The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1030: , Brother Sen hasn’t married yet.

 Chapter 1030, Brother Sen hasn’t married yet

Liang Jin smiled when each of them complimented him.

 He was in a good mood, "Good boy, grandfather's good boy, you are all hungry, go and eat quickly."

 Speaking, he carried each of them onto the chair.

Liang Jin also sat down and looked at the children curiously, then at Liang's daughter and son-in-law. The more he looked at them, the more satisfied he became.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang stood up and leaned on his shoulders affectionately, "Dad~"

Liang Jin’s nose was sour, “You are so old and still acting like a spoiled child. Be careful, the children are laughing at you.”

Sister Ying and Sister Yang both laughed, "They don't know how."

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming also came over to toast their father-in-law.

“Dad, long time no see, you are still so young.”

Liang Jin smiled, "Hey, I'm old, not young."

Qi Yuanming said sweetly, "No, no, my father-in-law still has the same handsome face as before. He is so envious of us."

Liang Jin was praised and happily touched his goatee.

“How many days can you stay at home this time?”

  A few months ago, they received a letter asking for their children to come back.

Knowing that they were back on business, Liang Jin did not dare to delay their schedule.

Jing Shirong replied, "Sister Ying and the others can stay in Liangtian, but we have to leave at night."

“When we go back to the border, we will pass by here and come to say goodbye to our father-in-law and mother-in-law.”

Liang Jin nodded with satisfaction when he saw that he had arranged everything well.

“That’s fine, it’s enough for them to stay in Liang for three days. Then we’ll call Brother Kang and Brother Seng back to reunite the four siblings.”

Sister Ying asked, "Mom, has Xianxian given birth to a third child?"

  I learned from a letter that my sister-in-law is pregnant with her third child, but I don’t know if she has given birth to her third child.

Wu smiled and said, "I gave birth to a big fat boy. I gave birth to him just last month. You didn't receive any news on the way. I was about to tell you."

Sister Ying said in surprise, "Hey, my brothers and sisters are really awesome."

They have three children.

Mrs. Wu smiled, "Yes, they already have three children. You should also work hard to have another child."

Sister Ying and Sister Yang looked at each other and smiled, "I can't even bring Liang here."

Mrs. Wu glanced at her and said, "You three are making trouble. Look at the four of you siblings. Aren't you making trouble?"

  After Wu became a grandmother, she became more and more fond of children and loved the liveliness of her home.

Although Kang Geer is in charge downstream, the children come back from time to time.

Mrs. Wu liked Xiaomiguo very much when she saw how well-behaved they were. She also wanted Sisters Ying and Yang to have more children.

Sister Yang shook her head, "I still have one in my arms."

Mrs. Wu hurriedly brought her grandson over and said, "Let me be rare too."

She looked at Xiao Yunduo and then at Xiao Pangpang. The two siblings looked really alike. They both had square faces. They were so cute.

Qi Yuanming and Yourong Yan said, "Yes, it's very cute. Hahaha~"

Everyone laughed when they heard this, and the atmosphere was very lively.

 After dinner, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming had to leave.

Mrs. Wu quickly bought them a lot of food for them to eat on the way.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were moved, secretly thinking that their mother-in-law was still so caring.

 They set off first and returned to the capital.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang stayed with Liang Tian.

 The children wanted to play on the street in the evening. Mrs. Wu, Liang Jin and Mrs. Liang all took one of them to take the children to play on the street.

It was a rare occasion for Mrs. Wu to come back. She was very generous and told the children, "Just take whatever you like, and grandma will buy it for you."

Xiao Miguo and others were very happy and cheered, "Yeah~Grandma is great~"

 Wu was very happy to see them happy.

 “Go and pick.”

Xiao Miguo, Xiao Dongze and Xiao Yunduo immediately went to pick out what they liked.

Little Yunduo picked out a beautiful Yunduo skirt.

Xiao Miguo also chose a beautiful skirt. Xiao Dongze chose a beautiful Go game.

 “We have chosen grandma.”

Seeing that they were not greedy, Mrs. Wu just chose one, feeling satisfied and distressed at the same time.

   “Go again and pick up the slack, grandma is rich.”

 The three children are very sensible.

 “No need, the same thing is enough.”

Mrs. Wu looked pleased, "You really don't want to?"

 The three children shook their heads, "I really don't want it. I'll let grandma buy it next time I come back."

Mrs. Wu said with a loving look on her face, "Okay, okay, grandma will buy it for you next time you come back."

 The children went home happily after having enough fun.

 The three children fell asleep on the bed as soon as they got home, which shows how tired they are.

 Looking at the children on the bed, Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang sighed in their hearts.

“I didn’t expect that in the blink of an eye, the children would be so old.”

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, time flies by in the blink of an eye."

 “Unknowingly, the children have grown up.”

Mrs. Wu lovingly kissed the four children, loving them from the bottom of her heart, "They are so cute."

Sister Ying smiled and half-joked, "If you really like it, you can live with us when dad retires."

Mrs. Wu has never thought about this, "I wouldn't have thought about it unless you told me."

However, Liang Jin is still young and it is still early to retire.

“And your younger siblings are still here. I’m afraid your younger siblings won’t be happy if I go.”

 After all, as a mother-in-law, she is afraid that her daughter-in-law will think she is partial.

Sister Ying smiled, "Then you want to go with me even more."

Liang is a daughter-in-law. It’s wrong to help anyone. She might as well live with her daughter.

 At least Liang's sons-in-law are very accustomed to the presence of their mother-in-law.

 As long as there is no difference in interests, there is no contradiction.

 Besides, you can live freely at her place and do whatever you want without having to worry about your wife being unhappy.

Mrs. Wu was moved and patted her hand, "I know you are filial, so I will consider this matter."

But it’s still early to mention this matter, so let’s put it aside for now.

"You have to go see your mother-in-law and the others when you come back this time, right?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, we will go to the capital to visit my mother-in-law and the others after staying for two days, and let the children see their grandfather and grandmother."

Mrs. Wu nodded, "It's time to go back and see them. They must also miss the children."

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, I hope I can stay a few more days."

Mrs. Wu asked, "You are living well there, right?"

“It’s good, we’re free. We even opened a store, we don’t have to worry about food and clothing, everything is fine.” It also boosts the economy there.

 Wu was relieved after hearing this.

"Our family is doing well. Kang Geer is now the head of the family. He is very mature and can support the family and do things for the people. I don't worry about him anymore."

“The only thing I’m worried about is your brother, Brother Seng.”

 “That boy is so old and he still doesn’t have a wife. I’m worried to death.”

Sister Ying asked with concern, "Isn't there a girl he likes yet?"

 Wu Shichou said, "I don't know, and he didn't tell me even if I asked him."

  "Give him a blind date, he doesn't want it either. If you have a cold face, the older you are, the less cute you will be."

Sister Ying smiled, "Then where is he now? Ask him to come back tomorrow."

 Wu Shi, "I have sent him a letter as a flying pigeon. I hope he can come back tomorrow."

 “As for where he is, I don’t know.”

"That boy is now a detective. He goes wherever there are cases. I can't find him, so I can only rely on flying pigeons to pass the message."

Sister Ying did not expect that Brother Sen would be impressed by him after working in this industry for so many years.

 (End of this chapter)

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