The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1040: , many children, many blessings

Chapter 1040: Many children, many blessings

 Xiao Liujin can accept not talking to strange men.

 But the elder brother, father, or cousin at home are all boys.

Is it possible that these people can’t speak either?

 What is a family if it cannot speak?

 As a stranger?

She retorted like this at that time, so she was reprimanded.

“I’m not convinced anymore. I can’t live without talking to my brother and my father for the rest of my life, right?”

“Besides, my grandfather still treats me like a baby. I like my grandfather so much that I don’t want to stop talking to him.”

Jing Shi laughed when he heard this.

“Yes, yes, what you said makes sense.”

 There must be rules, but unreasonable rules must be changed.

However, the tea poison under feudal customs is still quite deep.

  The defense between men and women is still very important.

But children and their families really don’t need to be so unfamiliar, otherwise they won’t have any feelings for each other.

 Xiao Liujin nodded, "No, that's why I refute Master."

At that time, her classmates still laughed at her, but she immediately retorted, "Is it possible that you don't even talk to your dad when you go home? If you can, why don't you laugh at me if you don't talk to your dad?"

 At this rebuttal, everyone fell silent.

 After all, they are favored daughters at home, and they will act coquettishly with their elders when they go home. It is impossible for them not to talk to their brothers.

 Master also knew that these words were appropriate for the occasion, but when Xiao Liujin refuted them like this, he felt it was humiliating, so he said it to her again.

 Xiao Liujin was scolded, but no one helped her. She was so angry that she swelled her face and disliked going to school even more.

 Now she was lying on the bed, complaining to Xiao Miguo.

 “I’m so bored with this school that I don’t even want to go.”

“But my mother said I have to go to school until I’m sixteen, and I can’t resist.”

Xiao Miguo smiled, "Don't worry about what others say. Take classes by yourself. The knowledge you learn is yours. No matter what others do."

 Xiao Liujin was furious, "That's what I say, but people also have tempers and moods. If you are in a bad mood, you just don't want to go."

“Then there is no other female college here? Do you have to go to that one?”

 Xiao Liujin nodded, "Dad said that it is the Royal Women's College and has better resources than other women's colleges. Let me overcome it."

After all, they are teachers selected for the Queen and the Grandson. The master has chosen the most talented ones. No matter how many people squeeze their heads and try to get in, they still can’t get in.

Xiao Miguo understood. "Then just be patient. Reading more is good for you."

  How many children from poor families are not able to study if they want to, but they are still very good at studying.

 Xiao Liujin understands this.

 “I just lack playmates, otherwise reading would be quite fun.”

 Female classmates in the class don't play with her very much because they think she is stupid. She also didn't want to go without a companion.

Xiao Miguo asked her, "How many girls are there in your class? How come you can't make any friends?"

Xiao Liujin was helpless, "There are twenty of them in total, but they all listened to the words of the little princess of the Wang family, the Blue Wolf King, and they didn't dare to talk to me."

“That little group leader doesn’t like me, so he doesn’t allow other children to play with me.”

She is the princess, her father is the prince, her aunt is the princess, and her grandfather is the emperor. Who dares to go against her?

Even those who want to play with Xiao Liujin don’t dare to play with Xiao Liujin in front of the little princess, otherwise what will happen if they are retaliated against?

 Although they are all daughters of wealthy families, they are also divided into different levels.

 Those with lower levels are naturally afraid of those with higher levels.

Xiao Miguo understood. "I didn't expect that in a small female college, everyone started to be divided into gangs."

 At just a few years old, he started to be the boss, which is really amazing.

Xiao Liujin snorted, "That poor princess wants to suppress me and prevent others from playing with me, but I'm not afraid of her." Although her father is an imperial businessman, he is also the heir to the title. The status is not low.

 Plus her family is rich, how many people want to curry favor with her.

But as long as the princess is here, others don't dare to play with her openly.

“Didn’t you tell your father about this?”

“Say, my dad asked me to suffer more and see more of the faces of villains. Then I will know how to recognize people by their faces.”

Xiao Miguo chuckled and said, "I think my uncle is right. If you look at bad people more often at this age, you will definitely have good eyesight in the future. You can tell the good guys and bad guys at a glance."

 Xiao Liujin laughed, "It seems so."

 She is so heartless, she will be angry when she is angry, and happy when she is happy, without delaying at all.

“It happens that I have a holiday the day after tomorrow, so I will take you to Chang’an Street to play.”

 “Okay, we should be able to stay a few more days.”

 The two of them played and talked until late at night before falling asleep.

On the second day, Xiao Liujin really couldn’t get up.

 But he was still pressured by Jing to go to school.

As soon as I arrived at the college, I fell asleep in class because I was too sleepy. As expected, I was scolded again.

But she was used to being scolded, so she no longer cared about it and continued to sleep soundly.

 When school is over, I immediately feel happy and jump around to find Xiaomiguo to play with.

Xiao Miguo is playing with Jing at home today.

Jing found many rare things for them to play with.

Sister Ying and Jing Han went to see a gynecologist.

I took a pulse and it turned out that I was pregnant.

Sister Ying is speechless.

  It is said that this child is really racing against time, as if he wants to arrange his own birth, and he will get pregnant as soon as he says he will.

Jing Han smiled, "It's fate that we get pregnant together every time. It amuses me to death."

Sister Ying nodded, "No."

 In the early years, they did not want to have so many children, as they felt that they would not be able to carry them, and they were also afraid that their love would be unevenly distributed.

But after raising children for several years, the two gradually began to like children and found happiness in raising offspring, so they welcomed the arrival of new life.

 A few years earlier, she might not have wanted to have so many children.

 After all, my thinking is still immature, and I even think that children are a burden, and I am afraid that I cannot control them, so I am always afraid of getting pregnant.

But now that my thoughts are mature, the relationship between husband and wife is stable, and I have enough money, I am no longer afraid of pregnancy.

The same goes for Jinghan, "I didn't want to have so many children at first, but as I kept going, I became more emotional. The children also loved me, so now I really like having more children and grandchildren."

People's thoughts always change from year to year.

 Things you didn’t like when you were young, you like when you get older.

 In addition, the two of them really like children and are willing to sacrifice for them. They have no regrets about having more children.

But as I said, "I really won't have another baby after this one. This one is probably the last one."

Sister Ying nodded, "Me too, this is the last one."

 Her original plan was to have two children, so that the siblings could play together so that one child would not have to go home alone.

 After giving birth to Xiao Dongze, I did feel that Xiao Miguo was much more lively and she played with her brother every day.

 After that, she thought that two would be enough, and then started contraception.

However, the third child was really an accident. We took care of it at the time, but it still came here in a hurry, which shows the fate.

The two of them were helpless and amused, shaking their heads and planning to go shopping and have something to eat.

 (End of this chapter)

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