Chapter 1031, Children playing together

 “It seems that Brother Seng still likes this profession very much.”

Even after so many years, I haven’t seen him think about changing his career. It seems that he really likes solving crimes.

Mr. Wu nodded, "Yes, I told him several times, but he didn't listen. He just likes to do this."

 Since her son likes it, she will let him.

 But he is so old and still hasn’t found a partner yet, which makes her worried to death.

"If he can come back tomorrow, help your mother to persuade him. Not getting married is not an option. I think he is a loner now."

  When I was a child, I would still look for my mother, but now she is so cold and cold when I talk to her, which is not cute at all.

Sister Ying asked, "Where's the little Tiantian from before? Does she still like Brother Seng now?"

Mrs. Wu raised the corners of her lips and smiled, "Do you still remember that girl?"

 Speaking of which, Xiao Tiantian has reached the age of haircut and can already talk to others.

  But there has been no movement at her house so far. I wonder if she is still waiting for Brother Seng.

“I didn’t dare to ask, because I was afraid that if I asked Brother Seng if he disagreed, it would be in vain and I would hurt that girl’s heart. Otherwise, I quite like that little girl.”

Sister Ying smiled, "Isn't it easy for the girl to chase Brother Sen?"

 Sen Ge'er is a straight man, and he is very direct about things he doesn't like. It will probably be difficult to pursue him.

Wu Shi hates that iron cannot become steel, "Well, Xiao Tiantian is very good, why doesn't he know how to cherish her?"

 “Or is it that he doesn’t like girls?”

Wu Shi knew about Longyang's obsession, but his son didn't look like he liked men.

 She was hesitant and depressed.

 “What do you think he was thinking?”

Sister Ying, "If he comes back tomorrow, I'll ask him again."

“Maybe it’s not that he doesn’t like girls, it’s probably because he hasn’t met one that makes his heart flutter.”

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Okay, you can ask him for me tomorrow."

Mother and daughter chatted until late at night before falling asleep.

 The next day, Sister Wu came over with her grandchildren.

 Her two daughters-in-law all gave birth to sons, a family full of boys.

 Xiao Mi Guo and others went to bed early and got up early.

 When I woke up, I saw so many brothers and looked at them curiously.

 “Who are you?”

Second Sister Wu liked her appearance when she saw how similar she was to Sister Ying and Jing Shirong.

“Yo, this is Xiaomiguo, right? I’m your great-aunt.”

Xiao Miguo hugged her sweetly, "Auntie, give me a hug~"

Second Sister Wu picked her up strangely and said, "She's so good. She has such a pretty face. How come she's so tall?"

Xiao Miguo was praised, and she raised her chin coquettishly, "It's not bad. My aunt is also pretty."

 Second Sister Wu was overjoyed, "Haha, good boy, your little mouth is so sweet."

Not to be outdone, Xiao Dongze also came to ask for a hug.

 “I want to hug my aunt too~”

He also has chubby baby fat on his face and a rosy little mouth. He looks like a little man in a New Year painting, which is particularly cute.

Second Sister Wu liked it when she saw it, and hurriedly picked up Xiao Dongze, "Are you Xiao Dongze? I heard your grandmother say it before, but I didn't expect it to be so big."

Xiao Miguo was put down, and seeing her bratty brother vying for favor everywhere, she snorted and pulled Xiao Yunduo away to play with her other cousins.

Seeing them running away, Second Sister Wu quickly said, "Take good care of my sister."

 Several boys responded, "I know."

They were both older than Miguo, and they didn’t know what they wanted to play with her, so they asked her, "Cousin, what do you want to play? A slingshot? Horse riding? Or archery?"

 They are boys and have been playing with these since childhood. They don’t know what girls like to play, so they can only ask about these.

It happened that Xiaomiguo knew all these things, so he asked, "Can I ride a horse here?"

 When she came, she saw only the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, but not the racecourse. Brother Tiger replied, "Yes, there is a horse farm nearby, but we have to ride there on horseback. I guess we won't have enough time, otherwise let's go play cannon-throwing."

 “Throw the cannon?”

 Xiaomiguo has never played cannon throwing before, so she is very curious, "What is cannon throwing?"

“It’s a kind of firecracker, just throw it on the ground and it will go off.”

 “Really? Then I want to play with it.”

 Sister Ying doesn’t usually give them things like firecrackers, so they don’t often play with them, which is quite rare.

As soon as Xiao Dongze heard that someone was playing, he immediately chased after him, "Cousin, I want to play too."

"Okay, let's go together. There's a cannon vendor right at the door."

So Xiaomi Guo, Xiao Dongze and Xiao Yunduo quickly went to buy cannons with their cousins.

When Mrs. Wu found it, she saw the children walking out and asked quickly, "Where are you going?"

 The children replied as they ran, "Buy a cannon."

Mrs. Wu wanted to chase her and give her money, but Sister Wu held her back and said, "No need to chase her, I gave her the money."

Wu Shi gave her a cute look and said, "You are the only one who can do it quickly."

Second Sister Wu laughed and said, "Let's go, let the children play by themselves, and let's go into the house to get together."

Sister Ying heard the sound and saw Second Sister Wu coming.

 “Is the second aunt here?”

 Second Sister Wu smiled, "Yes, the little lazy boy hasn't gotten up yet."

Hearing this friendly voice, Sister Ying smiled and stretched, "Yes, I'm still sleepy. You came so early."

Second Sister Wu smiled, "I just wanted to see you earlier so that you wouldn't have to leave again."

Sister Ying got up and pulled her over to sit on the bed.

“I haven’t seen you for many years, but you haven’t changed at all, and your hair has not turned gray.”

 Second Sister Wu touched her temples proudly, "That's right, I pay attention to taking care of myself."

 When you were young, you didn’t have time to take care of yourself, but when you get older, you pay special attention to it.

Especially since her two sons are capable, she doesn’t have to be busy now. She can leave the business to her two sons and start enjoying her life early. She can just be a grandmother at home and take care of her children.

 Plus the two daughters-in-law are reasonable people, so life goes smoothly.

Mrs. Wu also said, "If you ask me, you are the best daughter-in-law."

 As long as the daughter-in-law is good, life will not be bad.

 Er Sister Wu agreed, “That’s right.”

 Although mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are not as close as mother and daughter.

 But her two daughters-in-law are both reasonable and can speak well, so the family gets along very harmoniously.

Wu was envious, "Brother An and the others have settled down and established a career, but that boy Seng'er is still home."

I sent him a message yesterday, but I haven't come back yet.

Second Sister Wu comforted her, "Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Don't be anxious. Maybe one day he suddenly likes a girl and comes back to tell you."

Mrs. Wu sighed, "I have been saying this for many years, but I still haven't seen him mention it." This shows that this is not an easy matter.

“Okay, let’s not talk about that for now. It’s rare for Sister Ying and Sister Yang to come back, so let’s take them to eat something delicious.”

Mrs. Wu then remembered the business, "Yes, you are right, we should give the children something delicious to eat."

 She asked Sister Ying, "What do Xiaomi Guo and the others like to eat?"

Sister Ying said, "They all like it. As long as my mother makes it, they will definitely like it."

Wu's heart was full of kindness and grandmotherliness, and she immediately became active.

"No, I have to get some food and snacks for the children to take with them."

 After saying that, he immediately ordered the people in the kitchen to go out and buy materials.

 (End of this chapter)

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