The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1028: , mother and son arrived in Jiangnan

Chapter 1028, mother and son arrived in Jiangnan

The children were very happy to see their biological father back and rushed over to him together.

Xiao Miguo hugged Jing Shirong's thigh, raised her head and smiled, "Daddy is back~"

Xiao Dongze also hugged Jing Shirong’s thigh, “Daddy, hug~”

Jing Shirong smiled and picked them up.

“Have you helped dad take care of mom during this time?”

The two siblings nodded obediently, "Yes, I help my mother with some work~"

"Me too."

The two of them hung on Jing Shirong and chatted non-stop.

Jing Shirong waited patiently for them to finish reading before asking Sister Ying, "Are the two princesses peaceful during these days?"

Sister Ying looked outside and smiled, "It's peaceful. It's very peaceful."

How can I be restless if I have no money and no bodyguards?

Jing Shirong also smiled, "That Princess of Yi Kingdom didn't bully you, did she?"

Jing Shirong knew that Princess Yiguo had a bad temper and was afraid that she would bully Sister Ying.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "No, no, how can she bully me?"

That is a childish ghost. If she has no ability, how can she be bullied?

Jing Shirong smiled, "You."

Sister Ying asked someone to carry water and ordered a table of dishes, "Let's eat first."

Qi Yuanming organized his team and came up.

 I haven’t seen this guy’s beard grow very long in a few days.

Sister Yang walked in with her child and was speechless when she saw his unshaven look.

“My brother-in-law is outside like you, why can he be so clean but you are so sloppy?”

Qi Yuanming felt aggrieved, “I don’t know either.”

 He ​​is not a person who pays much attention to his image in the first place. It is good that Sister Yang is around. If she is not around, he will be slovenly and there is nothing he can do about it.

Sister Yang laughed angrily, "Okay, okay, let's not talk about you anymore. Let's go take a shower and eat first."

Qi Yuanming wanted to eat first.

"I'm hungry."

Sister Ying called them over, "Okay, let them eat first, then wash them after eating."

Qi Yuanming smiled and said, "Thank you, eldest sister."

 The family happily sat down to eat and were finally reunited.

The children had their father by their side, and they kept talking and talking.

“Dad, when should we set off?”

Sister Ying also wanted to ask, "We should be arriving in Jiangnan soon. I feel so excited just thinking about it."

Jing Shirong smiled fondly and said, "Yes, we can reach Jiangnan in two stops. Then we can take a small boat to get there."

This river is not big, so there is no need to worry about storms.

"I've already called the boat. I'll load it up tonight and we can set off tomorrow."

It turns out that when Jing Shirong came over, he had already taken care of all these things.

 He has always been a man of action, and many things can be done directly without Sister Ying having to ask.

Sister Ying squeezed his hand happily, her eyes a little moist, "I haven't been home for a long time, I'm a little excited."

Jing Shirong kissed the back of her hand lovingly, "Don't cry, just go back and it will be fine."

Sister Ying sniffed and said, "Yeah, just go back."

 I haven’t been back before, so I haven’t felt this way. As I approached the door of my home, I suddenly felt like it was the other day.

Sister Yang thought the same way, and her eyes were red.

 The children felt their mother's emotions and went over to hug them.

Sister Ying was comforted and smiled, "Okay, okay, mom is not sad anymore, and she will go back to her parents' home happily. Then you will be able to see your grandmother, grandfather, and Mrs. "

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze are very happy.

 “Okay, we can finally go to grandma’s house~”

Sister Ying was also very happy. She went to pack her things, took the children to bed early at night, and boarded the ship early the next morning.

This time the team went to the back and Sister Ying’s boat went to the front.

Princess Yiguo was a little confused when she saw that Jing Shirong and the others had returned safely. She counted her entourage, and suddenly there were four less, and they were all her most important ones. She was so angry that she wanted to scold but didn't dare.

It seems that these people from Lingguo are indeed difficult to deal with. She should be careful not to get caught.

Jing Shirong ignored her and directed the ship to move forward.

 The children were very relaxed the rest of the way, probably because they knew this was a safe zone, so they sat on the bow and played all the way.

 The boats on the small river are different from the boats on the sea. This kind of boat is leisurely and safe, and there is no need to worry about the storm.

 I said I wasn’t afraid of rain, but it rained in the afternoon.

 Perhaps it’s the rainy season, and it’s been raining lightly recently.

This kind of light rain falls on the cabin, which is very leisurely.

Sister Ying leaned comfortably on the edge of the chair, shook her fan lazily, and took a look at the children.

 If you see something selling food on both sides of the river, let the children buy it.

Xiao Miguo ran in and said, "Mom, I want to eat plum blossom cake."

Sister Ying gave her money and said, "Go ahead and buy one for your younger brothers and sisters. Remember to change."

"Know it."

 They will all buy things on the shore now.

 One moment I buy plum blossom cakes, the next I buy sugar rice dumplings, the next I buy the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and I keep buying.

They were all snacks, and the children ate them all, so Sister Ying didn’t object and let them eat as much as they wanted.

 As the ship gets closer to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the familiar places become more and more familiar.

Sister Yang even excitedly pointed to a forked river, "Sister, that's the way to the second aunt's house."

Sister Ying saw it and said, "Yes."

She sent a secret guard to deliver a message, telling Sister Wu's house that they were back and asking them to come to the Liang family to get together.

The secret guard went quickly. Second Sister Wu was very happy when she saw it.

“Sister Ying and the others are back, hurry up, pack up and go to her house.”

 When they reached the upper reaches, Sister Ying finally saw the small river in front of her house.

 “Xiao Miguo, Xiao Dongze, wake up quickly, our home is here.”

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze were asleep when they were woken up.

Sister Ying held one by one and came ashore excitedly.

The secret guard took his time and unloaded everything from the ship.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang took their children and ran home excitedly.

 Before I got home, I started shouting, “Mother~~~”

 Wu heard a familiar voice in the room and stood up excitedly.

“Mom, did you hear it? It was Sister Ying’s voice?”

Mrs. Liang exclaimed, "It's true."

 “Hurry, hurry, hurry up, go out and pick her up.”

Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang hurried out, their faces filled with excitement.

As soon as they came out, they saw Sister Ying and Sister Yang running back with their children.

 “Sister Ying! Sister Yang!”

  Wu ran down the stairs excitedly, her eyes red.

 “My son~~”

Sister Ying and Sister Yang both threw themselves on Mrs. Wu, like swallows returning to their nests. Mother and daughter hugged each other and cried.

Xiao Miguo, Xiao Dongze and Xiao Yunduo were all stunned.

 I don’t understand why my mother is crying.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming came over, picked up the children, and gave them space for mother and daughter to get together.

Old Mrs. Liang also hugged them and cried bitterly together. She didn't come back to her senses until she saw a few Xiaomi Guo.

“Oh, these are my Xiaomiguo and Xiaodongze, right? And my little Yunduo, are they so big?”

 The three children rushed over sweetly, "Great-grandmother~~"

Mrs. Liang's heart softened, "My dear, hurry up, give me a hug from my great-grandmother, my sweetheart."

 (End of this chapter)

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