Chapter 1045: Dislike each other

 In ancient times, the fertility rate and infant survival rate were not high, so if you could give birth to two sons in one go, both of whom were healthy, everyone would naturally look up to you.

Because Princess Qinglang gave birth to four sons in a row, many women envied her and asked for advice, and her self-confidence naturally increased.

It was precisely because of those four sons that she gained a firm foothold in the palace.

In addition, once the Green Wolf King gained power, her status rose, and so did her arrogance.

From just now to now, she has looked at Jing Han coldly and has no intention of saying hello to Jing Han at all. She is obviously still angry with Jing Han.

Jing Han was speechless and funny, and said to Sister Ying, "I quarreled with her at that time, mainly because her daughter always bullied Liu Jin, so I reasoned with her and told her not to condone her child's bullying and be disrespectful to other children. good."

“Because of this sentence, she got into a quarrel with me. She also said that it was not the little princess who bullied Liu Jin, but Liu Jin who bullied her daughter.”

 But the fact is that the little princess bullied Liu Jin first, saying that Liu Jin was fat at first, saying that she was a little fat person and no one would want her in the future.

He also said that Xiao Liujin is as fat as a pig and will become a big fat pig in the future.

 If other children were said like this, they would also be angry.

 Xiao Liujin was furious on the spot and counterattacked her, "No matter how fat I am, I'm not as fat as you. It's just your fleshy face and fat eyes that you can't even see."

“No matter how fat I am, if my eyes are worth two of yours, you will be the ugly one with squinty eyes and small eyes.”

After being pushed back like this, the little princess became furious and rushed over to hit him six pounds.

So the two of them struggled together.

After returning home, the little princess complained to Princess Qinglang, saying that Liu Jin called her ugly and beat her without even mentioning that she had cursed her first.

 Princess Qinglang stopped after hearing this. Her daughter was a dignified princess. She couldn't be bullied by a **** girl, so she immediately went to argue with Jing Han.

It happened that the Green Wolf King was at home that day. After hearing about the incident, he told her not to make trouble, otherwise she would be the one to be embarrassed.

The Qinglang Princess is a typical woman who regards her husband as her first priority. Her husband is so cruel to her, so she didn’t go.

  But as I kept holding this breath in my heart, I started to hold a grudge against Xiao Liujin.

 When I went back, I taught my daughter how to retaliate against Liu Jin.

The little princess got hold of her true story and started forming cliques when she returned home. She began to isolate Xiao Liujin and not allow other children to play with Liujin.

Jing Han was speechless, but he didn’t go looking for the other party. After all, the Green Wolf King had become more and more powerful in recent years. If he offended him for treating his own men badly, he asked Liu Jin to counterattack appropriately, but the adults did not participate.

 As long as the adults don't come forward, it's just a play between children, and the emperor won't say anything.

 But if the adults make a fuss, things will get serious.

 So the two families have never argued.

Until one time when the two of them were sending their children to school and saw each other, Princess Qinglang couldn't help but ridicule Jinghan first.

  What he said, "You can't teach me anything in movies. She behaves like a bandit and bullies other children."

Jinghan became angry when he heard this, "What kind of bandit? I think your daughter is like a bandit. She learned how to lead other children to bully others at a young age. How dare you call us bandits?"

 “What a typical thief shouting to catch the thief!”

The Qinglang Princess gave up and said, "What did you say? Say it again if you have the ability."

In the past few years when her family has been in power, how many people have supported her, flattered her, and given her things. Who dares to contradict her like this?

So she and Jing Han got into a fight, and neither one gave in to the other.

 In the end, the men still did not come forward, but they did not participate in the quarrel between the women.

 As long as men don't participate, things are still trivial.

 But because no man was involved, the matter was never resolved, and the feud between the two is still remembered.

Jinghan told Sister Ying, "With her mean-spirited demeanor, I don't even bother to pay attention to her. I really think I am some kind of Queen Mother, showing off to others."

Sister Ying asked her to keep her voice down, "She looked over, stop talking."

 Otherwise, once the quarrel breaks out, it will be over. Jinghan understood this and kept silent.

 But I still felt unhappy, "I'm so annoyed. I get annoyed when I see her."

Sister Ying calmed her down and said, "Okay, you are pregnant now, don't be angry, let's go and look at the flowers."

“I haven’t been to this imperial garden yet, please take me for a walk.”

When she said this, Jinghan lost his temper and led her, "Okay, I'll take you for a walk. There are many kinds of flowers in this imperial garden."

She took Sister Ying around and looked at all the flowers, big and small.

Just as I was going to take a break and eat some snacks, I met the Green Wolf Princess and a group of ladies walking towards me.

Meeting head-on, the two of them looked at each other displeased again, snorted, and went to the pavilions opposite.

The imperial concubine prepared delicious snacks for them and let them eat them together.

The princess of the prairie country came over to talk to Sister Ying. After all, she knew Sister Ying among this group of ladies.

Sister Ying asked with concern, "Are you still getting used to being in the palace?"

The princess of the prairie country nodded, "It's okay. Although I'm not used to it, I think I'll get used to it after living for a few more months."

 Because the two countries had a friendly marriage, Emperor Ling treated her quite well and was very generous in food, drink and clothing.

The only thing she didn't get used to was that there were too many rules in the palace, and she found it troublesome just to do the courtesy.

 “I still like the unrestrained prairie.”

 Although this place is very wealthy, it is not as comfortable as the grasslands.

 But she also knew that she was married and could not go back, so she was a little sad.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to see my mother in this life."

Sister Ying patted her on the shoulder and said, "You can write letters to care about each other."

 It is now convenient to send letters via flying pigeons. As long as there are no other problems with the content of the letter, you can send it.

The princess of the prairie country nodded, "I know, but writing letters has to be checked by others, so I don't want to write them."

“I just want to have some children to keep me company, otherwise I won’t know anyone in this palace.”

However, due to the selfishness of the Ling Emperor, most of these princesses who got married would not allow them to have children. At most, they would only give birth to a daughter.

The princess of the Prairie Kingdom is still young and doesn’t understand much about these court affairs, and she still has naive fantasies on her face.

Sister Ying thought that the Prairie Kingdom had already married the Ling Kingdom once, so it would be better to meet the Prairie Princess this time.

 “Then go and beg the emperor to give you a daughter.”

Having a daughter also gives me hope. In the future, my daughter and son-in-law will visit me when I grow old. I will have hope while I am alive.

The princess of the grassland country nodded happily, "Well, you are right. That night I will beg your majesty to give me a daughter."

 Having a child will make her life in the palace less difficult.

On the other side, Princess Qinglang saw Sister Ying chatting animatedly with the Princess of the Prairie Country, and couldn't help but sneered in a disdainful tone.

Someone wanted to flatter her, so he followed her lead and said, "That Mrs. Jing is really good at flattering. She flattered the bride on just the first day. It's really incredible."


She is just a foreign lady, but she still licks her face to flatter her. She is really ignorant.

It rained continuously on May Day in our area...



 (End of this chapter)

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