Chapter 1027, Idiot Princess

Princess Kaguo was so angry that she would have been beaten with a whip if she hadn't been so weak.

Sister Ying was not afraid of her. She smiled and said, "Have you thought about it? Do you want twenty taels or ten taels?"

 Princess Kaguo closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“Of course I want the most expensive one! When did this princess wear bad clothes?”

Sister Ying smiled, "Okay, I'll get you brand new clothes right away."

With her three children, she went rummaging through the trunk to find new clothes.

However, the new clothes are all in small sizes, and the other party can't wear them at all.

Finally, I flipped through it again and finally found a set with the largest size.

 This outfit was worn when she was ten months pregnant.

At that time, she wanted to put the clothes in the cabinet, but somehow she took them over.

 Because the clothes were too baggy, she couldn't wear them, so she had to leave them alone.

Princess Kaguya is about the same height as her. Even though she is one and a half fatter, she doesn't know if her clothes will fit her.

"Princess, the clothes are here. But these clothes are not brand new, so I will charge you ten taels."

 “You try it on first, if you can’t wear it, forget it.”

Princess Kaguya said, "It seems you don't have brand-new clothes at all."

After all, you don’t even have a new set of clothes, but you still have the nerve to ask her for exorbitant prices, you **** poor guy.

Sister Ying.

 Forget it, considering that the other party is mentally retarded, he doesn’t have the same level of knowledge as her.

 “Go and wash up while it’s not completely dark, otherwise there will be wolves in the dark.”

Speaking of wolves, Princess Kaguo was stunned for a moment, obviously scared, and immediately took the bathing things and hurried away.

 It was already dark by the time she finished washing.

 There were secret guards watching nearby, so they were not afraid of her escaping.

 Soon she came back from washing.

Sister Ying took the time to take a look and found that the clothes did not fit her well.

Although it is a maternity dress, it is a bit tight for the other party’s **** bodice. The straps cannot be fastened all the way.

 Coupled with the loose belly, it looks like a pregnant woman when wearing it on the Princess of Kaguo.

Princess Yiguo herself also found that she didn’t look good in this suit. She was very angry and wanted to settle the score with Sister Ying.

 But they were preparing dinner at this moment, and if she quarreled with her, she might not have anything to eat at night.

So she thought about arguing with her after eating, so she endured it for now.

 After dinner, she came to see Sister Ying angrily.

 “Hey, your clothes don’t fit, please give me your money back!”

“You must have cheated me out of my money because I am such a beautiful girl and I am dressed as a pregnant woman.”

Sister Ying also felt that she didn’t look good in this suit, so she gave her half of the money back.

“Keep the remaining money as soap, or you will return the soap.”

Qingfeng soap has always been very useful. Even the princess likes it, so naturally she doesn’t want to return it.

 So she didn’t want the remaining ten taels.

“Hmph, I’ll let you go this time. I’ll settle the score with you next time.”

Sister Ying is not afraid of her at all. She feels like she is an immature kid with low IQ.

 She shook her head and went back to the car, not even bothering to argue with her.

 After getting on the car, the secret guard went to catch the car and continued to set off.

They drove for several days, following the route on the map.

Until I walked to a pier, I felt that this place was vaguely familiar.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang looked at each other, "I remember that this river leads to Jiangnan?"

Sister Yang nodded excitedly, "Yes, I remember it too. It seems we remembered it correctly."

As long as you take a boat and go straight ahead, you can reach the south of the Yangtze River.

 “Great, it’s really not easy.”

"Yes. Then shall we wait here for my brother-in-law and the others?"

Sister Ying thought for a while, "Let's wait a day and see."

If they don't come back one day, let the secret guard go back and see what's going on.

They found an inn on the street and took the children to have a delicious meal. They were all very excited. Princess Kaguo and Princess Prairie are also very happy to be able to stay in the inn.

They asked for a room in the upper room, ordered water, and began to bathe and change clothes.

 Because their luggage was all in Jing Shirong's motorcade, they had no change of clothes.

 All women love beauty, how can they do without happy clothes?

So the two princesses put on their old clothes and prepared to go downstairs to buy some clothes.

Sister Ying asked the secret guards to follow them secretly and send signals if anything happened.

 The secret guards are the best at following people, and they follow them quickly.

The princess of the prairie country really wanted to buy clothes, so she carefully picked out two outfits.

She doesn't have much money on her, so she can't buy too much, otherwise it won't be enough.

 Having to wait for her entourage to arrive, she will have money.

The princess of Yiguo didn't have much money on her body, so she could only buy two clothes.

While she was buying clothes, she looked outside to see if her father's people were coming.

The secret guard saw her movements and did not interfere. He secretly followed her to the alley.

 Waiting in the alley, I saw Princess Kaguo talking with an injured man.

 With the secret guard not following too close, he could roughly guess what he was talking about by reading his lips.

Princess Kaguya was just asking, "Why did you come so slowly? Where are the remaining people?"

The other party replied, "Everyone has fled, and the people of Ling State are difficult to deal with. We are afraid of exposing our secrets, so we can only run away."

“We are approaching the bustling area next, and it is impossible to intercept anyone. So princess, take care of yourself. Our people will try to contact you when you get to the capital.”

 “Okay, I understand, where are you going now?”

"I have to go back. Please take care of yourself and leave after saying this."

The secret guards chased after him, and the remaining few stayed to watch.

 Princess Kaguo went back feeling depressed.

I thought I didn’t have to go to get married, but who knew I still had to go.

  It seems that everything is fate.

Since we are going to the capital, let’s go and we’ll talk about what happens then.

The secret guard went back and told Sister Ying about the matter. Sister Ying was a little speechless and a little want to laugh.

 “Is this princess’s intelligence enough to be a spy?”

The king of Yiguo didn’t know how to send a shrewd person. I am really speechless for sending such a stupid princess. "

Or, "The princess is not their highlight, the highlight is in the secret?"

 The secret guard nodded, "It's possible."

“But don’t worry, Your Majesty is not stupid.”

 It means that the emperor has already seen everything and knows these little naughties thoroughly, so there is no need for her to worry.

Sister Ying is not worried either. Even though the emperor is old, he is really shrewd. To be vigilant is to be truly vigilant.

Since she had nothing to do, she went back to play with the children.

 The three children played all day today and were very excited.

“Mom, when will dad come back?”

They all missed Jing Shirong after not seeing him for so long.

Sister Ying touched their little heads and said, "Come on, their horses are very strong. They will arrive tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

 After getting the answer, the children fell asleep peacefully.

 At the evening of the next day, Jing Shirong's team came over.

The number of people who came was neat and tidy, and no one was left behind.

But it seems that the number of Princess Yiguo's entourage is missing.

 I don’t know whether he ran away during the war or whether he was injured and died.

As soon as Rong came back, he went to see Sister Ying and her children first, and was relieved to see that they were safe.

 “You’re tired.”

Sister Ying hugged him and said, "I'm not tired. We ate and drank all the way. It was so relaxing."

 “It’s you, are you exhausted?”

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 (End of this chapter)

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