Chapter 1044, not very smart

Sister Ying looked at the two princesses. She didn't expect them to adapt so quickly after not seeing each other for a few days.

Not only did she change into the royal palace attire, but she also learned the same way of walking and etiquette.

 “See the noble concubine sister~”

I saw that Princess Mengguo did not call her empress when she arrived, but called her sister. She has an innocent and cute look on her face.

 Those who don’t know think that she is not familiar with the rules of the Ling Kingdom, and there is no reason to blame her.

The imperial concubine sneered in her heart, but she was very good at showing off.

Smiling sweetly like a poisonous snake, he said hypocritically, "Sister, wake up. You are new here. After studying for a few days, you still don't feel comfortable with many things."

"But it doesn't matter. It's probably because the nanny I found for you didn't take it very seriously. I'll find someone who can teach you when I get back."

“At that time, within a month, I guarantee that the two sisters will learn a lot of knowledge.”

The Princess of Lemon Country and the Princess of Prairie Country knew that there was a barb in her words and a knife hidden in the cotton, so they didn’t take any action. Instead, they smiled fakely.

 “Then thank you, Sister Guifei.”

“You’re welcome, this is what I should do.”

The two of them were hypocritical, and they were hypocritical. Sister Ying shook her head.

However, she did not dare to shake her head in a wide arc, but shook her head in her heart.

I secretly said that in this palace, there are indeed needles hidden in the cotton, and there are too many colorful intestines. Normal people may not be able to adapt to it.

Jinghan laughed in her ear and said, "You see, it's not simple in the palace, but we are still suitable outside the palace."

 The palace fight is something that you really can’t handle if you don’t have some ability.

Jing Han thinks that he can survive for two episodes at most in the palace, and he will not be able to survive any more.

Sister Ying covered her mouth and snickered, "I'm about the same."

But it's not that she doesn't have enough strategy, it's mainly that she has no patience.

In the harem, it seems that a battle of wits and courage is a daily routine. Without some emotional intelligence and physical strength, it is really impossible to win.

 The two of them hid aside to chat, but were discovered by Princess Kaguo.

Princess Yiguo's sharp eyes lit up when she saw Sister Ying, and she came over immediately.

"It's you?"

She has not seen Sister Ying since the last time they left Jiangnan, and she thought Sister Ying was just a country woman.

 But today she is dressed quite luxuriously, so she must be an official's wife.

Since she is an official’s wife and is traveling with Jing Shirong, she is Jing Shirong’s mother-in-law.

"I'm just telling you, why are you so brave and dare to bully me? It turns out you are Jing Shirong's mother-in-law."

Sister Ying and Jing Han simply saluted her, "I've met your empress."

The titles of the two princesses are not high, but they are definitely much higher than the new showgirls who entered the palace.

When Princess Yiguo saw Sister Ying saluting her, she narrowed her eyes and suddenly thought of a good idea.

“I am the empress now, and my rank is higher than yours. I will bully you in the future.”

Sister Ying smiled slightly and said, "That's impossible. I am the wife of a second-grade general. I am not a beautiful lady in the palace. I am not someone you can bully at will."

"Besides, you must be aware of my husband's status. If your majesty finds out about bullying his wife, you will be punished."

 This is the importance of the husband's status.


Princess Yaguo's eyes widened. She didn't expect that she couldn't bully others at will after becoming an empress. It was so frustrating.

She thought she had a high enough position that she would have no problem managing an official's wife, but who knew she couldn't?

 It seems that she still needs to learn more about Lingguo's hierarchy.

Sister Ying smiled slightly, "No need to learn, I will help you." According to her husband's status, the emperor must be higher than Jing Shirong.

 But the wife's status is definitely higher than that of Sister Ying.

Sister Ying is his wife, and Princess Yi is his concubine. She is also the daughter of a small country that the emperor dislikes the most, so she can't compare to her.

 In addition, the emperor took advantage of the relationship with Jing Shirong. As long as Jing Shirong is still valuable, the emperor will not offend him.

   Not to mention offending his wife because of a harem woman.

Princess Yiguo didn't quite understand this complicated relationship for a while.

In Yai State, those with high status can bully those with low status. Although the relationship chains are similar, the interpersonal relationships in Yai State are not as complicated as those in Ling State, and most of them are solved by force.

Princess Yiguo didn’t understand, and Sister Ying didn’t intend to explain so much to her, so she could only give her some advice.

"You'd better not make too many enemies in the palace. Living a good life is better than anything else."

 After all, she doesn’t have a high IQ, and she doesn’t know much about the ways of the world. How can she fight with others like this?

The imperial concubine can kill her with just a move of her fingers.

But because she was a married princess, the ladies did not dare to take her life. But it was too easy to isolate her.

Princess Yaguo was stunned for a while when she heard this. Finally she realized that Sister Ying was caring about her and blushed, "I don't need you to teach me. I'm very smart."

Sister Ying was helpless and shrugged, "Yes, yes, you are smart, so be smarter, please the emperor, make your life happier, and don't do other things well."

Although Princess Kaguo thinks she hides it well, anyone with a discerning eye can see Princess Kaname's little thoughts at a glance.

 She must still be thinking about how to cause chaos in the palace.

This idiot thought that others couldn't see it, but in fact, they already knew it.

Princess Kaguo seemed to have been exposed. She became angry and angry, and finally left in anger.

Jinghan curled his lips, "What are you trying to persuade her to do? Be careful if she doesn't understand and bites you back."

Sister Ying shrugged, "I've been with her on the road, and she's just a careless fool. If she doesn't listen to a few words of kindness, forget it."

Jinghan nodded and took her to the pavilion to do it, "Don't worry about this matter. It involves relations between the two countries, so we'd better stay out of it."

Sister Ying hummed, "I know, I won't do it again."

There were only two of them in the pavilion, and no one else came to chat with them. Instead, they looked away from time to time, wondering what they meant.

Sister Ying asked Jinghan, "What are they looking at us for??"

Jinghan nudged the Qinglang Princess across from him with his mouth, "What else can we look at? It's probably the princess who doesn't allow anyone else to talk to us."

This childish and ridiculous tactic is exactly the same as her daughter's.

Sister Ying also found it funny, "Are those princesses with such low IQs? Will they use this trick?"

Jinghan nodded, "No, my husband has already said that this princess is a drag."

 The Green Wolf King is brave and resourceful. Except for his bad background, he has nothing wrong with him.

 But this, the princess, cannot do it.

 Except for giving birth to a son, his EQ and IQ are not high.

Sister Ying was curious, "How many sons did she give birth to?"

Jinghan compared her five children and said, "I have given birth to five children in four years, and they are all twins."

“One of the three sons was born, but the youngest died in infancy. Later, she gave birth to a daughter. She was like a jewel, and she spoiled the child to no end.”

Sister Ying clicked her tongue twice, "That's it."

No wonder the other party, who looks so young, has given birth to five children. It turns out that both of them were twins.

Jinghan nodded, "No, many people in the capital saw that she gave birth to two sons in one breath, and they even went out of their way to find out the secret recipe."

 (End of this chapter)

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