The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1048: , entering the palace theory

Chapter 1048, The theory of entering the palace

Jinghan was grabbed by his sleeve and angrily said, "Let go!"

 Princess Qinglang is naturally not loose.

She has now realized the seriousness and lowered her attitude and said, "Well, let me apologize to you first. Children are at the age that even a dog would hate. It's normal to fight and fight. Don't make such a fuss. Whose child has not yet It’s time for a fight.”

Jinghan sneered, "What you said is really funny. It's not your daughter who got hurt. Of course you don't feel bad."

“If I let Liu Jin scratch a long **** on your daughter’s face, would you do it?”

"If you agree, the matter will be considered even. If you don't agree, we will go to the palace and ask His Majesty for comment."

 The Qinglang Princess’s eyes widened, “You.”

 “You can’t be more merciful, the little princess is still a child!”

Jinghan sneered, "My six pounds is one year older than your little princess, why can't you be more kind?"

“Anyway, the injury on my daughter’s face is a serious matter, and I won’t just let it go!”

The Qinglang Princess didn’t know what to do, so she had no choice but to grit her teeth and move out the man.

“Is it possible that you really want to go against my prince? Do you want to be an enemy of our family?”

She thought that by saying this, Jing Han would turn big things into small things and small things into nothingness.

Jing Han was not afraid, and gave her a cold look, "Your daughter injured my daughter, but you got involved with the Green Wolf King. What, you want to threaten me with your identity as a prince?"

"If this matter gets out, I would like to see what your Majesty says!"

 After saying that, he took the six pounds and went directly into the palace.

When Princess Qinglang saw that she had actually entered the palace, she panicked and sent people to find King Qinglang.

After Murong Yun found out about this, his face became even more angry.

 He stormed into the palace angrily.

The Green Wolf King also hurriedly entered the palace, angry that his own princess was stupid and that Murong Yun's woman was unforgiving.

  Two men met at the palace gate, and neither of them gave the other a good look this time.

Murong Yun originally wanted to give the emperor face and not have a direct conflict with his son, so he tolerated it again and again.

 But people didn’t seem to realize that he was giving face, and thought he didn’t dare to take action. It was really ridiculous.

If it were not for the sake of peace between the two parties, he would not endure it again and again and let Liu Jin be bullied.

 But the family did not educate their daughter when they returned, and still let the **** come out to bully others.

It’s really funny when I think about it now. Not only did my concession not make others grateful, but it actually made the other person’s temper worse. It’s really funny.

Murong Yun entered the palace with a cold face. When he arrived at the palace, he saw Jinghan's family telling the emperor the whole story and even showing the emperor the injury on Liu Jin's face.

 She deliberately refused to wash Liujin's face and asked her to show the evidence to the emperor with the blood on her face and the mess on her body.

Princess Qinglang also came with the little princess. Unfortunately, the little princess didn’t have any injuries on her face. The injuries were all on her back. She couldn’t take off her clothes to show others.

The emperor already knew the whole story, but he did not respond immediately. Instead, he waited for Jinghan to finish speaking before asking Princess Qinglang.

 “Is this true?”

Princess Qinglang was still afraid of the emperor's majesty, so she knelt down tremblingly, "Your Majesty, the little princess is ignorant. She is at an age that even dogs would dislike. I think it was a child who was quarreling and accidentally injured her. It was definitely not intentional."

Jinghan sneered and did not argue with her. Instead, he shed tears and said to the emperor. "Your Majesty, it's not just a day or two for the little princess to bully my six-pound family. At that time, I thought that it was normal for children to fight, but I always taught her that hitting people should not be picked on others, and she has always been obedient. ”

“Who would have known that not only was I being isolated by the little princess every day, but I was also attacked. Look at the face of being arrested, how good will the future be for you?”

“Normal people know not to slap a little girl in the face, why is the little princess so cruel~~”

 As he spoke, he began to cry softly.

She cried so miserably that Princess Qinglang immediately retorted, "Children fight without restraint. The little princess just wanted to push her away, not to catch her on purpose. This must be a misunderstanding."

  In any case, she just bit the little princess without any intention, and she absolutely cannot admit this crime.

Jing Han sneered in his heart, but his face was still sad and crying, "The little princess is no longer three or five years old. She can still distinguish between pushing someone and grabbing someone's face. Look at the scratches on Liujin's face, it is clear that he deliberately scratched someone from the front. Yes, my poor daughter."

“It’s okay to be isolated in the academy on weekdays. I think it’s better to do less than to do more. I also reminded you that I hope you can educate your children well. Who knew that you didn’t teach at all, and even told other children not to play with Liu Jin.”

"Forget it. For the sake of harmony between the two families, we have been holding back. Who knew that the little princess would actually get worse and bully people so harshly. If she didn't educate her, who knew what else she would do."

Jinghan was so disrespectful, and Princess Qinglang was also angry.

"Why don't I educate her? It's obviously because your daughter is not lovable. Otherwise, why wouldn't other children play with her?"

Jinghan sneered, "Now I have to ask what the little princess said to the other children. There are some things I dare not say directly for fear of offending others."

Hearing this, the emperor moved his eyebrows and said, "Say."

 With the emperor's consent, Jing Han said it.

“Your Majesty, these words were all said by the children in the alley when I went to pick them up.

“They said they don’t like the little princess either, but the little princess has a domineering mother and a powerful father. If we don’t listen to her, we will be retaliated against.”

"He also said that the princess is the best at blackmailing people. If the little princess goes back to complain, my mother will have to give expensive gifts to apologize, so we better not go against the little princess."

 As soon as these words came out, not to mention the Blue Wolf Princess, even the Blue Wolf King's eyes widened.

 “You’re talking nonsense.”

Jing Han knew that they didn't believe it, "Your Majesty, not only the wife heard this, but also the vendors in the alley. There were eight or nine people there at the time. There were also some children among them. ”

 The emperor's face dropped when he heard this.

He gave the Green Wolf King a cold look.

 “What do you think about this?”

The green wolf king's forehead was dripping with sweat. He knelt down and said, "Father, this is because the child is neglectful and has no time to educate the child. It's also my fault that the princess is too indulgent. When I get back, I will educate the little princess well and make her behave. Be a good person."

“As for what the children said, I think it’s just children’s imagination. After all, the children are not very old, so it’s normal for them to have misunderstandings.”

 You can't admit that the princess is greedy for money, otherwise it will be over.

 The emperor had already made a judgment in his mind and looked at Murong Yun, "Does Murong Aiqing have anything to say?"

Murong Yun stepped forward and bowed in reply, "I have heard what people say about the children, but this is the matter of the Green Wolf King, and I cannot get involved. What I am concerned about now is that my child was scratched by the little princess. ”

"Xiaojun took the initiative to use his power to let other children isolate my child. This minister has nothing to say, but she scratched my child's face, and I must give an explanation for this."

“Otherwise, everyone would think that if the princess scratches someone, it can be ignored. Then what justice is there?”

 (End of this chapter)

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