The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1038: , so angry that she got pregnant.

Chapter 1038: I’m so angry that I’m pregnant

Sister Ying explained to them, "Brother Rong found them a wife who plays piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and they have to go to school every day."

“It’s just seven days with two days off, and you’ll be studying other things during those two days, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

 A wealthy family attaches great importance to children's reading and education, and the Jing family is no exception.

 “Let their grandfather test them tonight.”

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze were not afraid at all, "Okay. We went to school well."

Jing saw their confident and lively looks, and the more she looked at them, the more she fell in love with them.

 “Let’s go, grandma will give you new clothes.”

  When you come to the capital, you must wear the attire of the capital, especially children from official families, who should dress more solemnly.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze had no objection and went to change clothes with her.

 While changing clothes, Jing saw how chubby their bodies were, and the more she looked at them, the more she liked them.

“It’s really white, just like your father when he was a child, both have white skin.”

 The two little guys were praised all day long, and they were in a great mood. "Hehe, no."

Jing Shi smiled and kissed her again.

After dressing them up, they combed their hair and put on accessories. After a while, two young ladies and young masters from wealthy families appeared.

Xiao Miguo looked at her dignified and elegant self in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction.

 “It turns out that I still have such a dignified and serious side.”

Xiao Dongze was even more dressed up like a young master from an aristocratic family, cold and noble.

Jing was very satisfied and kissed their little faces lovingly.

 “It’s so beautiful, like the little doll in the New Year pictures, so handsome.”

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze didn’t make a fuss when they were being kissed, they were laughing and hiding.

 Then Jing took them to his new room to see the toys.

“Now, this is your room. Grandma has cleaned it up for you. There are also those little toys. Go and see if there are any you like to play with.”

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze looked at the room and saw that it was carefully decorated. Every ornament in it was very expensive and expensive at first glance.

 “Wow, grandma, you are so generous.”

The house is full of good things, but they are not cheap at first glance.

Jing didn't expect that she knew antiques, "How do you know about the big deal? Do you know these things?"

Xiao Miguo nodded confidently, "Of course, the one on the table is a white jade vase, of high quality and good quality, at least this amount." She gestured with her palms.

“There is also this screen, which is made of the best huanghuali wood. Especially the carving is exquisite. I think it was made by the best master, so the price is naturally not low.”

Jing was extremely satisfied with her clear and logical introduction.

“Very good, very good. I didn’t expect you to know so many good things at such a young age.”

I thought they wouldn’t be able to see anything good in the desolate place, but I didn’t expect that she actually understood everything.

Xiao Miguo smiled, "Grandma, I often went out with my cousin and uncle when I was a child, and I saw a lot of good things."

“And dad often takes me and Xiao Dongze out.”

Jing Shirong is a conscientious father. During the holidays, he takes his children to play or takes them to see good things on the street.

 With his careful cultivation, the two children have been confident since childhood and have a broad vision.

Jing was convinced, "Your father is just a man who does big things in silence."

 My son is a man of action. He works hard physically but does not claim credit. He doesn’t know who to follow.

  It got dark while we were chatting.

 Xiao Liujin came over with Jinghan right after class.

As soon as she arrived at Jing’s house, she ran in excitedly, “Xiao Miguo~~”

Xiao Miguo heard her voice as soon as her ears moved, and she hurriedly ran out.


The two sisters hugged each other happily, "You have come to the capital to see me."

 Xiao Miguo also hugged her, "Yes, I told you I would come."

The two sisters were very happy and hugged each other without letting go.

 “Are you having dinner at our house tonight?”

 Xiao Liujin nodded, "Yes, I just came to you for dinner."

Jinghan also ran over to chat with Sister Ying.

 The family sat down to drink tea, and when Jing's father went to court, they could have dinner together. Jing’s father and Jing Shirong came back together in the evening.

When the children saw their biological father, they were so happy that they ran over excitedly and held the scene in their arms.


Jing Shirong was happy when he saw them. He picked up the two children and said, "Coming?"

The two children rubbed Jing Shirong's face affectionately, "Hmm~" They were coquettishly acting like cats.

Jing Shirong’s heart softened, “Be good.”

Jing’s father saw his grandchildren at the side and had the urge to hug them.

But he was old enough to be a grandfather, so he just waited aside.

Jing Shirong thought of his father, put the two children down and introduced them, "This is your grandfather."

When the two children saw how handsome and kind their grandfather was, they liked it very much. They rushed over to them and said, "Grandpa, hug~"

Jing’s father suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and said, “Okay, okay, grandpa, hug me.”

 My face was tense just now, but now I am smiling.

Seeing that they were getting along happily, Mrs. Jing smiled and asked them to wash their hands, "It's time to eat."


 After washing hands, everyone sat down to eat together.

 Eat in the yard at night to keep cool.

Jingyu went out to do errands and didn't come back.

Jing Xin, on the other hand, hurried over with his children to reunite with them.

 “Brother, are you back?”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yeah."

The three children greeted Jing Shirong, "Uncle is back."

Jing Shirong hummed and touched the heads of his nephews as a sign of intimacy.

Jing Xin chatted a lot with him, and then went over to chat with Sister Ying.

“Sister-in-law, did you arrive this morning?”

 “Yes, I just arrived this morning.”

Jing Xin asked with concern, "How have you been doing in the past few years?"

Sister Ying smiled, "It's good, I feel free."

Jinghan also came over and said, "How long can I stay this time? I still want to chat with you for a few days and nights."

Sister Ying smiled, "Do you have so many things to talk about?"

Jinghan said, "Of course, I can talk about my family affairs for three days and three nights."

For example, Mrs. Murong is really a master at finding trouble.

“You don’t even know that we have been married for so many years, and the old lady still wants to take a concubine for Brother Yung, which makes me mad.”

Having already given birth to three children, she still wanted to give Murong Yun a concubine, which was obviously to make her angry.

“Plus she’s old and I can’t argue with her. It’s really frustrating.”

 If you don't move out, I'm being picked on every day. I'm really speechless.

 “I feel like I’m going to be depressed.”

Sister Ying opened her mouth in surprise, "Is it so serious?"

Jinghan sighed, "No, five days ago, she even found a granddaughter from her mother's family to come to her house as a guest. The name was to miss her mother's family, but she actually brought her here to show to Brother Yun. It almost made me angry to death."

“The key point is that the girl is shameless and she pounces on Brother Yun when she sees him. I almost spit out my mouthful of blood.”

 “I’m so angry that I’m pregnant again this month.”

Sister Ying.

 “Is this true?” Are you so angry that you’re pregnant again?

Jinghan nodded, "Yes, it's true."

Because she couldn't see other women thinking about Murong Yun, she squeezed Murong Yun dry every night, preventing him from having the energy to see other women.

 You can’t get pregnant despite your efforts.

Sister Ying.


 (End of this chapter)

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