The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1047: , six pounds was scratched in the face

Chapter 1047, Liu Jin was scratched in the face

The master glanced at the angry Jing Han tremblingly, and then at the Qinglang Princess with an evil look on her face. Knowing that these two were not easy to mess with, she secretly thought that it would be over today.

Jinghan glared at her and told her, "Master, just tell the truth, tell me everything about today, let everyone listen, what kind of vicious person can scratch someone's face!"

 She said something vicious on the left and vicious on the right, which made Princess Qinglang get angry.

"You are so vicious. You always say a child is vicious. How can you rest assured?"

Jing Han sneered, "What are you angry about, Princess? I didn't say you were vicious. My daughter was scratched on the face. The **** wound was so big that it's hard to say whether she was disfigured or not. If the person who did this kind of thing is not vicious, then what is it?" vicious?"

“If it were your daughter’s face that was scratched, maybe the scolding you would give me would be worse than mine.”


These words made Princess Qinglang speechless.

She glanced at her daughter on the ground and saw that her clothes were messy and she had no wounds on her body. She had no excuse to scream.

 Finally, he asked the master, "Tell me what's going on."

The master trembled and spoke clearly, "Today in the talent class, when Miss Murong played the piano, the little princess said that her playing sounded like a pig's squealing, and she was not worthy of being on stage."

“Miss Murong was so angry that she retorted, saying that she was rude and unqualified.”

“The little princess got angry after hearing this and smashed Miss Murong’s piano.”

“Miss Murong felt distressed and immediately stood up to argue, and the two started fighting. Finally, the little princess became violent and grabbed Miss Murong’s face, which frightened us all.”

What the master said made everyone look at the princess with contempt.

I never expected that she could be so vicious at such a young age.

 Just go to class well, why do you say someone is squealing like a pig and scratch their face? It's so vicious.

 When you go back, you have to tell your sons at home and ask them to stay away from this little princess, so as not to marry a poisonous woman in the future.

Princess Qinglang naturally noticed everyone's disdainful looks and pointed at the master angrily, "You are talking nonsense. My daughter is kind-hearted, how could she do such a thing! You must have accepted other people's money to frame my daughter like this."

The master shook his head and said, "I don't dare. What happened just now was seen by more than twenty children. You will know if I lied. Just ask the children."

 The children nodded unanimously, but they didn't dare to lie about this.

 After all, if you stand in line randomly, you will be beaten by adults, so you'd better tell the truth.

Jinghan saw the children all nodding, and immediately pointed angrily at Princess Qinglang.

"Look, look, this is your good daughter. She is so bad-hearted at such a young age. She is so unqualified to bully a child at just a few years old!"

 “Who do you think has no quality?”

Princess Qinglang still wanted to quibble, "I think this matter is very strange. You may have bribed the master to give false testimony. Who doesn't know that your family has a lot of money? You must have bribed these people to frame my daughter." of."

He actually brought all the children with him.

After hearing this, the other ladies’ eyes were filled with anger, and they all stood aside with their daughters, looking angry.

This is the first time they have seen Qinglang Princess being so incompetent to frame someone.

 I thought that since her husband was powerful, she was also a good person.

I didn’t expect her to be such a fool, unable to calm down at all, and just blaming the blame on the children in just a few words, which really ruined everyone’s impression of the Blue Wolf King.

Some people with a higher background than her immediately stood up and said with disdain, "What the princess said is really ridiculous. Our children have been carefully educated since childhood. Children of aristocratic families will not make false statements for those few taels of silver." , I hope you will speak carefully."

 After saying that, he took the child, threw up his sleeves and left.

 The first person left, and the rest also left one after another, and they all felt unlucky.

Princess Qinglang didn't expect that their faces would change in the blink of an eye, and her hands were shaking with anger, "You guys." You were so peaceful just now, why did you turn traitor in the blink of an eye.

 The only ones left were those who were born inferior to her and wanted to curry favor with her.

They even felt that they had a chance to show off, so they came over and said to her. "Princess, is there any misunderstanding about this? The little princess is usually lively and cute, how could she be so hurtful? I guess there is some misunderstanding."

Princess Qinglang was awakened and changed her mind, "That's right, my daughter has always been lively and cute. It's impossible to scratch your daughter for no reason. What bad thing did your daughter do to make her so angry?"

“Furthermore, the injury on her face may have been caused by her falling onto the strings, and it was definitely not caused by my daughter.”

Jinghan laughed angrily, "Now I understand why the little princess is so incompetent. I guess it was you who taught her."

“He is full of lies and nonsense, and he dares to tell lies in front of everyone. It’s really ridiculous.”

“Liujin, tell me what’s going on.”

Sister Ying had just applied the plaster that she always brought with her on Liujin. This stopped the bleeding on the wound on her face, but her face was still red and looked shocking.

 But Sister Ying carefully inspected her wound, and even though it looked fierce, the actual wound was not deep.

 But the injury on the face is really irritating.

Little girls all love beauty. No matter how big the wound is, if there are scars, they will definitely be sad and cry in the future.

 Six pounds of this will be applied and bitten before coming back to consciousness.

As soon as he saw his mother coming, he slowly stood up and hugged Jinghan, crying, "Mom, the little princess beat me and scratched my face, wuwu~"

Sister Ying quickly said, "Don't cry, tears are not good for the wound, please bear with it for now."

When Xiao Liujin heard this, he immediately held back.

  She is usually so pretty, but now that she was caught in the act, she was really sad.

Jinghan felt distressed and angry, "What's going on? Is that what Master said? The little princess scolded you first, then beat you, and then scratched your face, right?"

 Xiao Liujin nodded.

"Yes, I was good at playing the piano, but she first said that I played like a pig, and that I couldn't get on the stage. I retorted, and she smashed my piano. Then I pushed her away, and she hit me."

So the two people started fighting.

 Xiao Liujin only hit the opponent's arms and back, deliberately avoiding his face.

 But the other party pushed directly into her face, deliberately trying to scratch her face.

 As if he knew that scratching her face would destroy her. He was really vicious.

After Jinghan heard this, he pointed angrily at Princess Qinglang, "This matter is not over yet! I will enter the palace now and ask Your Majesty to provide us with justice. Let's see how you continue to quibble."


 Princess Qinglang did not expect that the matter would be so serious, so she hurriedly grabbed her.

"you come back!"

“This matter hasn’t been clarified yet, so why should you enter the palace?”

She also knew that once she entered the palace, it would definitely be her family's problem. After all, the little princess's face was not injured, but there was so much blood on her face that she was the victim. "

If the emperor knew that her daughter was such a bully, he would definitely scold her.

 Her reputation will be in disrepute by then.

 “No, you can’t go!”

 (End of this chapter)

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