Chapter 1039, do you have it too?

 Let alone Sister Ying, Jing Xin almost died laughing while listening.

“You are really good, cousin, you are so awesome.”

The first time I heard that I was pregnant, it was really 666.

Jinghan himself laughed angrily.

 “I didn’t even think of it myself, I’m probably confused.”

However, this pregnancy can also stop old Mrs. Murong's mouth and save her from saying that she has not given birth to enough children to make the Murong family have more children.

There are already four now, why can’t we have more children and grandchildren?

  No matter how many **** there are, how can we still have legitimate sons to our advantage?

 Let’s see if she has any other reasons to give Murong Yun a woman.

Sister Ying and Jing Xin looked at each other, "It's true."

"You are just pregnant. She can use the reason that you cannot take care of your cousin husband because you are pregnant and you can give him a concubine."


 “Don’t even think about it!”

"I'm pregnant, and you still give him a concubine. Do you want to make me angry to death?"

Sister Ying and Jing Xin were also helpless.

 “It’s really scary for an old man to do it.”

 More terrifying than my mother-in-law.

 After all, she is the mother-in-law of a mother-in-law. She can't say anything or quarrel, but she will be frustrated to death.

Jinghan was depressed and asked them, "What would you do if it were you?"

Sister Ying looked at Jing who was happily feeding the children, and knew that Jing would not cause any trouble for her.

 So she couldn't answer this question.

Jinghan refused to give up, "Just imagine, if it were you, what would you do?"

Sister Ying thought for a while and said, "Oh, let me help you think about it."

She thought for a moment and said, "So, aren't you pregnant now? If old Mrs. Murong asks a girl to come in, you will pretend to be sick."

“As soon as she comes to see a girl, you pretend to be sick. Then invite a master to see her and tell her that those women are too yin to suppress you.”

“For the sake of the child in your belly, either you move out or those women stop coming.”

Jing Han chuckled, "That's a good idea."

Although it would be a joke to let people know if she made a scene, she didn't care about it since it was about the children and let people say whatever they wanted.

Murong Murong, if you are not afraid of others telling you, just find a woman to come in.

As long as she finds a woman to come in, she will go out with her children.

It's okay if the children don't go, she will go by herself, and Murong Yun will go too.

 Let’s see what the use is of finding a woman.


Jing Xin smiled, "It's really you."

 If it were her, she would be furious.

However, the capital emphasizes rules and filial piety. As a daughter-in-law, if she wants to lose her temper, others will poke her in the back.

She also has a bad reputation as a mean daughter-in-law, and it will bring trouble to the family, not to mention how difficult it is.

Sister Ying sighed, "So choosing a mother-in-law is very important."

Hey, in this era of feudal ethics, we often have no choice but to do what we want.

 Whether to marry or not is a big question. What kind of person to marry is also a big question.

They have already started a family, so this matter is easy to deal with, but the daughters will be in trouble in the future.

 The three old mothers looked at each other and sighed deeply.


Jing Shirong heard this, looked over and asked, "What's the matter?"

Sister Ying held her hand under the table, "I'm thinking about what your daughter will do if she meets a bad husband in the future."

What else did Jing Shirong think, "What else can I do if I divorce my husband or get together and separate?" If I don't run away quickly if I can't get through the day, can I stay and suffer the consequences?

Sister Ying's eyes lit up, "Okay, I agree with this idea."

 She was a little disappointed, because in this era, girls are unlikely to live according to their own wishes.

 She didn't want her daughter to be so passive, so she felt a little sad.

Unexpectedly, Jing Shirong's words would break her pessimistic mood.

 “Yes, look at my memory, it’s almost ancient.”

I think my thinking has become dull after living here for a long time.

She is not a stubborn feudal person to begin with, and there is really no need to stick to those rules that can kill people.

Whether Xiaomi Guo gets married or not, or whether her life is good after getting married, she will definitely put her happiness first, no matter what the rules are.

 Since the sky is high and the emperor is far away, no one can care about it.

Jing Shirong saw that she was happy and squeezed her hand, "You, your mood seems to be good and bad recently, isn't it the same?"

 Pregnant women's mood always goes up and down. She had this symptom before, and it was Jing Shirong who said this.

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "No way?"

 They only passed it once in a hurry, so they couldn’t be that accurate, right?

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows at her, "I am still very capable as a husband. You should go and see."

Sister Ying.

 Impulse is the devil, don’t mess around with him in the future.


 “You two are really passionate.”

They are already an old couple, but they are still so enthusiastic.

Sister Ying was embarrassed, "Isn't that a good thing?"

Isn't it a good thing that an old couple has nightmares without a kiss?

Jing Han chuckled and said, "Yes, we are the same, we can't tell you."

But to say, "If it really happens, it will be a great fate."

 The two of them were pregnant together when she was six pounds pregnant with Miguo.

Now the third child still wants to be pregnant together? It’s truly a God-like fate.

“I’d better go see the doctor tomorrow.”

She took her own pulse just now, but it was not very accurate. She felt that she should go to a doctor to confirm.

 They chatted while eating, and chatted very late before going to rest in the house.

 At night the two children slept with Mr. Jing's father, while Sister Ying and Jing Shirong lived in the same room.

  Xiao Liujin also stayed, but the prerequisite for staying was that he had to go to school on time the next day.

 She was depressed and complained to Xiao Miguo.

“My mother makes me go to school every day, and I almost become a nerd.”

Xiao Miguo smiled, "Then what have you learned?"

 Xiao Liujin, "The books on piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, Nühong, and Nüde made me speechless."

   “Why do you regard your husband as your heaven, blah blah blah? I can’t stand hearing how humble a woman is.”

They grew up outside the Great Wall and were free and unrestrained. Adults did not convey to them the idea that men should be their heaven and they would die without men, so they could not agree with this idea.

  Xiao Miguo nodded, "Isn't that right? If you don't live well yourself, you have to support others. It's so frustrating. It's better to do well yourself, earn money and spend it yourself. This is more delicious."

Xiao Liujin agreed, "That's right, it's not like we don't have the ability to live a good life for ourselves, so why do we have to make others miserable every day?"

 Are you tired of leaving your warm home and going to someone else's house to see your mother-in-law's face?

The two of them spoke with disgust on their faces, which made Mr. Jing very amused.

“You guys, girls say such rebellious things every time, so be careful if others hear you and get criticized and educated.”

 Xiao Liujin was speechless, "Here we go again. Every time a girl says something, she has to be pointed at. It's so difficult."

Jing Shi smiled, "Did you say something weird again in the women's college?"

Xiao Liujin sighed, "It's nothing, but Master teaches us that we are not allowed to sit together until we are seven years old, so we should not talk to boys. Otherwise we will be gossiped about."

  Summer is here, and ice cream is ready to be eaten. By the way, please subscribe, fairies~(///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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