Chapter 1043 Chapter 1043, Greetings in the Palace

Jinghan covered his mouth with a handkerchief and smiled, "Don't come here."

 “Are you the only one who is still shy?”

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "No, I always feel embarrassed when others praise me when I am old."

 When I was young, I liked being praised by others, but when I am old, I feel embarrassed.

Jinghan laughed softly, "Yes, I feel the same way."

 Perhaps I’ve become more humble as I get older, so I don’t take compliments as badly as I did when I was younger.

 But it’s okay, “We are still very young, only in our twenties.”

Although seventy is rare in ancient times, there are not a few who live to seventy.

Especially the old people who work all year round in the countryside, each of them lived to be in their 70s or 80s. Four generations lived under the same roof early on, and they lived a long life.

 After the carriage reached the harem alley, the maid asked them to get off the carriage.

 “Madam, the Royal Garden has arrived.”

Today's banquet is held in the imperial garden, and other young officials and ladies are already arriving one after another.

Jinghan took Sister Ying's hand, leaned against the wall, and introduced her, "Did you see that the one wearing the green satin camellia skirt is the wife of the Green Wolf King?"

“This person has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. It was only because the Green Wolf King wiped out a large bandit den of 500 people at the top of Luoyang Mountain, which greatly pleased the emperor, that he came to prominence and was given a title.

The Green Wolf King was originally the son of a palace maid, and his performance was average at ordinary times, but at critical moments he was able to make great achievements for himself with heavy attacks. It was not easy to think about it.

Sister Ying can understand, "His mother's family has a humble status. If he doesn't want to stand out, he can only keep a low profile."

Jinghan nodded, "No, many people didn't know there was such a prince before. It was only after he suppressed the bandits that he was given a title, and everyone got to know him."

"In the past two years, His Majesty has been able to reuse him. He will be asked to participate in any major events. He is very popular with the dragon."

As the saying goes, a rising tide lifts all boats. When the Green Wolf King gains power, his wife and children's status will naturally rise.

 So the little group leader did not play with Xiao Liujin, and the others judged the situation and naturally did not dare to offend the little princess.

Speaking of this, Jing Han also sighed, "That little princess is very overbearing. Xiao Liujin just had a dispute with her, and she still holds a grudge to this day. It's useless for the adults to say it, and I don't know who the princess is." Not intentional."

 Because the status of the Blue Wolf Queen's mother's family was not high, the princess she married was not a daughter of a noble family, but the daughter of a fifth-rank official.

In the past two years, the Green Wolf King has gained power, and the princess has only followed the rising tide.

Jing Han complained softly to Sister Ying, "I think that princess did it on purpose. She allowed her daughter to be a bully in the girls' academy. She probably wanted to suppress other children and wanted them to know that the Green Wolf Palace was not to be messed with, so she deliberately ignored it. of."

Sister Ying asked, "What did my cousin-in-law say?"

Jinghan said, "He, he didn't say much, he just let Liu Jin take care of it."

 Although it is just a play between children, when adults are involved, things become complicated.

There are two reasons why Murong Yun didn't take care of it.

 Firstly, he didn’t want to conflict with the Green Wolf King, and secondly, he wanted to see Xiao Liujin’s ability in dealing with things.

But he is not a lackadaisical person. If the little princess goes too far, he will support Xiao Liujin to fight him.

 Xiao Liujin eats a lot on weekdays and is strong, so he will definitely not lose in a fight.

 When the matter got serious, it was the little princess who was the first to be unreasonable, and the Green Wolf King even tried to find him.

 After all, it was his daughter who had been bullying him for a long time, so he was not allowed to resist?

Sister Ying covered her mouth and snickered when she heard this, "Brother-in-law also has quite a personality."

“When we go in, the princess won’t find trouble with you, right?”

Jinghan said, "It's hard to say."

“It is said that since the princess became powerful, she has raised her chin so high that no one takes her seriously.”

"Sometimes when I see her from a distance and nod to her, she pretends not to have seen her. She is very arrogant." Jing Han is not at ease with such a woman who has no foresight.

 It’s often the kind of people who gain power but don’t know how to keep a low profile, and lose power even faster.

 The Green Wolf King looks okay, but his princess is not very smart.

“We’ll go in soon, just be polite on our faces, and there’s no need to say much else.”

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, I understand."

 The two of them went in together. After arriving at the imperial garden, the princess also looked over.

  She knew Jing Han, and the two of them had quarreled once over the child, and they didn't like each other at this time.

Jing Han still knew how to show off, but the other party snorted coldly and turned his head arrogantly, not wanting to say hello to Jing Han.

Jinghan was not angry either and greeted the other officials and wives with a smile.

Sister Ying followed her and greeted the other ladies.

 Those who came here today are all the daughters-in-law of officials, all young women.

They didn't know Sister Ying, but they knew Jing Shirong, so they all came over to say hello to Sister Ying.

“Hey, this is General Jing’s wife, right? You are so young and your skin is moist, I’m really enviable.”

Sister Ying smiled slightly and said, "Thank you very much. All the ladies are so beautiful and elegant. I'm fascinated by them."

 The other ladies smiled and waved, "No matter what, you are still better."

  Just like this, you come and I praise.

The imperial concubine will arrive soon.

The queen was imprisoned by the emperor because she did many wrong things. Now the imperial concubine is in charge of all matters in the harem.

As soon as the imperial concubine appeared, all the ladies lined up in a row and followed the palace etiquette.

 “See the imperial concubine~”

Sister Ying also saluted with them.

The imperial concubine is also thirty-two years old this year, but she is well-maintained and looks quite young.

 She is dressed in a noble manner, and both her clothes and headdress are extremely precious.

However, her dress is not more than that of a queen, and her behavior is even more appropriate, not more than that of a noble concubine. It is completely impossible to fault her.

“Everyone, get up. The weather is nice today. I specially asked you to come to the Royal Garden to enjoy the flowers, drink tea, and relax together in a good mood. Don’t leave me alone.”

 All the ladies thanked him with smiles, looking friendly on the surface.

After waiting for a while, the imperial concubine said, "As you know, there are two nobles in our palace, both young people."

“You are of the same age, and you will be doing me a big favor by chatting with our two sisters for a while and chatting about interesting things.”

After hearing this, the other ladies became more modest and said, "Your Majesty, the weather is good today. It's a pleasant thing for everyone to get together and chat, but I can't say that I'm doing you a big favor. We should all do it." made."

 After saying that, others also agreed.

“Yes, your Majesty is so kind-hearted that all the butterflies in this garden like to stay on her. This shows that even the little butterflies like people who are kind-hearted.”

This flattery was so good that the imperial concubine suddenly became happy and gave the lady a glass of good wine.

“Let’s have a drink today, let’s sit down and have a rest.”

Just as he was talking, the two princesses came.

I haven't seen each other for a few days. The two princesses who were still childish before are now like getting rid of it into another person.

Would you like to take five days off on May Day? Where are you going to play? (▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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