Chapter 1041, Double Standard Dog

 “Let’s go and eat something delicious.”

 “Okay, where to go, you can introduce me.”

  She hasn’t been back for many years, and apart from visiting her own takeaway shop, she is not very familiar with other places.

Jinghan held her arm and said, "Let's go to Zuixiangju. The drunken crabs and shrimps there are the best."

However, they are pregnant, so it is not good to eat cold crabs.

Jinghan waved his hand and said, "It's okay. We won't eat shrimps and crabs, but some other cold dishes."

“Their cold dishes are ready for meals. When summer comes, I don’t want to eat, especially when I have a big belly. I have no appetite at all.”

“Their cold dishes are one of the best. I still want to eat them every time.”

Sister Ying was said to be aroused by greed.

“Really? What kind of cold dishes do they have at home?”

“There are so many. There are cold jellyfish skins, hot and sour cold skins, cold shredded potatoes, and desserts such as sweet turtle paste. They are all refreshing and delicious.”

 So many appetizing cold dishes made Sister Ying hungry.

 “Then let’s go, I’m already hungry.”

Jing Han smiled, "I'm hungry too, let's go quickly."

The two of them rushed to Zuixiangju together, walking as fast as flying.

 As soon as I arrived at the store, I saw a lot of customers lining up from the entrance of the store to the street.

Sister Ying was surprised, "There are so many people? Can they afford food?"

Jinghan raised the corners of his lips proudly, "Don't worry, I made a reservation last night, so you can eat when you go in."

Sister Ying blinked at her, "Is it possible that your brother Yun drove this?"

Jing Han smiled, "No, it's the Crown Princess's property. But Brother Yun gave them an idea, so I can eat it first."

The price of the food made in this store is not high, just a little higher than ordinary cold dishes. After all, it is clean and hygienic, and the quantity is large, so the price is a little more expensive than outside, but it is not too expensive. It is a price that everyone can afford. So there were a lot of guests coming.

When summer comes, people who don’t like hot meals always have to buy some cold dishes to take back with wine or to go with porridge.

Some people in the know knew that this was the property of the Crown Princess, and came here specifically to support it. They came to buy it every day for thirty days a month, and they were very supportive of the Crown Princess.

Other insiders saw this and followed suit, so the store has always been popular.

 The emperor knew about this but did not care.

 The prince is now becoming more and more courageous and resourceful, and he has a vague demeanor of a prince of a country.

In the future, when he is a hundred years old, I will feel relieved to leave the Ling Kingdom to him.

●In addition to that store, the price is indeed not expensive. Even if I go there for thirty days, it won’t cost much.

 Furthermore, when one thing is exchanged for another, people do not give money for free, they get corresponding food, so the emperor will not care about such trivial matters.

 When the second prince knew about this, he was unwilling to accept it and wanted to cause trouble for the prince.

However, he has lost the emperor's heart now and no longer dares to act rashly. He can only endure it and wait for the opportunity to fight back.

After hearing this, Sister Ying roughly understood that the future successor to the throne should be the prince.

Jinghan looked around and took her upstairs, "We'll talk about this later. Be careful that the walls have ears."

"Yes, I know."

The two of them didn't mention anything about the court anymore. They ordered a table of cold dishes and ate them in a good mood.

Jinghan touched his belly and sighed, "I don't know how long you can stay. I heard that the two princesses have been favored by the gods since entering the palace. Your Majesty will also hold a wedding banquet for them tomorrow."

Sister Ying chatted while eating, "Well, which princess is more favored?"

Jinghan looked outside and whispered, "It is said that they are all quite favored. It was only the second night and they were all given rewards. It is said that today they will be taken on a boat to see lotus flowers."

Sister Ying shook her head helplessly, "It seems that the emperor is still quite young at heart."

 It is not easy for us to play together with such a big age difference. Jinghan looked outside and whispered, "But these two newcomers are so favored, the harem must be unbalanced."

"Let me tell you, it's not good to have too many women in the backyard. I can't bear the noise."

If Murong Yun dared to find so many women, she would definitely run away from home, and she would never fight for a man with so many women.

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, you want me to run away from home too."

Two people live a happy life, but if there are three, four, five, six, or even eighteen, then things will really be too much.

 She didn’t want to stay in the backyard all day and be jealous of those women just to sleep with that man one more night.

 Instead of spending all that energy on being jealous, it would be better to take your children far away and live a happy life.

 After all, a widow with children can live a happy life wherever she goes as long as she has money.

Jinghan laughed after hearing this, "How dare you curse Brother Rong? To make him a widow, be careful and let him hear that he is angry with you."

Sister Ying looked outside with a guilty conscience, "I just assumed."

 After all, this era was still relatively feudal, and there was no law that stipulated that men could not take concubines, so many men had no idea of ​​living with just one woman for the rest of their lives.

 each all with me?

Jinghan nodded, "No. If Brother Yun takes a concubine, I will definitely make a big fuss and break up with him again."

If she really did this, not only would people not understand, they would even accuse her of not being generous and ignorant of the general situation.

 Perhaps even asking the man to divorce her.

However, Jinghan has this kind of temperament. He would rather have broken jade than complete tiles.

Sister Ying is a bit gentler, "If Brother Rong wants to take a concubine, I won't make a fuss. At most, I will take the child away."

Once she leaves, she will definitely not come back, let alone get back together.

 The two of them sighed as they talked.

 “It’s so hard, being a woman is so hard.”

She is a sweetheart in her mother's family, but when she comes to her husband's family, she must not only be generous, obedient, and sensible, but also tolerant. It is best not to make a fuss or make a fuss, and even do things well for others, and treat her concubine kindly, otherwise she will be a poisonous person. Wife, jealous wife. It’s totally unreasonable!

Jing Han snorted angrily, "Why do we have to welcome them in when they take concubines, and treat them with kind words. We serve them like our ancestors?"

"If we had a man come in instead, would they be able to treat each other with courtesy? Without arguing or arguing, or even be gentle and considerate?"

 Thinking about it, I know it’s impossible.

 “So why should we be patient?”

Now Sister Ying understands why she and Jing Han became good friends.

Don’t you think of it together?

“That is, if it were them to do the female virtues they asked us to do, they wouldn’t be able to do even one of them, let alone three.”

 If you still want to point fingers at women like this, you are nothing more than a double-standard dog and an egoist.

While we were chatting, there was a knock on the door outside.

Jinghan's maid went to open the door. When she saw that the person coming was Murong Yun, she invited him in.

 “Madam, it’s the master who is here.”

Jinghan stood up and asked, "Why are you here?"

Sister Ying also greeted Murong Yun, "Cousin-in-law."

Murong Yun nodded, came over and said to them, "Your Majesty will host a wedding banquet for the two princesses tomorrow, and you will also go then."

Jinghan was puzzled, "Are we going too? Why?"

 (End of this chapter)

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