Chapter 1049, Punished

"It is said that princes who break the law are as guilty as the common people. This is how your Majesty taught the princes back then."

“I think that His Majesty the Green Wolf King will definitely need you to pass on the true story, and you will give me an explanation.”

 The emperor nodded after hearing this and looked at the Green Wolf King, "This is a trouble caused by your little princess. You can solve it yourself."

Green Wolf King clenched his fists. He didn't expect Murong Yun to be so disrespectful, but he still had to pretend to be sincere.

 “Yes, this matter is indeed the negligence of my son.”

 He knew that this matter had already aroused the emperor's resentment. If he did not resolve it properly and gain points from his father, it would be even more difficult for his future in the future.

So he looked at the Qinglang Princess, raised his hand and slapped her in the face.

“I asked you to educate your children well. Is this how you educate them?”

 This slap was meant for Murong Yun.

 Princess Qinglang did not expect that he would hit someone directly, and looked unbelievable.

"You hit me?"

"You are the one who is beating me. What has happened to the innocent and lively little princess you have manipulated me into? Now she even beats children, and you still say that this is not your responsibility?"

 Princess Qinglang understood that this was to make her take the blame.

She shed tears and immediately went over to apologize to Jinghan, "I was wrong about this. I thought it was normal for children to play and fight, but I didn't expect that she would scratch Liu Jin's face. I was shocked when I saw it. , I doted on my child too much, I will educate her well when I get back, please forgive me this time."

 She was a princess crying and begging, what do you want Jinghan to say.

Jinghan looked at Murong Yun and secretly wondered why this couple was so disgusting.

 Scratching people's faces, crying and thinking about it, I have never seen such shameless behavior.

Murong Yun thought the same as her, but after all, he was calm and said to Jing Han, "The princess has said so, what else can you do? Just swallow this grievance yourself, my daughter's face can only be like this."

  It means there is nothing you can do about it, and you look like you are helpless.

As soon as Murong Yun said these words, it seemed as if the Green Wolf King and his wife were using their power to oppress others.

 It made both the Green Wolf Princess and the Blue Wolf King choke.

They thought it would be over after apologizing, but they did not expect that the other party would not accept the move or step down.

 Now they are neither advancing nor retreating.

The emperor glanced at Murong Yun and secretly thought that a profiteer was a profiteer. After finally trying to smooth things over, he dragged him back lightly.

 It seems that this matter cannot be solved without giving him a solution.

So the emperor made a decision, "The prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. Your daughter should atone for her sins by scratching her face."

“From today on, there is no need to go to the Princess’s Female Academy. You can just ask your master to teach you at home.”

“Also, you are responsible for the money someone pays for medical treatment. The medical expenses will not be calculated until the six pounds of face is healed.”

“Finally, Princess Qinglang has not been educated properly. She has been reflecting on this at home for the past three months. She has not thought about how to educate her children, so she should not go out.”

  Meaning to ground her.

Princess Qinglang didn't expect the punishment to be so severe. If people knew that she was grounded because of improper education, and her daughter couldn't go to a women's college, wouldn't she lose her face?

 “Your Majesty.”

 But the emperor’s decision was determined and could not be changed.

"There is also the Green Wolf King. You are also responsible for this matter. Even if you have the ability, if you cannot manage the family well, your moral character will also suffer. You can handle the water control in the south. If you can't handle it well, you don't have to come back."

There is a big flood every year in the south. Of the ten people who go there, three or five will always come back missing. They are either drowned or washed away.

The emperor was already entangled in who to choose for this matter. Now that the Green Wolf King made a mistake, he was asked to make up for it.

The Green Wolf King thought for a while, and if this matter can achieve merit, it should be able to make up for the fault, so he agreed.

“My sons and ministers will do their best to share the worries of the people.”

 As for Murong Yun’s family, the emperor also compensated them. Now, both the compensation and the punishment were given, so Murong Yun naturally said nothing more.

 “Your Majesty is wise.”

 The emperor said with a cold face, "Step back."

 After the matter was settled, the two families left the palace together.

 At this time, the two families were officially feuding.

 When they left the palace, the Qinglang King and his wife both looked at Murong Yun and Jing Han fiercely.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong were waiting in the carriage at the door, and saw the hostile eyes of the Green Wolf King and his wife.

After Murong Yun and others got in the car, Sister Ying asked, "How is it? What did your Majesty say?"

Jinghan held the six pounds in his arms and said, "I've given you a punishment. The princess will be grounded, and the little princess will not be able to attend a women's college in the future."

This kind of punishment is the most severe for nobles who care about face.

Jinghan looked at the injuries on Liu Jin’s face and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the injuries were not serious.

 “Fortunately, the wound is not deep, otherwise I wouldn’t even be relieved.”

Liujin changed his sad face at this time, and said with a smile, "Mom, it's okay, it's just a small scratch, and the blood is actually the paint we used in the painting class.

After taking the ink painting class, she didn't wash her hands in time. Her hands were covered with red paint, and with sweat, the color looked like bleeding.

At that time, after the fight with the little princess, her face hurt, so she reached out to wipe it, and then she wiped the blood on her face, which was actually red paint.

Jinghan said "Huh?", stretched out his hand to wipe it, put it to his nose and smelled it. Sure enough, it was the smell of paint.

 “You’re such a bad girl, it’s actually paint, it scares me to death.”

 I thought she was bleeding so much.

 Xiao Liujin also realized it later, "I didn't know it at the time."

The beating was very hot and my face hurt from being scratched, so I reached out and touched it to see if it was serious.

Who knew I still had paint on my hands?

Jinghan felt bitter and held her face to take a closer look, "By the way, why are you so stupid? You can't hide when someone scratches your face?"

 Xiao Liujin also sighed, "Then I didn't know she could scratch her face."

 Normal people would not scratch someone’s face unless it was intentional.

She really didn't expect it at the time, and by the time she realized it, it was too late to hide.

 Fortunately, the injury was not deep. If it did leave a scar, I might not be able to get over it for the rest of my life.

Murong Yun also looked at her with a look of disdain, "She scratched your face, but you didn't know how to grab it back."

 Xiao Liujin, "I wanted to catch him at that time, but the master had already pulled us away, so there was no chance."

Otherwise she wouldn’t have been beaten for nothing.

"Besides, I punched her several times, all in the back, and she wasn't much better."

Jinghan tutted at her, "I can't see my back, just like you. You're injured on your face. From now on, you'll have a bad face and people will make irresponsible remarks when you go out. How about you?"

 Xiao Liujin shrugged, "I've been bullied, and you still scold me, huh."

Jing Han sighed deeply, "Isn't it because I think you react slowly? I'll give you a few words. If you react quickly, you won't get caught like this. Please remember better next time."

"Know it."

Sister Ying asked, "Your Majesty punishes you like this. The Green Wolf King must have a grudge, right?"

Looking at the hateful look in his eyes just now, it seemed as if he wanted to devour Jinghan and his wife.

 (End of this chapter)

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