Chapter 1042, the couple is very loving

Murong Yun sat down for a cup of tea and explained to them, "There are many female relatives invited this time. Your Majesty means that the female relatives should accompany the two empresses to relieve their boredom."

“Sister Ying came with A Jing, so she was naturally invited.”

As for Jing Han, he was also invited because of Murong Yun.

Jinghan doesn’t really like to attend such tiring banquets, but Sister Ying is going, so let’s go with her.

“Okay, I’ll go with Sister Ying tomorrow.”

Murong Yun nodded, "Sister Ying has never entered the palace before. Please teach her the rules of the palace so that she doesn't make any mistakes."

Jinghan, "Don't worry, I understand."

Although she doesn't like to socialize, as Murong Yun's wife, the most important thing is to socialize.

 Although he doesn’t like it, Jinghan still does a good job.

She doesn't know how to do other things, but she is very good at talking to people and talking to ghosts.

Sister Ying did not expect that she had such ability, so she praised her, "Not bad, my cousin still has many advantages."

 Being able to communicate well is already a great skill. How many socially fearful people are unable to do this?

Jinghan laughed and said, "You can also praise me and see how beautiful I am."

“Let’s go back and practice the etiquette of entering the palace.”


The two of them went back to Jing's house together and told the Jing family about the matter.

As soon as Mrs. Jing heard this, she immediately went to find clothes for Sister Ying.

Jing Shirong is now a second-grade general, and Sister Ying also has the corresponding palace uniform, which she keeps at the Jing family.

Jingshi and Jinghan taught her the etiquette of entering the palace, such as what etiquette to do when meeting the queen. What kind of etiquette should be performed when meeting a noble concubine or other empresses? They are all different.

 Sister Ying is smart and can learn things quickly.

Jingshi tested her several times and was relieved when she saw that she got everything right.

When Jing Shirong came back in the evening, Sister Ying told him about this. Jing Shirong said, "Tomorrow you go with your cousin. If you don't understand anything, just pretend to be stupid. No one will dare to embarrass you." "

Although he is only of the second rank, he has military power, and no one who knows the current affairs would dare to mess with him.

If the emperor hadn't been afraid that his position would be too high, he should have been made a first-class general.

Jing Shirong had never cared about this aspect. After all, accompanying an emperor is like accompanying a tiger. Considering the emperor's suspicious temperament, it was better not to compete with him, so as not to cause trouble for himself.

 Now that both the court and the government know his real power, they naturally dare not do anything to his wife.

If there is anyone who is short-sighted, his sister Ying is not a soft persimmon. In this regard, he is much more relieved than a few years ago.

Sister Ying smiled, "You mean I'm not easy to bully?"

Jing Shirong also laughed, "That's not true. Our little wife is just a little fox, so she can't be easily bullied."

Sister Ying reached out and pinched his belly, "You are the only one who can speak."

Jing Shirong swallowed and said, "Don't tease me. I haven't been touched for a long time. I can't resist teasing."

Sister Ying gave him a cute look and said, "I am a pregnant woman. You must not have any evil thoughts towards me."

Jing Shirong slowly approached her, "It's her third pregnancy, so she should have experience. I think it's okay, right?"

Sister Ying pushed him with her hand, "No, the doctor said it can't be done in the first three months."

Jing Shirong was depressed, "Otherwise, can you help me?"

Sister Ying, "Don't even think about it. I'm very tired. You can barely serve me, but you still want me to serve you?"

Jing Shirong narrowed his eyes and smiled, "What did you say? I will serve you? You are not allowed to regret it for a while."

Sister Ying was instantly frightened when she saw his old and **** expression.

This man in her family is not a useless man. On the contrary, he is very energetic. She stopped playing with him and surrendered immediately.

 “I made a mistake, I’m sleepy and going to sleep.”

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth like a fox, "You can just sleep. It won't affect me if you sleep on your own."

Sister Ying.

 “I’ll **** you, old gangster.”

Jing Shirong laughed loudly and came over, "Old gangsters are old gangsters." Sister Ying had no way to deal with him, so she let him go.

 Fortunately, he was sensible and didn't go too far, and they fell asleep together after a while.

The next day, he still had a good conscience and did not leave early, but stayed and waited for her.

Sister Ying fell into a drowsy sleep and saw him helping her get dressed. She said, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Jing Shirong put on her socks and said, "I'll hand you over to my cousin at the gate of the palace with you."

Sister Ying felt warm in her heart, "You have a conscience."

Jing Shirong lowered his head and kissed her feet, "Then how are you going to reward me?"

Sister Ying put her feet on his face and asked, "Is this a reward enough?"

Jing Shirong laughed, "That's enough, that's enough."

After saying that, he even kissed her feet, which made Sister Ying feel very cold.

“Go, go, go, the bigger you are, the greasier you are. Why don’t you drink my foot-washing water to return your relatives’ feet?”

Jing Shirong picked her up and joked shamelessly, "What's the water for washing your feet? I can give you your bath water. How about trying it at night?"

Sister Ying.

 “You have changed, you are no longer the blushing and innocent little brother.”

 He has clearly become a greasy uncle.

Jing Shirong looked at himself in the mirror. He was clearly still a handsome young man, not greasy at all.

Jing was afraid that they would get up late, so he came to call them.

 Seeing that they were awake, he came in to help Sister Ying match her headdress.

The maid combed Sister Ying's hair, and Mrs. Jing put a hairpin on Sister Ying and changed her clothes.

Soon, the dignified and virtuous Sister Ying came out.

Sister Ying looked at herself in the mirror and put on serious clothes. It was indeed different from usual.

Her beauty is usually lazy and charming.

 She looks good dressed like this today, but it’s more dignified and elegant.

Jing Shi nodded with satisfaction and looked at her belly lovingly, "I feel bad for asking you to come into the palace to chat with her even though she is pregnant."

"But His Majesty rarely invites you to the palace once, and I can't shirk it. If you are tired, just tell the empress that you are pregnant and tired, and they will not dare to embarrass you."

“If you want to come back and rest, just say goodbye and come back.”

 Compared with socializing, Jing still valued her body more. After all, she was pregnant.

Sister Ying felt warm in her heart, hugged Jing and said affectionately, "I know, thank you, mother~"

Jingshi smiled and said, "Thank you for nothing. You're welcome."

If it weren't for the fact that all the young official ladies invited today, she would have accompanied Sister Ying.

 After breakfast, Jing Shirong led Sister Ying to the palace gate in a carriage.

 As soon as we arrived at the palace gate, Jing Han came.

Jing Shirong informed the situation and applied to let Sister Ying go in by carriage. After all, the entrance to the palace was far away from the empress’s chamber.

The emperor naturally would not embarrass others in such a trivial matter, so he let them go in in a carriage.

In the car, Jing Han looked Sister Ying up and down, and said twice, "I really have you. She looks good in anything she wears."

“Unlike me, wearing dark blue makes me look older.”

 The skirts they are wearing today are all solemn dark blue.

Jinghan couldn't control this look, and it looked a bit old-fashioned when he wore it.

Sister Ying can wear anything, and can even show the beauty of different styles.

“It’s okay, don’t praise me like that, I’m embarrassed.”

 (End of this chapter)

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