Chapter 1032: Blast to the eyes

After waiting for the vegetables, meat and fruits to be bought from the kitchen, Mrs. Wu asked Sister Ying and Sister Yang to have breakfast first and make dumplings together later.

“I will make fried dumplings for the children later. Then I will make them some desserts.”

 She is very mobile, so she rolled up her sleeves and started kneading the dough.

“I’ll fry some egg and steamed buns for the children, and they’ll be delicious. But after eating, I need to eat some fruit and remove the oil.”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Just be busy."

Even though I am a grandmother, I still like to be busy.

 Wu Shi smiled, "It doesn't matter, I'm happy to make food for the children." She was happy even if she was tired.

Sister Ying felt happy seeing her mother's unwavering devotion to the children.

Xiao Miguo and the others were playing with cannonballs outside at this time, having a great time.

 Throw one on the ground and it will make a "pop" sound, which is very relaxing.

The three siblings have played three boxes and they are still not satisfied.

Several older cousins ​​saw that they enjoyed playing so much, so they bought them different firecrackers and fireworks.

Xiao Miguo happily chased after her and mingled with her cousins.

Little Yunduo imitated Xiao Dongze and quickly became familiar with his cousins.

 When we got home, we put our hands on each other's shoulders. Hello, brothers. Mrs. Wu looked surprised, "You're back? Did you have fun playing with your cousins?"

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze ran over, "Happy~"

“Grandma, firecrackers are so fun here.”

 Just accidentally blew a few holes in my clothes.

  The explosion accidentally hit Xiao Yunduo's head, which made him cry in fright.

 Fortunately, she is also heartless, and she will be fine with just coaxing her for a while.

They think that if they don’t tell them, their elders won’t find out.

Unexpectedly, Sister Ying glanced at them and immediately saw the problem.

“Miguo, what’s wrong with your pants in the back?”

 Don’t think that she doesn’t know if she holds her pants.

 Small honey fruit.

Originally, I wanted to sneak into the house to change my pants, but who would have thought that my mother had such sharp eyes, she could see it right away.

“I, I’m fine, I’m just thirsty and I need to go inside to drink water.”

 After saying that, he ran away.

Sister Ying grabbed her braid and said, "Come here."

 She was like a tigress, checking up and down. Good guy, you’re wearing a nice outfit, but after you go out for a while, six holes appear? "Tell me the truth, were you blown up by firecrackers?"

Xiao Miguo looked around, trying to pretend she didn't know.

Sister Ying tugged on her ears and said, "Didn't I tell you not to play with dangerous things? The clothes were blown up today. What if the eyes are blown up next time?"

How can such a tiger girl be so courageous? Dare to play anything.

Xiao Dongze added, "My sister is still holding firecrackers in her hand. If my cousin hadn't been quick, my palms would have been blown off."

 Small honey fruit.

 Pig teammates! I won’t play with you next time.

Xiao Dongze realized it later, stuck out his tongue, and ran away in fear.

Sister Ying grabbed her back and said, "Your sister made a mistake and you didn't watch. You two will be punished together. Face the wall and think about it."

Xiao Dongze whined, "No~~"

 It’s hard to play with so many children, but it’s such a waste of time to have to think in front of a wall.

Sister Ying thought the same thing. Just when she wanted to delay the punishment until the end, she noticed that Xiao Yunduo's forehead was red.

 The three little guys were smart enough to use their hair to block her.

However, as soon as the wind blew over, everyone saw it.

Mrs. Wu was also startled, "Ah, the corners of this girl's eyes are red." She saw that more than one place was blown up.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze looked at each other and lowered their heads with guilt.

Xiao Yunduo was heartless and hugged Sister Ying with a smile, "Auntie, I'm fine. It was fun just now~"

Sister Ying.

Well, here comes another heartless person.

“Little fool, your eyes are precious and cannot be hurt. Tell auntie, who blew your eyes out?”

Xiao Yunduo shook his head and said very righteously, "I was careless."

 Actually, it was Xiaomiguo who was too excited while playing and accidentally threw it on her.

It was too late to react.

She was originally scared to death and didn't dare to play anymore. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yunduo stopped crying after being coaxed and continued to play with them, so she continued to play.

 She was not the one responsible for the explosion the second time. It should have been accidentally thrown by a few cousins ​​on her, and it hit her head directly.

Sister Ying and the others were speechless.

 Hand Xiaomiguo and Xiaodongze against the wall and start educating them.

“Did Mom ever tell you before that you should not get dangerous things on your body, otherwise your body will be injured? You forgot so quickly?”

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze lowered their heads with guilty conscience, "I haven't forgotten."

 Memory is one thing, but when you are playing, you will really forget for a while because of the excitement.

Sister Ying hit her palms each and said, "Also, didn't my mother tell you that eyes are important treasures and cannot be injured at all? If they are injured, you will not be able to see. Have you listened?"

The two children seemed to know the seriousness of the matter. They lowered their heads and admitted their mistake, "Mom, we know we were wrong. We will throw it away from our eyes next time."

Sister Ying sighed, "First stand here with a stick of incense and reflect carefully."

What if you continue to be so careless and throw it casually when you are excited, and throw it into other people's eyes?

 Can your relatives still apologize? Can someone else's baby bump hurt your eyes?

 Besides, regardless of whether you are a relative or a stranger, eyes are important things, and you can’t throw firecrackers around.

Both siblings knew they were wrong, bit their lips and lowered their heads.

Mrs. Wu felt distressed when she saw her training her children, but she didn't interrupt and let her train her quietly.

Sister Ying took Xiao Yunduo to apply medicine and also talked about her.

“You said you, why don’t you know how to hide?”

“Sister, when she gets excited, she acts like a crazy person. Don’t you know how to avoid it?”

“Next time you behave like this, I won’t let you play with your sister.”

Little Yunduo panicked, "Oh, aunt doesn't want it, I want to play with my sister."

Sister Ying looked at the corners of her eyes and found some skin scratches. She was afraid of infection, so she quickly applied medicine. "

“Next time you see an older child playing with firecrackers, don’t get close to them. What if you get hurt?”

“Your mother hasn’t seen it yet, but she will definitely lose her **** when she sees it.”

 Sister Yang’s bad temper, she will definitely give her a beating if she finds out.

Little Yunduo covered her **** in fear, "Auntie, I know I was wrong, and I won't do it again in the future."

Sister Ying touched her head lovingly, "It's good to know. Don't let yourself get hurt next time."

Little Yunduo nodded obediently and knew how to intercede for her sister and brother.

 “Then aunt, please don’t hit your sister and brother.”

Sister Ying's heart softened. She didn't know who this girl looked like, so soft.

Sister Yang has a bad temper, and Qi Yuanming is also careless.

How to give birth to a small cotton ball.

“I really admire you. When Zhan gets enough incense, they will have fried dumplings to eat, so don’t worry.”

Just when Xiao Yunduo was about to be happy, she heard Sister Ying say, "You should also stand for punishment. You didn't protect yourself well, and you didn't look enough. You made a mistake too."

 Xiao Yunduo's little face suddenly fell down, and she said aggrievedly, "Okay~"

 (End of this chapter)

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