go first when they reached a safe area.

“Sister Ying, you go first and we will arrive later. This is a map. You follow the red dots on it and we will rush over to meet you.”

Sister Ying nodded, "I understand, please be careful."

Qi Yuanming glanced at Sister Yang and the child, "Follow me carefully and be obedient."

 After saying that, he kissed her and the child, and then left quickly.

Sister Yang sighed, "What the **** is this? I'm not a child anymore, I need him to explain it to me. Hum~"

Sister Ying gave her a look and said, "Come on, let's show off our affection. It's like no one else has. Let's set off."

The secret guard disguised himself as a coachman to set up the carriage and divided it into two carriages.

Sister Yang is here to look after the children, while Sister Ying goes over to check on the two princesses to prevent them from acting like monsters.

The two princesses were hit on their mute acupoints, unable to speak or move, and stared in anger.

Sister Ying clicked her tongue and told them, "Someone paid us for help and asked us to take you out of the city. Please be quiet along the way, otherwise it will be bad if you encounter bad people."

Princess Kaguo stared at her, as if to say, "Let me go."

Sister Ying waved her hand and said, "I don't know how to touch acupuncture points. I should be able to solve it when the time comes. Just bear with me."

After saying that, he put them down and said hypnotically, "It's time for a nap now. If you take a good nap, you'll be able to move when you get up. I'll take you to eat delicious food then."

The two princesses thought it was useless to sit still and they could just sleep, so they lay down obediently and soon fell asleep.

 Seeing them sleeping, Sister Ying went back to check on the children.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze came over and asked her, "Mom, what are you going to eat for dinner? I want to eat meat dumplings."

Sister Ying shook her head, "The meat dumplings are too troublesome, and there is no meat in the car."

 Xiao Dongze was disappointed, "That's good~"

At this time, the secret guard was holding a piece of meat and said, "Madam, I just passed by a pork stall and just bought a piece of pork belly."

  Meaning that it’s time to make meat dumplings.

Sister Ying.

When did her ruthless secret guard become so greedy?

Xiao Dongze cheered happily, "Okay, you can eat big meat rice dumplings~"

Sister Ying smiled fondly and said, "Okay, okay, if you eat meat rice dumplings, you will eat meat rice dumplings, but you have to help."

 The two children gathered around happily, "I'll help you, and then I'll wash the rice dumpling leaves."

 There are rice dumpling leaves on the car, which are leftover from previous use.

Sister Ying brought the chopping board over and sat on the carriage to cut the meat.

 Xiao Miguo went to get a basin to catch it.

When the carriage stopped to rest, it happened to wash the rice dumpling leaves, season the glutinous rice well, and wrap it in the rice dumpling leaves.

The children don’t know how to make rice dumplings yet, and the way they make them looks different.

  But it will be done when the intention comes.

Sister Ying made two beautiful bundles, which are even better than the finished products for sale.

 At night, when the carriage stopped to rest, the secret guard went to light a fire to cook meat dumplings. After the meat dumplings are boiled, the aroma will come out.

 Children are drooling with greed.

 Including two princesses who woke up from hunger due to the fragrance.

 “It smells so good, what does it smell like?”

 “Is it the taste of meat dumplings?”

They don’t eat meat rice dumplings that much, but the smell is really tempting.

"What is it? Bring it to me quickly."

 Two hours later, they were able to speak, but their hands and feet were still not very flexible.

That's because the secret guards gave them a weak scent, so that they couldn't run or jump, and could only eat and go to the toilet.

If you let them jump around, it will be difficult to account for them if they run away after a while.

Princess Kaname and Princess Prairie also noticed changes in their bodies.

They want to get angry, but there is no one who can solve the problem for them. There is no point in complaining. They can only take advantage of the situation first.

Sister Ying picked out four meat dumplings for them and delivered them to them personally.

 “Hey, these are delicious meat dumplings. If you get tired of them, you can dip them in the sauce.”

 “This is tomato sauce, it tastes great with meat dumplings.”

Princess Kaname was very disdainful when she saw that she was dressed in men's clothing but had a pretty face.

"May I have your name?"

Sister Ying grinned at them and said, "Just call me Jing Niang."

 The two princesses looked her up and down and asked, "Where is this?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "I don't know, just follow the carriage."

Princess Yaguo was speechless and unhappy when asked.

 “You don’t know this, how can you eat it?”

Sister Ying smiled and did not refute, "Then you eat slowly, I'll go back first."

Princess Yaguo attacked, "Don't leave! My hands and feet are weak, please feed me."

Sister Ying waved her hands, "That won't work, I have to go back to feed the child."

Princess Kaguo was stunned. She didn't expect to be rejected by her.

"What do you mean? I asked you to feed me and push three to four? You don't want to do it anymore?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "No way. After I collected the meal money, I will naturally be responsible for bringing you something to eat. But my child hasn't eaten yet, so we can't starve him, right?"

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze just got out of the car and rushed over to them immediately, "Mom, please feed me~"

Little Yunduo also came over, "I want to feed you too~"

When Princess Kaguo saw that she actually had three children, she said, "Okay, okay, let's go. There are so many things."

I didn’t expect that this woman, who looked so beautiful, actually had three children. She was really boring.

 She thought this woman was unmarried.

Sister Ying.

   A beautiful unmarried girl is so jealous?

 Once you see that she is married and has children, you don’t bother to fight her. What is this mentality? She couldn't understand it either.

“Then you eat slowly, there will be delicious food tomorrow, and we have paid for the meal.”

Princess Yiguo saw her opening and closing her mouth to raise money, so she thought for a while and said, "I want to eat mutton, go and buy one for me."

Seeing that Sister Ying was about to refuse, she immediately gave her a small golden bean, which was only as big as a little fingernail, but it was enough.

Sister Ying didn’t know whether she really wanted to eat the roasted whole lamb, or whether she wanted to delay the arrival of the team from Yiguo.

 After all, there are few people who eat roasted whole lamb nearby, so it would definitely take two days to prepare a roasted whole lamb for her.

How long does it take to just process wool and marinate mutton, let alone roast it?

 (End of this chapter)

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