Chapter 1026, Bargaining

 The carriage took a short rest, the secret guard fed the horses water, and the children played on the ground.

 Princess Kaguo came out to stretch and observed the crowd carefully.

 She looked at the secret guards and had no impression of their faces. She didn't know what these people were for. Maybe they were General Jing's people.

Looking at the two beautiful women, I wonder if they are the wives of the two generals?

 But I didn’t see this group of people along the way.

 She was interested in exploring Sister Ying's voice.

With a condescending look on her face, she asked Sister Ying, "Hey, I want to ask you, where are you from?"

Sister Ying is busy washing the children's clothes and has no time to answer.

Holding a large bag of clothes, she hurried to the river and shouted, "Your Royal Highness, a commoner woman, still has to do laundry. Let's talk about it later."

 After saying that, I ran to the river with my clothes in my arms and started washing them.

Princess Yiguo was speechless and secretly wondered why this woman was so ignorant.

She has spoken, but she still doesn’t come over and wait for her. He simply doesn’t pay attention to her.

If this was in their country, they would have been arrested and beaten long ago.

The princess of the grassland country knew what she was thinking and sneered, "Come on, I have so many children that I can't even take care of them. Who has time to care about you?"

Princess Yaguo was unhappy, "I am a princess, and it is her honor to call her."

The princess of the grassland country snorted, "You are the only one who is noble."

Princess Kaguo glared at her, "I am noble, but you are jealous of me."

The princess of the prairie country rolled her eyes, "Come on, you, with your rough appearance, are you worthy of my jealousy?"

“The woman who gave birth to three children just now is more beautiful than you.”


Princess Kaname was angry, "Fart! My figure is the best in Kaname."

With her plump figure, what man in the country wouldn't like her?

The princess of the prairie country is as thin as a clothes pole, so it’s hard to call her rugged.

“I don’t know what you grew up eating. For a princess to be so skinny and so virtuous, she must be an unpopular princess, right?”

The princess of the prairie country was unhappy, "You know what, this is how I can dress better."

Although the girls in the grassland country regard fatness as their beauty, the men in the Ling country like thin girls. She can only be chosen by her father if she has a physique that does not make her fat.

   Father said that if the Prairie Country has good relations with Ling Country, life will be very prosperous if she marries them. It's definitely better than Princess Kaguo's.

The princess of Yiguo did not want to go to Lingguo.

Like the warriors of Yi State, she looked down on the skinny people of Ling State. I feel that Ling Guo is only able to become big by relying on its large number of people. If their country's grain and grass industry is developed, they will definitely overwhelm Ling Guo in minutes.

This time she got married with two main tasks.

 One is a person who cooperates with the father to make it look like the princess has been kidnapped. Let the people of Ling State make compensation.

If you fail, just marry to the Ling Kingdom and start trouble.

Father said that there are people from Yi State in the capital, and when the time comes, those people will find her and teach her how to do a great career.

If she can make meritorious deeds, she will be the eldest princess in the future, and other princesses will respect her when they see her.

Even her salary is the highest.

The princess of the prairie country didn't know what she was thinking about. She shook her head in disgust and went to the stream to take a bath.

After doing the laundry, Sister Ying also helped the children take a bath, and then she and Sister Yang watched the liner take a bath.

The princess of the prairie country saw that the shelter they brought was good, so she went over to borrow it, "Sister, can I borrow your shed to take a bath?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, you can come down and wash yourself, and I'll keep an eye on you."

 If the other person has a good attitude, she will naturally treat him politely.

 When the princess of the Prairie Kingdom finished washing and the fragrance came back, the Princess of the Yi Kingdom was in trouble.

   “Have you taken a shower?”     “Yes.”

Princess Yaguo was disdainful, "A noble princess actually takes a bath outside? Aren't you afraid that your reputation will be damaged?"

   After all, she is a married princess, so what will happen if her body is stained?

The princess of the prairie country shrugged indifferently, "No one saw it anyway. Besides, your body smells so bad. If you don't wash it off, who do you want to smoke to death?"

 “Tch, who cares?” Princess Yiguo looked disgusted, but she wanted to wash it off.

After a while, I went down by myself and looked around, but found that there was no maid at all. I was so angry that I put my hands on my hips.

“What happened to the one named Jing? He didn’t even give him a maid, so he asked me how to get water.”

She walked to Sister Ying's carriage angrily, roughly opened the curtain, and spoke in a fierce tone.

“Hey, I want to take a bath, please go and get some water for me.”

Sister Ying was holding Xiao Yunduo and was about to put her to sleep. When Xiao Dongze saw her hugging her sister, she immediately came over and clung to her.

 Small honey fruit saw this and stuck to it.

So Princess Kaguo opened the car curtain and saw this scene.

Sister Ying had two children hanging on her body and another in her arms.

  She couldn't say anything she wanted to say.


 “Why do you take care of your children every day?”

Sister Ying is also very helpless.

 “Otherwise no one would help me.”

Sister Yang has a young son to take care of herself, and she also needs to get them some anti-mosquito herbs, so she doesn’t have time to help.

Moreover, if you don’t keep a close eye on children, they can disappear in the blink of an eye. Why don’t you keep an eye on them? After all, they are outside.

 It doesn't matter if it's at home, just let them play in the yard.

Sister Ying held her three children in her arms and said apologetically, "What about that, Your Royal Highness, the peasant woman really can't leave, why don't you go wash up at the river? I'll provide you with soap and a curtain, and I'll only charge you five taels. What do you think?"

Princess Kaguo glared, "Five taels? You are blackmailing me."

  What kind of soap is worth only five taels? It's just broken soap locust.

Sister Ying was so entangled by the children that she couldn't move, so she had to use her feet to pick out the soap box.

“Now, this is the soap. After using it, your skin will be clean and smooth. This is from Mr. Qingfeng’s shop. It’s very easy to use.”

Princess Yaguo naturally knows the beauty products in Qingfeng store.

She was dubious, so she picked up the soap and smelled it. It was indeed very fragrant.

So she was not polite, "I can give you five taels, but I can only give you this whole bar of soap, as well as towels and clothes."

Sister Ying negotiated the price, "Brand-new clothes cost twenty taels, and second-hand but clean clothes cost ten taels."

Princess Yaguo was speechless, "You."

 “You are a poor man who was reincarnated, asking for money everywhere you go!”

I have never been so speechless in my life, how could I meet such a money-minded person.

Sister Ying smiled like she was pretending to be a pig eating a tiger, "The women and the younger sisters both have to raise children. How can they do it if they don't make money?"

She is not the maid of Princess Yiguo, so how can she be allowed to shout around?

If the other party had a better attitude, maybe she wouldn't care about this.

 But her always bossy attitude made people unhappy, so she naturally had to be punished slightly.

“Princess, please don’t tell me that a common woman is too greedy for money. If you think it’s expensive, you can negotiate the price.”

 If she didn’t believe this, how could she dare to negotiate the price?

Otherwise, if the news spreads, Princess Yiguo is a poor and sour person with no money. She bargains for ten taels of silver and is not allowed to be laughed at?

 (End of this chapter)

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