The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1046: , Liu Jin got into a fight with someone.

Chapter 1046, Liu Jin got into a fight with someone

Other young ladies saw that she disliked Jing Han and Sister Ying so much that some of them chimed in with a few words, while others remained silent for fear of offending others.

 All smart people have a clear mind. Although King Qinglang has won the Holy Heart, Jing Shirong has real power and is the emperor's confidant. How can he really dare to offend Sister Ying.

Even Murong Yun has a big business and is the richest man in the world, so they will not offend him foolishly.

Only those who couldn't curry favor with Jing Han simply teamed up with Princess Qinglang and spoke ill of Jing Han.

"Let me tell you, Mrs. Murong is so arrogant. She didn't even say hello when we met just now. She is really arrogant and rude."

“Even though she is from an imperial merchant family, she is not from a big family or a noble family, and she looks like nothing else.”

In terms of status, Jing Han did not come from a high family, but his grandfather did well and was the richest man in the world in the first generation.

 Her husband is also doing well. Not only is he the emperor's financial assistant, but his business is also one of the best. No one can compare with him.

Even though these ladies look down on the imperial merchants on their faces, secretly they love gold like nothing else.

Green Wolf Princess snorted disdainfully, "Tacky."

Just because your husband is rich, you are so arrogant, which is very tacky!

Other flatterers echoed, "He is just a vulgar person. Looking at the woman wearing gold and silver, she seems to be afraid that others will not know that her family is rich. It is really vulgar."

Jing Han heard the loud voice.

However, she will not quarrel with these people, lest they quarrel later and have to go to the imperial concubine.

 It would be bad if Murong Yun loses his face by then.

Seeing how calm she was, Sister Ying praised her, "That's good. You're getting more and more calm now."

Jinghan said proudly, "That's right. I am no longer the same person I was seven or eight years ago."

 Seven or eight years ago, she was still very angry and could not control her temper at all. She would explode whenever she wanted to.

They can’t stand the instigation of others and easily fall into other people’s ways.

 But it’s fine now.

 She will not lose her temper easily now, nor will she be led by others' emotions.

 She would not quarrel with others in public and ask Murong Yun to come out and wipe her butt.

"I'm very calm now. I won't pay attention to anyone who quarrels with me. Let's see if they can quarrel."

 In addition, Murong Yun's current position is high and stable, and she is the emperor's right-hand man, so how can anyone else dare to offend her.

  It is only Princess Qinglang who dares to confront her like this. The remaining people said, "Look, even though they are with Princess Qinglang, none of them dare to come here to pick a fight with me."

 So if a man does well, it is a woman's face.

Murong Yun had a solid foundation. Not to mention the emperor, even the prince was very polite to him.

 Because no matter who becomes the emperor, in the end, Murong Yun will help with the country's finances. It is too late to show respect to him, so he will become his enemy.

Even the Green Wolf King was respectful to Murong Yun when he met him. After all, everyone needs money sometimes. If you offend the God of Wealth, isn't that asking for death?

Sister Ying asked, "Does the Green Wolf King know that his princess doesn't get along with you?"

"I know, but I just didn't express my position. I pretended not to know about it."

Sister Ying asked, "Why is this?"

Since he wanted something from Murong Yun, why did he let his mother-in-law go against the wife of the God of Wealth?

Jinghan told her in a low voice, "I didn't know the reason at first, but later Brother Yun told me that it was a battle between statuses."

The Green Wolf King knew that his mother's family had a humble status, and his maternal grandfather's family were just ordinary people, not comparable to other princes.

Even Murong Yun, who was not his legitimate son, was a hundred times stronger than him, but he still felt unhappy in his heart.

 The reason why he allowed the princess to go against Jing Han was nothing more than a competition for face.

 He wanted to test Murong Yun's mind and see if he would trouble him because of the quarrel between the two women.

If Murong Yun really caused trouble for him, he would feel that Murong Yun looked down on him and thought he was easy to bully.

 Fortunately, Murong Yun had not taken any action and Jing Han had not taken any action, so the two parties could remain calm. Jinghan said, "However, this calmness will not last long."

  Judging from Princess Qinglang’s virtues, sooner or later she will still have a quarrel with her.

“I don’t care, but if her daughter bullies Liujin again, I won’t bear it anymore and I’ll just let Liujin do it.”

Anyway, it was just a fight between children, and if word spread, the Green Wolf King would be embarrassed.

 She has endured it long enough and cannot tolerate it again.

"But now I can't speak first, and I can't give the other party any leverage. It's better to wait for her incompetent daughter to make the first move."

She told Liujin who was being bullied and who was being taken advantage of.

 Liu Jin is usually stupid, but he is still very smart at critical moments.

Just as we were chatting, we saw the palace maid coming in a hurry.

“Madam, it’s not good, the third lady got into a fight with the little princess at the women’s college.”

 “What?” So fast?

Jinghan quickly stood up and looked at the pavilion opposite. Sure enough, Princess Qinglang also stood up and glared at Jinghan fiercely.

Jing Han made a sound, turned around and walked out of the pavilion, going to visit the women's college.

 The Blue Wolf Princess is also going.

They sent someone to talk to the imperial concubine and then left the palace together.

Sister Ying followed, and so did the other ladies, most of whom wanted to watch the show.

 “Do you need to tell the men about this?”

Jinghan nodded, "If you want it, tell them so they can prepare in advance."


Sister Ying asked someone to tell Jing Shirong and Murong Yun, and then she and Jing Han took a carriage to the women's college.

 The Green Wolf Princess has also arrived.

 The two got out of the car at the same time and glared at each other again.

 After entering, they saw two children sitting on the ground with bruises and swollen faces, and the doctor was applying medicine to them.

Sister Ying saw Liu Jin with scratches all over her face. She was startled and struck preemptively, "Ah, why are you still scratching people's faces? The most precious thing about a girl is this face."

Everyone followed her voice and looked at Liu Jin. Sure enough, they saw another long blood stain on her fair face, which looked particularly shocking.

Jinghan was trembling even more with anger and glared at the young princess, "Which evil-hearted person can scratch the girl's face without fear of being struck by lightning!"

After hearing this, Princess Qinglang became angry, "Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about being evil-hearted?"

Jinghan confronted her, "Whoever scratches my daughter's face has a vicious heart. Otherwise, no normal person would scratch a little girl's face!"

This is true. How can a normal person scratch this little girl's face? It is indeed a bit vicious.

Seeing that everyone's balance was tilting towards Jing Han, they all looked at them with reproachful eyes, and Princess Qinglang quit.

“Who knows what bad things your daughter has done to make people angry? Don’t look innocent and pretend to be someone else.”

Jinghan sneered, "I would like to know what my daughter has done that is unforgivable and makes people angry, where is the master!"

The master was frightened to death and walked out tremblingly.

 “Mrs. Princess”

Jinghan asked her to say, "Tell me, what's going on today? How come my daughter, who is so good, was caught in the act? Who is so vicious!"

 (End of this chapter)

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